Cats are very affectionate and at the same time freedom-loving creatures that have long been living next to people. During such a long coexistence, breeders managed to breed more than a hundred different breeds, very different from each other. Some of them have a luxurious fluffy fur coat, others have a touching flattened muzzle, and others attract attention with unusual bent ears and huge eyes. We present to your attention a review and description of the most beautiful cats and kittens.
The ancestors of modern representatives of this breed lived in the XVI century. Then they were a little like the current Persians and did not have a flattened snub nose. They acquired these signs much later thanks to the focused work of American and British breeders.
Getting a Persian, one must remember that from the most beautiful kitten in the world very soon a powerful squat animal weighing 5-8 kg will grow up. Particularly noteworthy is a massive head with a flattened muzzle, a poked nose, huge round eyes and a strong chin. The denser wide body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with luxurious fluffy wool of almost any color.
Those who could not resist and decided to buy the most beautiful kitten in the world should be prepared for the fact that from this day they will have to regularly look after their pet. It will take longer to comb and trim the thick long hair of the Persian. If this is not done, then a luxurious fur coat will quickly lose its attractive and healthy appearance.
These animals were bred in the USA in the middle of the 20th century. They appeared as a result of crossing a regular domestic cat with a wild bengal rescued from the hands of poachers. Several decades of purposeful breeding work bore fruit, and in the early 90s of the last century representatives of the new breed began to be shown at specialized exhibitions.
Those who are so fascinated by bengals that dare to purchase the most beautiful kitten in the world, need to be prepared for the fact that in just a few months a small copy of the leopard will live side by side with them, weighing up to 8 kg. The stretched muscular body and long hind limbs remind of kinship with wild predators, and the gullible and curious nature allows pets to easily find a common language with people.
Silky and short shiny spotted fur coat of these animals does not require special care. It must be periodically combed with a special brush and washed as necessary with shampoo diluted in warm water. You can feed a bengal just like any other domestic cat.
American curl
In 1981, residents of a small California town, while walking, accidentally found two cute and beautiful kittens, whose ears turned out to be the most unusual appearance. Subsequently, one of them became the ancestor of a new breed known as the American Curl.
These are relatively small animals, the weight of which varies between 4-6 kg. On a wedge-shaped, smoothly outlined head without pronounced sharp angles, beautiful oval eyes and wide ears with the tips bent outward attract the eye. The muscular body of the American curl is covered with thin, shiny, silky hair of almost any color.
These kind, affectionate and playful creatures remain mischievous fidgets until old age. They do not require special conditions of detention and special nutrition. Care for them boils down to a systematic combing of wool and cutting of claws.
The appearance of these animals, whose babies can claim the right to be called the most beautiful kittens in the world, we owe to California breeders. Back in the 60s, their attention was attracted by the pet Josephine, who was famous for her extremely flexible disposition. She was tied to a Burmese cat, the offspring of which gave rise to a new breed.
Ragdoll is a fairly large animal, whose weight reaches 8-12 kg. On a thick-wedge-shaped wedge-shaped head with a short but wide nose, large slanting eyes and medium, slightly rounded ears stand out. The massive, moderately stretched body is covered with silky, thick, long hair.
Ragdolls are sociable, but not annoying creatures with excellent memory and a soft, quiet voice. They quickly adapt to any conditions of detention and do not need special nutrition. Caring for it is so simple that it will not cause problems even for a teenager.
Maine Coon
The origin of these magnificent animals, the young of which many of us consider the most beautiful little kittens, is still unknown. According to one version, their ancestors were raccoons, according to another - North American lynx. But most scientists are prone to the idea that this breed appeared as a result of natural evolution.
Maine Coon is a large cat whose weight reaches 15 kg. Its large head with an elongated muzzle and powerful jaws is decorated with high pointed ears, ending with fluffy tassels. The stretched, muscular body of the animal is covered with a long awn with a dense undercoat.
Maine Coons have an independent, balanced and friendly disposition. They do not require special nutrition or special conditions of detention. Caring for it involves regular bathing, combing and clipping.
British Shorthair
Of course, the offspring of these aristocratic imposing animals can safely enter the fight for the title of the most beautiful kittens in the world. Photos of British shorthair cats, bred by English breeders, can not convey all their charm. But many people, looking at him, decide to purchase such a pet.
The British are very attractive in appearance and relatively large in size. The weight of an adult cat can be 6-9 kg. A peculiar business card of the representatives of this breed is a round head with huge expressive eyes and a dense, firmly knocked-down body covered with a short plush fur.
Calm, balanced British quickly adapt to any conditions of detention. They do not require complicated care and eat natural or dry food.
Scottish fold
Those who at least once saw photos of the most beautiful kittens with unusual curved ears, probably wanted to know more about these animals. They were bred by the Scottish shepherd William Ross. Five years after the start of breeding, the new breed gained incredible popularity among local felinologists. Scottish folds received official recognition only in 1976.
The most beautiful kittens of the breed Scottish fold fold grow in not too large animals, the weight of which rarely exceeds 6 kg. They have a rounded head with a short nose and prominent cheeks. But Scottish Folds are considered to have their ears bent forward. The proportionally folded body of a typical representative of the breed is covered with dense plush wool of white, black, blue, red, cream, silver, chinchilla, tortoise or two-tone color.
Scottish folds are unpretentious creatures that easily adapt to any conditions of detention. They do not need special nutrition or complex care. Scottish fold are incredibly clean and quickly accustomed to the tray.
The homeland of these graceful animals is considered to be Southeast Asia. There they lived at local temples and were equated with deities. The monks, who did not think about which kittens were the most beautiful, believed that the Burmese help their dead owners to go to the other world. They arrived in Europe at the end of the 19th century and seriously interested local breeders. To improve the appearance of Burmese, Siamese blood was added.
Representatives of this breed differ in relatively large sizes. Depending on gender, the weight of an adult animal reaches 6-9 kg. The muscular, proportionally folded body of the burmese is covered with short soft wool, under which there is practically no down. As for the color, it can be tortoise, purple, blue, brown or sable.
Burmese are thermophilic creatures who do not like cold. They do not tolerate loneliness and are prone to adventure. Therefore, their owners need to do everything possible to prevent possible escapes.
These furry beauties are considered the pride of Russian felinology and belong to the group of European forest cats. They belong to native breeds, the formation of which took place in harsh climatic conditions.
Looking at a cute Siberian kitten, it is hard to imagine that in a few months a fairly large animal weighing up to 9 kg will grow out of it. A strong, harmoniously developed body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with thick long hair. As for the coloring, it can be any, since the standard does not provide any restrictions.
Siberian cats from childhood are incredible cleanliness and the ability to quickly adapt to any conditions. They do not need special care, therefore even a schoolboy can take care of them. The only difficulty can occur when combing the coat. To prevent probable problems, the kitten needs to be accustomed to this procedure.