While working on a personal computer, the user may encounter many problems. Sometimes they manifest themselves directly during the session, and sometimes they appear after a reboot. This article will give beginners instructions on how to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. We will consider the many reasons for the manifestation of such a problem and, of course, ways to resolve the problem. Read the text carefully to find an effective guide to returning the taskbar.
If the panel was hidden
Let's start with the simplest option - when the panel was hidden directly by the user. If you booted up your computer and suddenly found that the taskbar was gone, first of all do not give in to panic: maybe it is just hidden. There is an effective way to check this: just move the cursor to the place where it was. If an element appears, then this is our case. Also note that in some cases it makes sense to move the cursor to all corners of the screen: it is possible that in addition to the hide option, the panel has also been moved.
Now we’ll go directly to how to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. The method in this case is only one - disable the hide option in the system settings. Here's how to do it:
- Open the Control Panel. Usually this is done through the Start menu, but now it is simply not on the screen, so we will use the Run window.
- Press Win + R on your keyboard.
- In the window that appears, enter the control command and execute it.
- After the "Control Panel" is opened, find the "Taskbar and Start" menu item in the list and open it.
- A new window will appear where you need to uncheck the box next to "Automatically hide the panel."
- Click OK.
Immediately after this, the panel should appear. If this happened, then you did everything right. All open up to this program window, you can close and enjoy the usual work on the computer.
If the panel is displayed elsewhere
It was already said a little above that the location of the taskbar can change. We must say right away that this is the fault of the user himself. Fortunately, the problem can be solved quite easily. Two instructions will now be provided on how to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. The first involves changing its location by changing the corresponding parameters in the system settings. The second method uses only the corresponding mode and mouse, with which you can change the location of the panel.
Method number 1: through the "Properties"
Let's start, perhaps, with a more time-consuming method, which is performed through the computer settings. Here is what you need to do to return the panel:
- Hover over the taskbar and right-click.
- Select "Properties."
- The window that we need will open. In it you need to set the mark "Pin."
- From the drop-down list, which is located just below, select the location, respectively, select "Bottom".
- Click on "Apply", and then click "OK."
After that you can close all windows. This was the first way to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
Method number 2: using the mouse
Actually there is a faster way how to return the panel to the bottom of the screen. As mentioned earlier, for this you only need to activate the special mode and use the mouse. Let's consider in more detail:
- First you need to unpin the taskbar. This is done by right-clicking on it and selecting "Lock taskbar". After that, the checkmark next to it should disappear.
- As soon as you unfasten the panel, a dotted strip will appear on it.
- Hover over it and hold down the left mouse button.
- Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, while the taskbar should follow the mouse.
- Once it is in place, release the button to secure it there.
This was the second way to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen when it was moved. But it happens that she just disappeared, and she is nowhere to be found.
When the panel is completely gone
Probably not all users know, but the Explorer.exe process is responsible for the taskbar, which is also responsible for the Explorer and for displaying icons on the desktop. Accordingly, if the taskbar on your computer has disappeared, and after it all the shortcuts, it means that you need to restore the Explorer.exe process. Now it will be described in detail how to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen if the broken process has become the fault.
- Press Win + R.
- In the window that appears, enter the Explorer.exe command.
- Click OK.
After some time, the panel should appear, and with it the desktop icons. Now you know all the ways to restore the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. We hope one of the instructions helped you.