The wide distribution of "Naphthyzin" is due to its instant action. After instillation, there is a narrowing of the nasal vessels, elimination of hyperemia, swelling, and exudation of the mucous membrane. The patient feels an improvement after 30 minutes.
The purpose of the drug
The short-acting preparation is intended for topical use only. Drops are used for sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, inflammation of the auditory tube, and also as a prophylactic after surgical interventions in the nose.
Features of taking "Naphthyzin"
Uncontrolled use of Naphthyzine is a common occurrence. Low cost and over-the-counter sales in pharmacies increase the number of people using drops.
With a common cold, many parents are in no hurry to seek medical help, independently determining the medicine, as well as the dosage regimen. The consequence of this can be severe poisoning, and in some cases death. The use of 10 ml of a 0.1% solution is considered a lethal dose for a child. It should be remembered that all drugs are potentially dangerous if the combination and dosage are incorrect.
The clinical picture of poisoning
Poisoning with "Naphthyzine" is a pathological condition caused by an overdose of the drug, individual intolerance to its main active substance, the use of a drug of inadequate quality or with an expired shelf life. As a rule, it is accompanied by characteristic symptoms that combine both the symptoms of typical intoxication and the manifestations inherent in naphazoline.
The clinical picture and symptoms of an overdose of "Naphthyzine" are the same in all age groups. But it is worth considering that the child’s nervous system is not able to cope with overloads, so small patients suffer several times more. With a significant excess of the dose, the effect of the solution on the human body has similarities with the effect of clonidine.
The stages of poisoning and their symptoms
With an overdose of "Naphthyzine" in children, 3 stages of poisoning are distinguished, which have their own characteristics:
- Easy. Unreasonably frivolous attitude to the use of "Naphthyzine" does not allow parents to suspect that it is he who is causing the deterioration of the child's condition. This is the main danger. The first symptoms of an overdose of "Naphthyzine" in children are taken for the manifestations of the disease, and the use of drops continues. Children fall asleep, while the duration of sleep exceeds normal. Weakness, lethargy, pallor of the skin, a sharp decrease in appetite, a slight bradycardia are noted. Hospitalization in this case is not required. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after the drug is completely discontinued.
- Medium. It requires the intervention of medical professionals to avoid the deterioration of vital signs. The body is covered with cold sweat, and the temperature drops to 36 degrees and below. The child's heartbeat is disturbed, blood pressure drops, the pupils narrow, but continue to respond to light. There is a complete rejection of food, nausea, vomiting, convulsive syndrome.
- Heavy. With this form of overdose, inhibition of the central nervous system occurs. Against the background of respiratory and cardiovascular failure, pulmonary edema develops, the child falls into a coma. The pulse and pressure drops to critical levels, cyanosis appears in some areas of the skin, numbness of the extremities is noted. There are pauses in the work of the heart lasting more than 2 seconds. In the absence of urgent measures, the likelihood of developing irreversible effects on the body is high. If the child is in serious condition, the emergency team will take him to the nearest intensive care unit. Currently, fatal cases from an overdose of "Naphthyzine" have been reported among children who accidentally drank a drug from vials.
Each child is individual, therefore, others can join the above symptoms. If any manifestations of intoxication are detected, you should immediately seek medical help. Refusal of hospitalization is unacceptable.
First aid medical care
In all cases, after an overdose, it is necessary to stop taking "Naphthyzinum", call an ambulance and monitor the condition of the child. Self-treatment of poisoning can lead to serious consequences. The decision about hospitalization is made only by the doctor.
When providing first aid in case of an overdose of "Naphthyzine" in children, it is important to correctly assess the general condition, measure the pulse and temperature. All indicators should be recorded. The victim must not be left unattended. The child must remain conscious before the ambulance arrives, for this it is necessary to constantly talk with the victim. It should be laid on the bed, covered with a warm blanket and calm. Do not give milk. It will contribute to a more rapid penetration of the drug into the circulatory system.
Overdose when taking the medicine inside
Treatment for an overdose of "Naphthyzine" in children as a result of oral administration should begin with gastric lavage. For this, the child should drink several glasses of warm water and provoke vomiting, irritating the root of the tongue. It is strictly forbidden to use potassium permanganate. The procedure is repeated several times, and only if the child is conscious. At the end of washing, sorbing agents should be taken, for example, activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of weight. Stimulation of vomiting is useless if more than 30 minutes have passed since ingestion.
In case of loss of consciousness, it is necessary to monitor the pulse and breathing before the ambulance arrives. When they stop, the only way to save life is through indirect heart massage and mechanical ventilation.
Treatment features
Treatment of a patient who has been poisoned by nasal drops begins with intravenous administration of atropine sulfate. Upon arrival at the hospital, a patient takes a biochemical blood test to determine the degree of intoxication. An electrocardiogram is mandatory. The average course of treatment is 1 to 3 days. The patient discharges after a full recovery of normal health.
Symptomatic therapy is selected, depending on the clinical picture. Gastric lavage in a hospital is performed using a special gastric tube. To cleanse the blood prescribed "Polysorb" or "Neosmectin." With severe poisoning, glucocorticosteroid hormones cannot be dispensed with. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable. The components of the drug are rapidly excreted from the body.
Remember, with an overdose of "Naphthyzine" in children, the symptoms and treatment of which can only be determined by a doctor, you must call an ambulance.
Poison Prevention
Over the past three years, the number of Naftizin poisoning has increased by 30%. According to statistics, the largest number of victims was recorded in the age group from 1 year to 3 years. Timely reaction of relatives and qualified medical help helps to save children even when swallowing "Naftizin". But it is much easier to prevent poisoning than to treat its consequences. When using vasoconstrictor drops, the following rules should be followed:
- Treatment of nasal congestion should begin with a consultation with a doctor who will select the optimal dosage and duration of treatment. The percentage of solution should be appropriate for the age of the child. Drops of 0.025-0.05% are acceptable for use. It is strictly forbidden to bury the product for infants. A negative reaction may appear even after a single application.
- Be sure to study the packaging, paying particular attention to the expiration date. Expired funds should be disposed of immediately. Parental negligence can cost a child a life. Shelf life can not exceed 3 years from the date of production. However, it is better to play it safe and not use the drug a month before its end.
- Increasing the dose does not affect the effectiveness of the drug, but, on the contrary, is harmful to the body.
- Carefully read the instructions. It is impossible to instill a preparation more often than 1 time in 6-8 hours.
- Use a dropper. Inconvenient plastic packaging often leads to excessive instillation, more than 5 times. It is especially easy to skip an overdose if the child uses the medicine on his own. All manipulations should be carried out only by parents.
- Do not store Naphthyzinum in places accessible to children. All medicines should be cleaned in special cases on the upper shelves.
- Alternate with other vasoconstrictor drops. Instead of instillation "Naphthyzinum" can be used as lotions. To do this, cotton swabs are impregnated with a solution of 0.05% and placed in each nostril for 2 minutes.
Contraindications when taking "Naphthyzin"
Be sure to read the contraindications column for taking the drug in the instructions. Contraindications include: diabetes mellitus, angle-closure glaucoma, atrophic rhinitis, individual intolerance.
Pregnant women and mothers who have breast-fed children are also strictly forbidden to use the drug in the treatment of the common cold.
Be careful!
"Naphthyzine" is a toxic drug, it should be prescribed only by a doctor, and the course of treatment cannot exceed 7 days. It should be remembered that this remedy does not cure the disease, but only helps to temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. A dangerous side effect of the drug is a quick addiction to it. Pediatricians recommend using safer and more effective analogues for treating a cold in children.
Recently, the problem of poisoning with vasoconstrictor drops is relevant, since the number of incidents is constantly growing. Many parents are not even aware of the danger. Therefore, doctors insist on widespread coverage of this problem in the media.