Vitamins "Elevit": instructions for use during pregnancy, composition, reviews

During pregnancy, it is very important to eat properly in order to provide your body with vitamins and minerals important for the development of crumbs. If there are not enough of them, then it is highly likely that the baby will be born with various vices, and this will not be allowed by any future mother. In addition, vitamin deficiency can affect her body in the most negative way. It provokes brittle nails, hair loss, skin problems, weakness, depression, and also increases toxicosis several times. Based on all this, pregnant women and women planning to become mothers acquire special vitamin complexes for themselves, among which “Elevit” is more trusted. The instruction for this drug informs that it can be taken at any stage of pregnancy and in the process of preparing for it. Also quite often, this complex is drunk during breastfeeding and in the recovery period after childbirth.

The instructions for use to "Elevit" gives quite comprehensive information about all the nuances of using this tool, but it still raises a lot of questions and doubts among women. We will tell readers about everything they need to know when acquiring this vitamin complex.

taking "Elevita" during pregnancy

Why take vitamins during pregnancy?

Despite the fact that the benefits of multivitamin complexes are extremely difficult to overestimate, some women believe that during pregnancy they are varied enough to eat to make up for the lack of necessary substances. However, experts argue that this is impossible. The fact is that even an ordinary woman in order to provide herself with vitamins will need to eat several kilograms of different foods per day. Physically, not a single person is capable of this, and if we talk about pregnant women, the amount of these products increases significantly. Therefore, when planning to start a crumb, do not even hope that you can do without special drugs like Elevit (the instructions for it describe in detail the benefits and possible side effects of the drug).

Unfortunately, most women will learn about their interesting situation even when the process of forming the internal organs of the crumbs is in full swing, which means it will be extremely difficult to help and provide your body with everything necessary as soon as possible. But if you start taking the Vitamin Complex “Elevit” (the instructions for use contain a list of indications describing special cases), then it is likely that within one or two weeks a real supply of vitamins, minerals and trace elements will form in the body. Therefore, most women, when they are shown the reception of such funds, prefer "Elevit Pronatal." According to information provided by the manufacturer, it covers more than eighty percent of the daily requirement of pregnant women for vitamins and minerals. In addition, the Swiss quality, which distinguishes the drug, cannot but impress our compatriots.

taking vitamins during pregnancy

Swiss Benefits

The instruction for the use of Elevit vitamins and the advertising campaign of the drug position him as a leader whom the vast majority of women of different age categories trust in Russia. And this is a very real indicator, since the vitamin complex has a number of obvious advantages over similar remedies.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that “Elevit” (the instructions list all the components of the complex in detail) was developed specifically for the body of pregnant women and those who only plan to become a mother. That is, taking this drug, you can be sure that the future baby will receive everything necessary for its proper development.

One of the features of "Elevit" is a high content of folic acid. It is urgently needed in the first trimester of pregnancy to form the fetal nervous system and reduce the risks of other malformations.

It is noteworthy that the manufacturer managed to prove with a large number of clinical trials that his complex is truly effective in order to minimize possible deviations in the development of the child. If desired, these data can be obtained from the instructions for "Elevit", but they are described in more detail on the manufacturer's website.

It is known that the timely use of vitamins significantly reduces the negative symptoms of pregnancy, which most women face in the first trimester. It is especially important that women taking Elevit during pregnancy (the instruction does not provide information on this topic) are less likely to show toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting. And cases of severe toxicosis in this category of women are not detected at all.

Focusing on all of the above, we can conclude that it is the Swiss Elevit vitamins that are the means that you can, without a doubt, acquire as soon as you first think about the baby.

pregnancy planning

Planning a pregnancy

In the instructions for vitamins "Elevit" one of the indications for use is pregnancy planning. Usually this process takes up to six months and it includes all kinds of examinations, as well as preparing the body for the unborn baby by saturating it with useful and vital substances.

Keep in mind that if you go through all the examinations and take the tests, but don’t take care of the multivitamin complex, you’ll get a high risk of having a baby with various malformations. Indeed, in the very first days after conception, a rapid restructuring begins in the mother's body, and all vital organs are laid in the crumb body. And during this period, it is imperative that vitamins and minerals be enough to form a healthy baby. Those who have taken Elevit in advance (the instructions and reviews indicate that such an approach to pregnancy is the most correct) will not have to worry about the fact that they will have any health problems at this stage, because their body will there is a large supply of necessary substances. Thus, the expectant mother not only feels calm for the baby, but is also well-being, which positively affects the mood of the woman and all members of her family. In such a situation, chances are good that pregnancy will be easy.

replenishment of necessary substances during pregnancy

Vitamin intake during pregnancy: indications

Pregnancy almost doubles a woman's need for vitamins and minerals, and this need cannot be ignored. After all, the health of the baby and its mother depends on how much the female body can provide the fetus with the necessary substances.

Many women believe that it is possible to compensate for the deficiency of vitamins by products. But in fact, and this we have already noted in the previous sections of the article, this can be done no more than twenty percent. Otherwise, you must rely on vitamin complexes. In the instructions for the Elevit vitamins for pregnant women, several paragraphs are highlighted in which it is noted that women can take them without any harm to their health for the entire nine months. However, it should be borne in mind that the doctor must determine the need for taking the drug. Otherwise, the use of the drug is not justified, because it is possible that in your particular case the body copes with pregnancy perfectly and already has certain reserves of the necessary substances.

Breastfeeding period

Any drug should be used according to the instructions for use. During pregnancy, "Elevit" is shown to many women, but after they often forget about taking vitamins. And they do it absolutely in vain. After all, after nine months of continuous supply of the baby with nutrients and stress, which is childbirth, the mother’s body is extremely depleted and cannot fully give the baby what it needs to grow with breast milk.

Breastfeeding experts often advise women not to stop taking vitamin complexes for this period. And it is better if you drink a familiar and proven drug that has proven itself to be good for pregnant women. The instructions for "Elevit" indicate that lactation is not a contraindication to the appointment of this complex. And the reviews of women and gynecologists confirm that the Swiss remedy helped them avoid vitamin deficiency and supported excellent health during the period of hepatitis B. They also noted that there was always enough milk and the baby grew rapidly, gaining weight.

vitamin complex

Postpartum Recovery

Of course, the Elevit is intended primarily for pregnant women. The instructions for the use of this category of customers pay most attention, but doctors recommend this complex as a supporting tool in order to recover faster after childbirth and get in shape.

A weakened mother's body needs a lot of strength to care for a child. After all, it is known that a woman who has recently given birth experiences serious physical, psychological and emotional stress. Even a healthy person will find it difficult to look after a baby that requires attention day and night. And what can we say about the mother, who recently survived childbirth and has not yet recovered from this difficult process.

Many women are known to experience postpartum depression. It is not always possible to diagnose it in time and then it becomes protracted. Most often, this problem is characterized by a breakdown, unwillingness to communicate with other people, constant drowsiness, increased irritability and other similar symptoms. According to the reviews of young mothers, the use of "Elevita" during pregnancy (the instruction confirms this) and during the first three months after giving birth significantly reduces the manifestations of depression and allows the body to quickly get into the antenatal form. Therefore, women in labor are strongly recommended this complex. Moreover, some doctors even recommend drinking vitamins for at least six months in order to completely avoid the risk of prolonged depression and not treat its consequences in the future.

"Elevit Pronatal"

Short description "Elevita Pronatal"

To date, the manufacturer produces the vitamin complex in an updated package. It differs from the former in several minor details, but both versions of the drug are commercially available. Therefore, do not be surprised if you purchased packaging in one pharmacy that is different in design from your previous one. It will not be fake, which means you can safely take vitamins.

The Swiss manufacturer has developed a special formula of the drug, which fully provides the woman with important substances. One tablet of the complex contains twelve vitamins, four minerals and three trace elements. This amount is quite enough to ensure the birth of a healthy baby and to ease the mother all nine months of pregnancy.

Of course, the cost of the drug described by us is not always satisfied with future mothers. It is quite high against other similar vitamins, but the Elevit’s benefits can hardly be overestimated, and therefore, after some doubts, women are still inclined to favor it. Keep in mind that, depending on the pharmacy network, the cost of the complex ranges from one to two thousand rubles.

Vitamins "Elevit": composition

The instructions for this complex describe its composition in great detail. Buyers will be able to get reliable information about what they acquire and plan to use inside. Like many other drugs, "Elevit" has in its composition active and excipients. The first category includes the very vitamins, minerals and trace elements stated on the package. Women taking the complex every day will receive all B vitamins (12, 6, 1, 2), A, D, and C. Also, the complex contains calcium, iron, zinc, biotin, copper, manganese, phosphorus, folic acid, and etc.

The auxiliary components include eleven substances. Among them, povidone, starch, lactose and mannitol can be distinguished.

A separate group of components of the shell tablets. It consists of six substances that are harmless to pregnant and lactating women. In the process of research, not a single case of intolerance to these components was revealed.

Elevit tablets are yellowish and at risk in the center. They are produced in cardboard boxes of thirty and one hundred pieces. This amount is enough for one and three months of admission, respectively. All capsules are placed on blisters and have detailed instructions in the box.

the birth of a healthy baby

Vitamin complex "Elevit": instructions for use

In the reviews of women who took this drug, they always note that the regimen is quite simple and does not cause difficulties. Usually, the doctor prescribes one tablet per day to women. This is quite enough to provide yourself with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

In preparation for pregnancy, the capsule course lasts at least three months. In the case when "Elevit" is prescribed to women who are already expecting a baby, the reception can last for all nine months. The scheme provides for the use of vitamins for thirty days, followed by a monthly break. Then you can buy a new pack of the drug, designed for a month.

As a recovery agent after childbirth, the vitamin complex is also taken once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but usually it does not happen for less than two to three months.

In rare cases, when a woman has severe vitamin deficiency, the treatment regimen and the number of capsules needed per day are adjusted by the doctor. Keep in mind that in any case, a consultation with a doctor is required before taking the vitamin complex.

Reviews about "Elevit"

Most of the women who left their comments on the network respond positively about the vitamin complex. They note that despite the fact that the instructions nevertheless indicate some side effects such as an allergic reaction, diarrhea, constipation and headaches, such manifestations were not noticed by them. Pregnant women tolerated the intake of vitamins easily, and even those who suffered from toxicosis in the first trimester were able to drink vitamins according to the scheme without consequences.

All women to whom Elevit was prescribed had a pregnancy without complications and strong healthy babies were born. In the future, many of these mothers have repeatedly turned to this vitamin complex when hair loss occurs, skin quality deteriorates and seasonal depression. As it turned out, "Elevit" copes with these problems, and therefore it can be taken even by those who do not think about planning a pregnancy.

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