Norm for screening ultrasound 1 trimester. Screening of the first trimester: terms, standards for ultrasound, transcript of ultrasound

With the onset of pregnancy, many questions begin to bother a woman. Every expectant mother wishes her baby normal formation and development. In the early stages, there may be risks of developing certain embryo diseases. To study the condition of the baby, doctors prescribe 1 trimester screening. Standards for ultrasound (a photo of the examination is usually attached), a woman can find out from a specialist who is watching her.

What is perinatal screening?

Perinatal screening involves a study of a pregnant woman, which allows to identify various malformations of the child at the stage of fetal development. This method includes two types of examination: a biochemical blood test and ultrasound examination.

1 trimester ultrasound screening rate

– . 1 , . .

- :

  • - ;
  • .

, , . () 1 14 . .

1 : ()

, . , . 1 .

( ) , .

( )
  • 33-49
  • 42-58
  • 51-73
( )
  • 161-179 /
  • 153-177
  • 150-174
  • 147-171
  • 146-168
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14

  • 1,5 2,2
  • 1,6-2,4
  • 1,6 2,5
  • 2,7

, - 4-6 .

. , , 1 ( ), . , ( ).

ultrasound screening of the first trimester

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screening standards 1 trimester transcript by ultrasound

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  • (7-13 ), ;
  • ( 13 ), ;
  • - , ( 14 ), 1,5 , 7,8 ;
  • – ;
  • , . , . , .

. -, 1 .

screening of the first trimester of the norm for ultrasound photo

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screening of the first trimester of the norm for ultrasound of the nasal bone

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1 trimester ultrasound screening indicators

1 . . , , . , :

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15-16 . " " , ( 1 ). . , , , , .

– , . , . , 1 , . ( ) , , , .

ultrasound screening 1 trimester terms and standards

Examining the condition of the embryo, the doctor looks not only at the results of ultrasound (screening of the 1st trimester). The norms in it are as important as in the analysis of blood. Such an analysis, in addition to ultrasound examination, is carried out to determine at what level specific proteins (placental) are located. The first screening is done in the form of a double test - to identify the level of 2 protein species:

  1. "PAPP-A" - the so-called pregnancy-related plasma protein A.
  2. "HCG" - the free beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin.

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