White Swiss Shepherd Dog. Owner reviews

Everyone who is looking for a true friend, a loyal and elegant companion, is addressed to this article. An elegant and beautiful dog with a strong character, will take root perfectly in a country house. In a city apartment, she will also be comfortable. She gets along well with both one owner and a large and noisy family. Meet the heroine of our article - a white Swiss dog.

From the history of the breed

white swiss shepherd

For the first time about white shepherds became known in 1880. In the residence of the royal Habsburg dynasty there lived dogs of this not yet officially recognized breed of white shepherd dogs.

In 1882, a white Swiss Shepherd was first presented at an exhibition in Hanover.

In 1899, the first German shepherd was registered. When it was created, color and white genes were used.

white swiss shepherd breed standard

The official recognition of the White Shepherd is not known for certain. When the first German shepherd was registered, the color of the coat was not indicated. Reliable information about white shepherds became available only at the end of the last century. For many years, the white Swiss shepherd was not recognized by experts and was not allowed to be bred. White puppies were considered albinos and destroyed. Only in 2002, FCL officially recognized the breed.

General form

White Swiss Shepherd Dog, breed standard No. 347 (MKF) is a medium-sized animal with well-developed musculature, medium-boned, slightly elongated body and elegant outlines. The dog is energetic and balanced, friendly and attentive. Male height 66 cm, female 61 cm, maximum weight 40 kg.

white swiss shepherd reviews

The white Swiss shepherd (breed standard from 2011) has a wedge-shaped head, a powerful, rather long muzzle, slightly narrowed to the nose.

The ears are in the form of an elongated triangle, erect, directed forward. The ends are slightly rounded.

Medium-sized almond - shaped eyes, slightly obliquely set. Color - from dark brown to brown.

Straight forelegs strong. Delivered moderately wide.

white swiss shepherd Price

The hind limbs are straight, with muscular thighs. The dog moves rhythmically, with a steady push. The tail is acinaciform, covered with fluffy hair.

Wool cover

The animal has a thick, snow-white “coat”. The coat is of medium length or long, but certainly with a thick undercoat. Shorter coat on the front of the legs, muzzle, ears. On the back surfaces of the legs and on the neck - longer. The color allowed by the standard is white only.

white swiss shepherd dog owner reviews

There are two types of white shepherd dogs - long-haired and short-haired. The first species is popular in Germany, France, Austria. In the Netherlands and the USA, shorthair animals are more common.

Disqualifying factors may be aggressiveness or restless, depressed behavior. In addition, blue eyes, a snack, overshot mouth, lack of pigmentation on the lips, nose, and skin.

white swiss shepherd character

The harmoniously folded white Swiss shepherd (the reviews of the owners confirm this) always looks well-groomed and neat. She always has a presentable look.

White Swiss Shepherd: character

Representatives of this breed attract dog breeders with their obedience and balanced character. Previously, it was a great shepherd dog, doing an excellent job. Later, people saw her positive qualities and began to start a snow-white beauty as a companion.

Swiss Shepherd Dog

This dog is characterized by such features as sincerity, cheerfulness, friendliness, quick wit. Aggression and anger, passivity and disobedience are not inherent in these animals.

A cheerful and sociable dog behaves carefully and quietly with strangers, carefully looks at and controls the behavior of the guests.

swiss shepherd photo

When this snow-white beauty finds herself in a familiar environment, she is not averse to casting a voice. She will bark joyfully and amiably on a walk if something interests her, or she wants to thank her hosts. A protracted howl means resentment or discontent.

Today in Russia is not very common white Swiss Shepherd. The reviews of the lucky owners of such pets suggest that these animals very subtly feel the mood and state of mind of their master. Sensing some kind of negative, your faithful friend will try to cheer you up.

swiss shepherd puppies

The loyalty and devotion of this dog has no limits. Despite its peaceful nature, a white Swiss shepherd dog can stand up for itself and for its owners. But it will show its strength only with a real threat and at the very last moment.

Parenting and training

These dogs need constant and consistent training. To deal with both a puppy and an adult animal should be gentle. The nature of the white shepherd is very different from the German character. Hard training methods are strictly prohibited. For a white shepherd, physical activity is necessary. Perhaps not as serious as for German. Your pet will be immensely happy if you allow him to run with a stick or ball, catch a flying disc or frolic in the company of his brothers.

swiss shepherd Price

The dog is very smart, so it learns easily. She can master several “professions”: rescuer, therapist dog, guide dog. A properly trained animal is able to guard and guard. Self-training can give good results.

Puppy selection

Due to the fact that this is a relatively new breed for Russia, white shepherd puppies should be bought only in kennels or clubs.

breed shepherd

Before acquiring an animal, it is necessary to clarify some important points:

  • experience and history of breed in this nursery;
  • reputation and image of the breeder;
  • exhibition activities of parents.
    swiss shepherd dog reviews

Take an interest in the state of health of the baby, whether any hereditary diseases can "trap" him. Whether vaccination was carried out when the next vaccination was necessary. As a rule, decent breeders who value the reputation of their own enterprise do not hide from the future owners any shortcomings and defects of their pupils.

Swiss Shepherd Dog

Dog handlers who breed these animals believe that these dogs are prone to the following diseases:

  • joint dysplasia;
  • deafness;
  • heart failure.
    swiss shepherd Price

White Swiss Shepherd: reviews

This magnificent dog is very popular in Europe, and in Russia it is not yet very widespread. Despite this, we were able to get acquainted with the reviews of our compatriots.

breed shepherd

It should be noted that so far we have not been able to find a single negative review about this dog. According to the owners, this is an ideal, subtly feeling, smart and friendly companion who has no shortcomings at all.

The white Swiss shepherd dog, whose average price in Moscow is 30 thousand rubles, is very clean. Like all shepherd dogs, they are easy to learn, get along well with children.

Puppies of a white shepherd are charming - affectionate and cheerful white lumps. With proper education, puppies grow up to be smart and kind animals.

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