Is garlic good for dogs: the benefits and harms of garlic for a pet

The dog is a predator that mainly feeds on meat products. However, despite this, many veterinarians recommend that the owner of the animals include in the diet of four-legged food of plant origin. It contains the largest number of minerals, vitamins and other useful substances that are necessary for the full formation of the body. Also, such components are needed for the prevention of diseases.

Large garlic

Many people call garlic a natural antibiotic and treat it with a variety of pathologies. It is widely used in folk medicine. In fact, garlic is extremely beneficial to humans. But what if it is an animal? Can dogs get garlic?

general information

Garlic is often recommended for animals to be given in order to get rid of worms, and also to strengthen the general condition of the body. However, not all so simple. Speaking about whether garlic can be given to dogs, many experts fundamentally disagree with its use. Moreover, they attribute garlic to the so-called prohibited foods, which are not recommended to treat dogs. Also to this number include spices and spicy foods. By and large, garlic can be classified in this category.

Veterinarians believe that frequent use of this product can lead to serious digestive problems. So how do you figure out if dogs can have garlic?

Dog and garlic

The beneficial properties of garlic

With the periodic use of this product, you can saturate the body with a special substance called allicin. He is responsible for blocking enzymes that contribute to the speedy penetration of various viruses into the body. In addition, protein is present in the composition of the spicy plants. Everyone knows that it has a positive effect on the state of the immune system, and also allows you to better control the process of producing antibodies, which in the future will resist all kinds of viruses and infectious diseases.

Also in garlic contains volatile. They allow you to neutralize and destroy many pathogenic microorganisms. For example, it is a very effective remedy against yeast fungi, staphylococcus diphtheria bacillus and much more. Garlic also helps to get rid of cholesterol plaques that can form in the blood.

Not only man, but also an animal suffers from all these troubles. However, you can not compare our body with the body of a four-legged pet.

Garlic Harm

First of all, a spicy plant quite seriously stimulates the appetite. Therefore, if you use his meal time, then this leads to the fact that both a person and an animal begins to eat much more. There is a risk of acquiring extra pounds. Also, garlic should not be consumed categorically for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The dog looks at the bow

If the owner of the animal does not know about the state of the pet’s health, then, of course, you should not allow the dog to eat garlic. So you can provoke very serious problems with the intestines and other organs. In addition, this plant can very seriously irritate the mucous membranes. Therefore, even a person is recommended to eat it in very small quantities.

Important is the fact that a large amount of toxic substances is present in garlic. They can adversely affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. There are studies that prove that garlic can negatively affect the brain and nervous system.

However, in some situations, a choice arises between potent medicines and a natural remedy. For example, it is believed that garlic from worms in dogs is a more gentle remedy than prescribed medications. In this situation, the use of traditional medicine is really allowed. However, in this case, you need to clearly dose such a tool.

Does garlic help worms in dogs?

Yes, such a tool is really quite effective. If we are talking about a small breed of dog, then in this case it can be given no more than half a small clove of garlic. Repeat the procedure is allowed no more than once every three to four days. After a while, the body will completely clear itself of parasites.

Looking at pills

If the animal is quite large, then up to 3 cloves of garlic can be given to it per day. However, it all depends on the exact size and weight of the pets. Despite the fact that garlic is a very effective antiparasitic, experienced specialists still recommend that you be more careful and give preference to the medications prescribed by your doctor. The fact is that pharmacy products have a wider spectrum of action. Therefore, they guarantee the elimination of parasites.

It is important to note that as soon as the animal completely gets rid of parasites, it is necessary to completely exclude garlic from the diet. If you really want to, then it is extremely rare to give it in the smallest quantities as a small dietary supplement.

Why do they rub animal hair with garlic?

Some dog owners use garlic for this purpose. In this case, no particular restrictions exist. Toxins will not be able to get inside the body or have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Wool and skin are rubbed with garlic so that the animal does not suffer from ticks and fleas.

A lot of garlic on the table

However, in this case, you must be extremely careful. If the skin of the pet is already damaged, then in this case garlic can cause severe itching, pain and irritation. In addition, the smell of garlic will not disappear for a long time.


If we are talking about an adult dog, then for her garlic is not so dangerous, provided that it is given in small quantities. But he can cause irreparable harm to a puppy. This is especially true for very young babies, from 28 weeks. If during this period the dog eats garlic, then there is a big risk that it can even die.

Pretty puppy

The fact is that garlic can provoke qualitative changes in the blood. The same goes for pregnant and lactating dogs. In no case should they be given garlic. In addition, it will not only bring no benefit, but will also have additional burdens on the weakened mother's body.

When considering whether garlic can be given to dogs, you should pay attention that it should not be given to older animals. An older dog may even suffer from a heart attack.

There is another situation in which garlic should never be given. If the pet is to undergo surgery soon, the use of this plant may adversely affect blood pressure, which will decrease. This will provoke problems during the procedure.

Also, speaking about why dogs should not be garlic, it is worth paying attention to the fact that experts argue that the effectiveness of this folk remedy has not been proven when it comes to pets. Therefore, it is worth being extremely careful and not exceed the specified standards, but it’s better to completely abandon the idea of ​​giving such plants four-legged pets. If thoughtlessly feed the animal with garlic, then even poisoning can occur.

How to help an animal with garlic poisoning

Owners of animals can not always keep track of them. The dog could well eat garlic on its own. In this case, you need to take all measures to help the animal. First of all, it is necessary to immediately rinse the stomach and drink the dog a large amount of warm water. You also need to use a sorbent to neutralize toxins that have already entered the stomach.

Little puppy

If serious signs of intoxication (e.g., vomiting and diarrhea) still appear after this, then ascorbic acid can be given to the animal. After 6-8 hours, the procedure is repeated. If the poisoning is too strong, and after all these manipulations the intoxication does not recede, then it is urgent to take the animal to the veterinarian. If too much garlic enters the body, this can lead to serious pathological processes.


Having figured out whether garlic can be used for dogs, it becomes obvious that it is better to avoid it when it comes to a pet. It can be given exclusively for the treatment of worms. In other situations, it is worth choosing other means.

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