The child does not want to learn: the advice of a psychologist. What to do if the child does not want to study

Sending their curious kids to school, many parents do not even suspect what difficulties they will face in the near future. The pedagogical practice of recent years shows that the number of children who do not gravitate to learning, is growing rapidly from year to year.

The child does not want to learn the advice of a psychologist

What if the child does not want to study in elementary school? Even experts are not always able to help in solving this problem, however, we still try to figure out the reasons for this situation.

Is there a problem?

It should be noted that in every child, nature originally laid down such qualities as curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. However, the modern education system is far from perfect. Teachers and parents are interested in obedient children who do not express their own opinions and absorb new material in unimaginable quantities. And the students, in turn, protest against such a system. It is only natural that the child does not want to learn. The advice of a psychologist will help to remove unnecessary stress and nervousness.

Remember yourself in childhood. Did you really like all the subjects studied and the features of teaching individual academic disciplines? But during this time, the school curriculum has changed not for the better. Think carefully: perhaps the problem is not so serious, and in time it will resolve itself.

the child does not want to learn the advice of an experienced psychologist

The question is: why do children not want to study?

The advice of a psychologist will give a positive result only if the reason for the child’s hostility to the learning process is identified in a timely and correct manner. There are several main factors that have a direct impact on the attitude of the child to school activities. These include:

  • lack of any interest in a significant part of school subjects;
  • difficulties that arise when communicating with the baby peers (classmates);
  • negative emotions associated with the need to observe a strict regimen - get up early in the morning, withstand hours of sitting at a desk, do homework every day;
  • problems with the development of a specific school subject;
  • difficult relationships with one of the teachers;
  • loss of motivation.

the child does not want to learn what to do with the advice of a psychologist

Lack of incentives

A child who refuses to learn is easy to understand. Classes at school are not as interesting and enjoyable as their parents described. First enthusiastic impressions pass quickly. There are routine activities, a fairly tough regime and fear of getting bad grades. Parents are at a loss: their child does not want to learn.

Psychologist's advice is primarily associated with increased motivation. This term is well known to adults, for whom a workplace is not only a source of income, but also an opportunity to increase self-esteem and achieve certain goals. In school, incentives work quite poorly. Good grades on their own are certainly capable of bringing positive emotions. However, not all children are focused on long-term results, for example, on graduation with honors or at least without triples. Thus, a significant part of students simply do not understand why daily classes are needed.

why children do not want to learn the advice of a psychologist

At this stage, the influence of parents is crucial, who must verbally and by personal example show their children how important school lessons are for their further development. Adults should try to convince the little “rebels” of the need for successful schooling. As a comparison, you can bring any computer game in which the passage of the second, as well as all subsequent levels depends on the results of mastering the first stage.

So, parents faced an unpleasant fact: their child does not want to learn. The advice of a psychologist in such a situation will be very helpful.

Negative attitude to study: several secondary reasons

In some cases, you cannot immediately determine what the child’s hostility to school is connected with. There may even be several reasons. To find out the whole truth, you should carefully look at your schoolboy. Sometimes dislike for classes can be caused by factors such as:

  • excessive load of an emotional and physical nature (numerous extracurricular activities, tensions in the family);
  • hyperresponsibility of the baby, not allowing him to relax, which as a result leads to a decrease in interest;
  • changing learning conditions (moving to another class, changing the mode of classes);
  • systematic substitution of lessons by “alien” teachers.

if the child does not want to learn the advice of a psychologist

Building relationships with a child: specialist opinion

First of all, try to determine for yourself why your child does not want to learn. The advice of an experienced psychologist is reduced to the following:

  1. You should never put pressure on the baby. In families where children and parents have a trusting relationship, such situations are resolved much faster and easier.
  2. Try to build your relationship with the baby on a different principle - to become for him primarily a friend. And only then play the role of a caring parent. For many representatives of the older generation, this seems unattainable. Some parents believe that children should never speak on equal terms, since children should always remain children. If you are not confused by this style of communication, the results will be noticeable almost immediately. After all, the child will not begin to hide anything from his best friend, and at any moment you will be aware of everything that worries him.
  3. Be sure to show the child that you love him by anyone, not even completely successful. He should not feel that your attitude towards him may change due to such a fact as hostility to study.

what to do if the child does not want to study in elementary school

What to do if a teenager does not want to study: psychologist's advice

Many students who are interested in learning in primary school, entering a period of transitional age, become completely uncontrollable. Parents in such situations are powerless, because it is difficult for them to establish contact with noticeably grown children. However, the problem is obvious: the child does not want to learn. What to do? The advice of a psychologist will help to cope with this situation.

Lyubov Samsonova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, who deals with endocrinology problems that arise in childhood and adolescence, believes that one of the reasons leading to the reluctance of students to study is the lack of iodine. Deficiency of this substance affects the synthesis of thyroid hormones. This leads to memory impairment, distraction. Visual-figurative thinking suffers. It is especially difficult for those children who live away from the sea and consume the minimum amount of iodine-containing products.

if the child does not want to learn the advice of a psychologist to parents

Note to parents: it should be borne in mind that the daily norm of iodine for students in adolescence is 200 mcg. It is recommended to give the child potassium iodide, as well as include iodized salt in his diet.

Follow the rules of confidential communication with a teenager and follow some general recommendations listed below.

General recommendations

Even if the child does not want to learn, the advice of a psychologist will make life easier for all family members: they will relieve stress, stop debates about the advisability of studying at school. The following are some important points:

  1. Try to avoid comparisons that are painful for the child; do not cite the successes of his classmates or neighboring children as an example.
  2. Let your son or daughter decide for themselves in which order to do homework classes. At the same time, it is worthwhile to unobtrusively tell the baby that, first of all, one should begin to master the most difficult material.
  3. Try to find compromises with your child: you can discuss in advance the optimal time for completing an extra-curricular assignment and set aside a certain period for rest and all kinds of pleasant activities. Psychologists recommend refraining from setting strict time limits.

if a teenager does not want to learn the advice of a psychologist

Best Award - Parental Approval

Do not give up if the child does not want to learn. Psychologist’s advice to parents is primarily aimed at changing the reaction of adults to everything that happens to their children.

From the point of view of the candidate of medical sciences Anatoly Severny, who is the president of the Association of Child Psychiatrists and Psychologists, at early school age it is very important for children to feel the support of their parents, to know that the closest people are always on their side. In adolescence, parental approval fades into the background, because at this stage there is a change in motivation (children tend to realize their own goals).

However, do not think that parental support for an adult child is an empty phrase. Rather, the opposite is true - parental understanding and approval can be decisive not only in solving school problems, but also in more difficult life situations.

To summarize

Be sure to take an interest in the life of your children, discuss the events of the past day with them daily, do not hesitate to admit to them your mistakes and errors. Education in a modern school is a rather complicated, but feasible process. Of course, parents should not carry out their homework for the child. But to understand the causes of temporary difficulties and help solve the problems that have arisen is really necessary.

if a teenager does not want to learn the advice of a psychologist

If, as a result of reflection, you still do not understand why the child does not want to study, the advice of a psychologist will help to clarify the situation. And then your efforts will lead to the expected result. Love your children, no matter what, and trust them!

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