Games similar to "DotA 2": a variety of genre

" 2" – MOBA, . " 2" . , , . , . . , " 2", – .

. DOTA 2, .


League of Legends Riot. , . MOBA- "" – . , . , " 2", - . , , LoL, , " 2".

games like DotA 2

. . – . . "" . , . . , , – . , LoL .


– Heroes of The Storm Blizzard. , , " 2", . Riot .

games like Dota 2 on pc

, . , Blizzard. , . , . . HOTS , "" "" – 20 , .


SMITE – , " 2", . . WASD , . - , .

games similar to Dota 2 on android

, " 2", "" iOS . , . , .

– The Witcher Battle Arena . . .

Planet Heroes . , , " 2". 2 3 . , , . , MOBA-. Dota 2, - LoL. !

browser games similar to DotA 2

In Legendary Heroes, developers have offered players another innovation - a full-fledged story company for passing with friends. Only a small selection of heroes and animation upsets. Therefore, the game can quickly get bored.

As you can see, there are a lot of alternatives to Dota 2. The above are only bright representatives of the genre. You can find a dozen more thematic MOBA projects and choose something suitable for yourself!

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