Do menstruation occur during pregnancy

A woman during child bearing becomes sentimental, she is constantly worried about the condition of the future baby, because all that worries her during this period is the health and well-being of the unborn, but already so beloved child. Often you hear about situations where the menstrual cycle continued after conception. But are there really menstruation during pregnancy, and how dangerous are they?

Within a month, a special environment is created in the uterus that ensures the development of the embryo. If conception does not occur, then this shell is rejected and all unnecessary is excreted in the form of spotting. How is the fact that menstruation goes during pregnancy explained? The answer begs that this cannot be. And rightly so, in fact, sometimes during pregnancy you can observe spotting, but this is a completely different process, not related to menstruation. This process is called uterine bleeding.

If a woman is seriously puzzled by the question of whether there are periods during pregnancy, then a concrete answer can be given. Spotting is observed in some cases. Moreover, the causes of uterine bleeding can be various pathologies that threaten the further development of the fetus, and completely safe. For example, when an embryo is implanted in the uterine membrane, scanty periods may appear . And pregnancy in this case may not yet appear, and a woman perceives bleeding as menstruation, which simply started off schedule. It poses no threats to the development of the fetus.

Since a serious hormonal rearrangement takes place in the woman’s body immediately after conception, uterine bleeding may begin against this background. As a rule, it is in all respects similar to menstruation. Then a woman can be puzzled by the problem of whether menstruation occurs during pregnancy. There is nothing to worry about, since a process of this nature does not threaten the normal development of the fetus. The only exceptions are cases where bleeding is accompanied by severe pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen or when there are certain problems associated with the disease of the female reproductive system. Menstruation can appear already after the conception of the baby, at the earliest possible date, when the placenta has not developed a sufficient amount of hormones, that is, hormonal restructuring of the body in the initial stage.

At the same time, uterine bleeding can indicate a threat of miscarriage, that is, spontaneous abortion. Often, a woman does not have the level of qualification that would allow her to independently determine how dangerous this or that type of bleeding is. Such an unpleasant situation can serve as a bell about the need for consultation with a doctor. After all, only a specialist is able to answer the question of whether there are menstruation during pregnancy, and precisely determine whether there is a threat to the unborn baby.

There are situations when pregnancy for a woman is a pleasant surprise, due to which other not very pleasant surprises also appeared. It is known that due to colossal hormonal changes during pregnancy, all those diseases that were not detected earlier begin to be activated. That is why doctors recommend still planning children and undergo a thorough examination before conception. For example, an eroded cervix could be damaged during intercourse, which leads to bleeding. The presence of infectious diseases also causes ectopic bleeding. All this, of course, cannot but affect the development of the embryo.

As practice shows, most bleeding indicates a threat of miscarriage. This is very dangerous, so you should immediately contact a specialist who will do everything possible to maintain pregnancy and a new baby is born.

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