Signs of Anemia in Cats

The flow of biochemical processes in the tissues of living organisms, as you know, is impossible without oxygen. A specific protein, hemoglobin, is responsible for the transfer of the molecules of the latter in the blood. This element is characterized, among other things, by the fact that it has iron in its composition. Thanks to hemoglobin, the blood of mammals is red.

Sometimes it happens that the concentration of this element in the blood is reduced due to something. This causes oxygen starvation of tissues. Anemia can develop in any mammals. Of course, sometimes this disease is diagnosed in cats.

Cat with anemia

Which breeds are most susceptible

Cats are mostly animals that are hardy, viable and active. But in some cases, of course, such pets can also become ill. Especially often anemia is diagnosed in thoroughbred cats. It is believed that the most susceptible to it:

  • Abyssinians

  • Somali cats;

  • Siamese

  • sphinxes.

Anemia, unfortunately, is one of the most common feline diseases. The fact is that red blood cells in such animals have a very short lifespan. In humans or, for example, dogs, they change once every 110-120 days. In cats, this process takes only 70 days. Therefore, anemia develops in such animals very quickly.

Main symptoms

Determining anemia in a cat is usually not too difficult. First of all, an animal suffering from anemia becomes inactive and lethargic. Such a cat, for example, is almost impossible to involve in the game. At minimal loads, the animal develops shortness of breath and the heart rate quickens.

Also, one of the main symptoms of anemia is a discoloration of the mucous membranes. They become pale and cyanotic in a cat with anemia. To determine anemia, the owner of the animal needs, among other things, to examine his mouth. A change in gum color in a cat, for example, will be clearly visible. The same applies to the area around the animal’s eyes.

Very often with anemia, pets also lose their appetite. Such a cat may not even touch on the food that she once loved. Animals with anemia often refuse both meat and fish.

In kittens, anemia can be determined including the developmental delay. Such animals always look very frail and weakened. In the litter they are usually the smallest.

Blanching of mucous membranes with anemia

What other signs can be determined

Sometimes in cats suffering from anemia, among other things, the so-called picacism manifests itself. The animal suddenly begins, for example, to lick the plaster, there is its own excrement or filler from the toilet.

In some cases, anemia in cats can cause jaundice. The mucous membranes of the animal change their color accordingly. Most often, this symptom, of course, indicates any problems in the pet with the liver. But sometimes jaundice is still a consequence of the sudden destruction of red blood cells in a cat’s blood.

Another sign of the development of anemia in a pet is the deterioration of the coat. The fur of the animal loses its luster, becomes dull. At the same time, a lot of “tricks” may appear on the body of a long-haired cat. The skin of an animal with anemia, among other things, also loses its elasticity.

What you need to know

Most often, anemia in cats develops, as already mentioned, very quickly. In this case, its symptoms usually appear very distinctly. But sometimes it happens that anemia develops slowly in a pet - for a long time. In this case, the cat may get used to anemia. Accordingly, the symptoms of anemia in her will not be so pronounced.

In most cases, the mucous membranes fade with anemia in cats. But with some forms of anemia, they can, on the contrary, become dark brown.

Cat lethargy

Signs of Anemia: Laboratory Tests

Anemia is diagnosed in cats, thus, mainly by the general depressed state and discoloration of the mucous membranes. However, only the veterinarian can, of course, accurately determine the disease in an animal.

Anemia is detected in the clinic in a standard way - that is, through laboratory blood tests. In the arsenal of veterinarians today there is equipment that allows you to diagnose anemia with absolute accuracy.

A cat blood test can be performed if anemia is suspected, for example, using a special device that can read red blood cells. Also, veterinarians often use a simpler technique for diagnosis. In this case, part of the blood volume per red blood cell is measured.

Anemia in cats can be diagnosed if her hemoglobin level drops below 80 g / l. Red blood cells in the blood of a sick animal usually contains less than 5-10 * 1012 / L.

Types of Anemia

The severity of the symptoms of anemia depends, of course, on the age of the animal and the general condition of its body. But the signs of anemia in cats can vary to some extent, and in accordance with the variety of the latter. Anemia in such pets can be:

  • autoimmune hemolytic;

  • posthemorrhagic;

  • hypoplastic;

  • non-regenerative.

Hemoglobin in the blood of a cat

The main reasons for the development

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia occurs in cats due to accelerated destruction and breakdown of red blood cells. Most often, this form in pets is diagnosed with pathologies of the cardiovascular system or invasive diseases. It is with autoimmune hemolytic anemia in cats that the mucous membranes do not fade, but darken.

Posthemorrhagic anemia can occur due to:

  • parasites;

  • damage to blood vessels of organs or tissues;

  • tumors.

Very often, various pathologies also become the cause of such anemia due to which blood coagulation worsens.

Hypoplastic anemia in cats develops most often due to a violation of the bone marrow. Also, such anemia can be the result of vitamin deficiency or a violation of any stage of the formation of red blood cells.

The non-regenerative form of anemia usually results from bone marrow suppression. That is, this type of allergy in most cases is caused by various kinds of dangerous diseases and severe poisoning.

Very rarely, but still sometimes diagnosed in pets, among other things, and iron deficiency anemia. In cats, the symptoms of this disease, since it develops slowly, are usually mild.

Treatment of underlying diseases

In the vast majority of cases, thus, anemia in cats occurs as a result of any disease. Therefore, veterinarians usually treat not anemia itself, but this specific pathology revealed during examination and laboratory tests.

For example, various kinds of medications (Furosemite, Methylprednisolone, Bifidum, etc.) can be prescribed to an animal during the treatment of chronic renal failure. Unfortunately, anemia in cats with such a disease occurs quite often. As soon as the animal normalizes the work of the kidneys, it usually passes and anemia.

Cat treatment with pills

Anemia Treatment

If the anemia in the animal has developed serious and began to pose a danger to its life in itself, symptomatic therapy can be carried out by veterinarians. In some cases, animals, for example, are prescribed a procedure such as a blood transfusion. Thus, the treatment of acute anemia in cats is greatly weakened, completely losing their appetite.

In milder cases, the veterinarian may develop a special diet for the animal. For example, it is believed that pets with anemia are very useful to give the liver. But an anemic cat, of course, can simply refuse such food. In this case, she is usually prescribed an extract of liquid liver. This drug contains iron and a group of vitamins that are useful for a weakened body of a pet. On a day, cats in most cases are prescribed two capsules of such a drug.

When treating anemia in cats at home, fresh or powdery greens from a pharmacy can also be used. It is useful to give such an additive as a pet insofar as chlorophyll promotes the production of red blood cells.

Use of medicines

In some cases, with anemia, pets can be prescribed various kinds of medications. Treatment of anemia in cats with renal failure, for example, is often performed using:

  • "Recormona" (25-30 units / kg 1-3 times a week).

  • "Ursoferran" (0.5 ml single dose).

These funds increase the hemoglobin level in the pet’s blood. In acute renal failure, hemostatic drugs may also be prescribed to animals. Most often it is Ditsinon, Vikasol, etc.

Treatment for anemia in cats


In order to prevent the development of anemia in a cat, first of all, of course, it is necessary to properly organize its nutrition. If the animal is kept on natural feeds, its diet should be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements.

In many cases, cats, and especially pedigree cats, receive at home only purchased ready-made feed. Buying animals in order to prevent them from developing anemia is, of course, exclusively the highest quality "pads" from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation.

Since anemia occurs most often against the background of any other diseases, to prevent cats, of course, among other things, vaccination should be carried out. Pet contact with stray animals should not be allowed. Otherwise, the cat may catch parasites or any viral or fungal infection.

Cat fleas

Of course, owners of such a pet should periodically inspect it for fleas. If parasites are detected, the cat should be bathed in warm water using a special shampoo.

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