Guard dogs: photos, breed names, description

Choosing a dog is very difficult and responsible. Especially when the dog is needed for protection. Guard breeds of dogs are now in great demand, as they are an ideal way to protect a private house. To choose the right dog, you need to understand the most popular types of watchdogs well.

What affects dog guard skills

It will be very difficult to teach a dog to guard, as this is an exclusively genetic predisposition. That is why, choosing a dog to protect the house and property, you need to give preference to specially breeds for this breed. But you can’t forget about training either. Even the most thoroughbred dog can not fulfill their duties without training. It is necessary to educate and train a guard dog to guard from puppyhood. If you do not miss this age, from the dog you will get an excellent watchman and a reliable defender.

rottweiler and german shepherd

Who can be a good watchman

Not every dog ​​can become a guard. For example, a hunting dog will constantly rush around the yard for small animals, because it is instincts that force it to do this. The guard dog will silently observe the process, controlling everything that happens around him. Even the breeds of rescuers, such as the St. Bernards, cannot adequately cope with security functions. It is in their nature to save people, to pull them out of difficult conditions or to help in case of accidents. Of course, the external data of such a dog can scare a robber or a bandit who decides to attack in a dark alley, but you should not rely too much on the security skills of rescuers.

dog training at a dog handler

Guard dogs for a private home should be well trained. Therefore, the puppy must be taken to the dog handler lessons. This must be done immediately after the baby has moved to a new home. The average age to start training is 4 months. Even then, the puppy begins to form habits that will be difficult to remove in the future. Each dog has its own unique temperament and character. But her behavior and habits must be fully formed by the owner. Otherwise, it can become a source of danger to a person, and not a devoted friend and protector.

training with a puppy

Rottweilers - sensitive house guards

Initially, these guard dogs were used to protect and protect livestock in the pasture. They can fight the wild beast to the last, protecting their flock. They will do the same when guarding a private house. This breed has long established itself as reliable watchmen. They are always ready to defend their masters in the event of an attack by strangers. In addition, rottweilers are extremely alert and alert dogs. They are able to hear a person approaching a few hundred meters.

rottweiler guard dog

This breed is known for its aggressive attitude towards strangers. Therefore, approaching the house, which is guarded by the Rottweiler, you can hear loud, warning barking from afar. Carefree to enter the courtyard, where this guard dog runs freely, is not worth it. It is better to wait until the owner comes and takes her to the aviary.

rottweiler guard dog

Reliable bodyguards Dobermans

These dogs are born leaders. They strive to get the championship in everything, they want to be in the lead and do not like to give in to anyone. Therefore, Doberman, even in puppyhood, needs to be trained hard. Otherwise, you can raise not a reliable defender, but an unauthorized, capricious dog. Looking at the photos of guard dogs, you can see how Dobermans are popular with many actors and Hollywood stars. This breed of dog looks very beautiful and even elegant from an aesthetic point of view.

watch dogs dobermans

With proper training, first-class watch dogs are obtained from them. They can watch their masters for days without leaving the threshold of the house. Due to their natural sensitivity, they have a lightning reaction. Reflexes allow them to stop an imminent danger in time, close a person with themselves if necessary, or overtake the enemy. Dobermans run very fast, so robbers who burst into their territory have no chance. A strong, agile and courageous dog should be well trained. Otherwise, it can be dangerous not only for strangers, but also for its owners.

German shepherd - calm and strength

It is unlikely that you can find a person who will speak badly about this breed. German shepherds won the hearts of not only ordinary citizens, but also famous filmmakers. Even in films, one can notice their incredible devotion to their owners, as well as the ability to protect and guard the house. The positive qualities of these dogs:

  • they are very smart;
  • deeply attached to their master;
  • know how to feel a person’s mood, as well as his intentions;
  • do not require special maintenance and care;
  • well give in to all types of training;
  • they are not able to offend the child;
  • playful and kind with their masters.
German Shepherd

The German Shepherd Dog will become not only a good guard dog, but also a true friend for humans. The main thing is not to neglect training and love your pet. Then he will give his life, protecting the owner and his whole family.

Moscow guard dog

They were brought out through many crosses, especially for guard and security functions. Moscow watchdog brought to Russia. At the moment, the breed is one of the youngest. It differs from others in its magnificent appearance and tremendous strength. From a photo of a Moscow guard dog you can see how large they are. The dog's dimensions are impressive, but they do not prevent her from running fast and reacting instantly. Their character is very complex, so they need training.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Also, Moscow watchdogs need a lot of physical activity. Every day they need to move a lot, run and do exercises. A dog of this breed is distinguished by its aggressive behavior towards strangers. Therefore, it can only be released from the leash in an open area, where there will be no other people and animals.

Powerful and fast bullmastiff

This dog is known for its strength, speed and agility. If an attacker gets into the house, then he will not survive. The instincts of the dog make her a good watchman. Attacking the ill-wisher, she knocks him down and blocks any movement. But in order to achieve this behavior of the dog, you will have to train him well and teach him to special teams.

bullmastiff watchdog

Choosing this one among all the guard breeds of dogs, you don’t have to worry about her attitude to family members. Among the household, the dog will behave calmly and obediently. By choosing one master for himself, he will completely obey him, protecting not only him, but the whole family from danger.

guard dog and baby

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

When choosing a good watchman in the house, you can choose Caucasian. This breed is distinguished by strength, intelligence and fearlessness. The appearance of the shepherd will scare away strangers, and make them go around the house. A dog can be stubborn, sometimes unauthorized. To prevent this from happening, from childhood, you need to show him who is the boss in the house. Knowing that he is not the main one, a Caucasian will behave appropriately all his life.

Moscow guard dog photo

For children, this breed is very good-natured. Therefore, it will endure all the tricks of the kids. However, care must be taken to leave the dog alone with the child. Each animal can behave unpredictably from time to time. When this moment comes, no one knows. Therefore, it is better to be safe again than to regret later the misconduct all my life. The guard dog should always be in place, preferably in the courtyard of a private house.

Moscow Watchdog

How to make a choice

Guard dogs for a private home should have a whole list of necessary qualities. When choosing for yourself not only a friend, but also a guard of a private territory, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Decide on the size. The guard dog must be at least medium in size. An ideal option would be a large, strong and hardy dog. Even a chihuahua can notify the arrival of strangers, but only a big dog can drive away and protect from criminals.
  2. Choose a dog with a thick undercoat. If you do not need a pet dog, but a real watchman and defender, you need to choose someone who will not be confused by bad weather.
  3. Distrust of strangers. All of the above breeds are aggressive towards strangers. This is one of the most important qualities of a good watchman. If the dog is good-natured to everyone he meets, none of its large dimensions or thick undercoat will save during the attack of enemies.

Choosing a guard dog for the house, we must not forget that in the first place, the dog is a friend. In addition to the necessary training for the normal development, you need to take time for games and walks with him. Sincere love, coupled with good training, will help to make a puppy a devoted defender, not only at home, but also the whole family.

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