How to fix Skype error: "Not enough memory to process the command"

Any software is not safe from sudden crashes, especially for Skype. Many users complain with enviable regularity about its extremely unstable operation. In this article, we’ll talk about an error that is accompanied by the following comment: “Not enough memory to process the command”. Initially, the essence of the problem and its cause will be analyzed, and then six methods of solving it will be put forward, one of which will definitely help to rectify the situation.

The cause of the error

As stated, for starters, we’ll figure out why it says “Not enough memory,” and most importantly, which memory. So, this error can appear during almost any action: making a call, searching for contacts, typing a message, and so on. When it appears, the program freezes completely, and further actions with it cannot be performed.

We examined the symptoms, now let's move on to the reason. First of all, let’s say that we mean RAM, it is in it that all the executable instructions are unloaded by the processor. During normal operation, there should be no memory overload, so you need to look for a threat from the outside, which we will do now.

Bug fix

There are six ways to fix the "Not enough memory to process the command" error. We will start with the most trivial ones, which in no way interfere with the general operation of the computer and the operating system in particular, but end up cardinal.

Method 1: change the settings

The first thing to fix the inscription "Not enough memory to process the command" appears is to try disabling one setting in the program. It is done like this:

  1. Click on the toolbar button.
  2. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  3. Go to the "Chats and SMS" section.
  4. Select the "Visual Appearance" subsection.
  5. Uncheck the box opposite the second item.
not enough memory to process the command

Save the changes and restart the program. After that, the problem should disappear.

Method 2: remove viruses

Perhaps the cause of the error is viruses. In this case, perform a full scan of the computer with any anti-virus program and, if it is detected, delete all the threats found.

Method 3: delete the shared file

The shared.xml configuration file may cause an error. To find out, you need to remove it:

  1. Press Win + R.
  2. Type and execute the% appdata% \ skype command.
  3. Locate the shared.xml file in the folder.
  4. Delete the file.
why does not write enough memory

Next, restart your computer and check if the error is fixed.

Method 4: reinstall the program

If there is still not enough memory on the computer, then perhaps the reason is in the program. It would be wise to reinstall it to verify this. Just be sure to download the installation file from the official site.

Method 5: reset

If all else fails and you are ready to move on to more radical methods, then we suggest that you try to reset the program. This is becoming quite difficult:

  1. Open the Run window by pressing Win + R.
  2. Run the% appdata% command.
  3. Open the Skype folder menu.
  4. Rename it to any other name.
  5. In the Run window, type % temp% \ skype.
  6. Delete the DbTemp folder.

After you restart your PC, the problem should disappear.

Method 6: reinstall the operating system

there is not enough memory on the computer

Well, the most cardinal method, when nothing has helped, will be reinstalling the operating system. If the problem arose precisely at the system level, then there could be innumerable reasons, and in order not to waste a lot of time searching for it, you can reinstall the Windows OS, this gives you a 100% guarantee of fixing the problem with Skype.


Now you know what to do if an error occurs: "There is not enough memory to process the command." Finally, it is worth adding that other programs can also issue a message of a similar nature, some of the above methods apply to them.

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