Uterine pregnancy: what does it mean, how to determine

Family replenishment planning is a responsible business. Only pregnancy can happen completely unexpectedly for a man and woman. Contraception also sometimes fails. In this case, the question arises of how to determine a successful conception. This is not as simple as it seems, especially when it comes to early diagnosis. Unfortunately, pregnancy is different. For example, an ectopic.

Today we will try to find out what a uterine pregnancy is. Its manifestations and definition will also be described below. The information offered will help every woman, even the one who plans the baby for a long time.

About the process of conception

First of all, you need to understand how conception occurs. This is an extremely important process, without which it makes no sense to talk about a pregnancy that has happened. Conception did not happen - a woman cannot be in an "interesting position."

With the beginning of the next menstrual cycle, the "female cell" begins to mature in the follicle in the girl's body. It is called an egg. Ripening thereof lasts until about the middle of the cycle. When ovulation occurs (this is the most favorable day for conception), the egg breaks out of the follicle, and then begins to move through the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity.

If at this time the egg collides with active, viable sperm, fertilization occurs. After this, a fetal egg forms, which attaches to the uterus. This process may be accompanied by slight bleeding.

Otherwise, reaching the uterus, the egg gradually dies. It takes about three to four days. After the body begins to prepare for the next menstruation.

Visit to the gynecologist


At the moment, in medicine, uterine and ectopic pregnancy can be distinguished. Already by their names it is clear what is happening in a particular case.

An ectopic pregnancy is a process in which a fertilized egg is attached outside the uterine cavity. This situation rarely ends in childbirth, it can be dangerous for the fetus and the expectant mother. An ectopic pregnancy is, for example, tubal or abdominal.

Uterine pregnancy is a process in which an egg, fertilized by a sperm, attaches to the uterine cavity. This situation is normal. And in this particular case, pregnancy usually ends in childbirth. But no one is safe from miscarriages. They can be triggered by various factors.

If violations have occurred

Violation of uterine pregnancy can occur for various reasons. It all depends on the specific situation. Such an event, as a rule, is accompanied by either a miscarriage or a halt in the development of the fetus.

It can happen:

  • by hereditary factor;
  • due to the presence of chronic or infectious diseases;
  • under the influence of stress or physical exertion.

If an interruption or freezing of a uterine pregnancy has occurred, histology is prescribed to the girl by her doctor. This study, during which you can find out about the true causes of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or uterine fading.

Determination methods

What does uterine pregnancy mean? This is the name of a conventional pregnancy. It develops in the uterine cavity for nine months.

Delayed menstruation during pregnancy

For those planning a replenishment in the family, the question arises of how to understand that fertilization was successful. To cope with this task is not so difficult if you know how to act.

At the moment, you can determine pregnancy:

  • according to non-standard sensations;
  • using the test;
  • blood test;
  • measuring basal temperature;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • through a visit to a gynecologist;
  • using ultrasound research.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. The main thing is to be careful about your body. True, in the early stages, uterine and ectopic pregnancy appear the same. And therefore, to predict whether everything is normal is not so simple. In any case, at home.

Menstruation and conception

The signs of uterine pregnancy are diverse. True, at first it is almost impossible to distinguish them from premenstrual syndrome. A woman can wait for critical days, and instead of them, a fetus will already develop in her uterus.

As a rule, girls with a regular menstrual cycle should be alert if critical days do not arrive on time. A delay of up to seven days is considered normal, but pregnancy can already be expected from the first day.

Important: sometimes after conception in the first trimester, the girl continues to have periods. Better hurry up with a visit to the doctor. It is possible that this is a serious pathology.

Home tests

An early uterine pregnancy can be determined at home. Especially those who are attentive to their body, know how to listen to it.

Pregnancy test

If a woman has a delay in menstruation, it's time to think about using a pregnancy test. It can be different: in the form of strip strips, tablets, as well as inkjet and electronic. The last two are distinguished by their sensitivity.

To determine pregnancy at home, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Take a pregnancy test and unpack it.
  2. Collect some morning urine in a sterile container. It can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  3. Lower the pregnancy test to a reference mark in the urine and hold for a few seconds. If we are talking about a tablet "device", you need to drop urine into a special receiving window.
  4. Wait a few minutes and evaluate the result of the diagnosis.

If there is a pregnancy, the test will show two stripes. The electronic device may display a smiling emoticon or the inscription "Pregnant", as well as the estimated term "interesting position". Very comfortably.

Important: to evaluate the result of the test is recommended no more than 15 minutes.

If a "ghost" has appeared (a weak second strip), we can talk about a high probability of pregnancy. It's time to think about more accurate ways to determine an "interesting position."

Basal temperature

How to determine uterine pregnancy in other ways? First you need to understand that the girl is pregnant. To do this, there are various diagnostic methods - at home or in the hospital. First of all, consider home methods of checking the body for the success of conception.

Particularly attentive women can understand that they are pregnant, according to the schedule of basal temperature. It must be prepared in advance, over several menstrual cycles.

BT schedule during pregnancy

Typically, with ovulation, BT increases to 37-37.7 degrees. After it gradually decreases to normal. If successful conception has occurred, the temperature will remain elevated. This is one of the signs of pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding

How else to find out that a woman has a uterine pregnancy? 5 weeks is the period at which there is already a chance of listening to the fetal heartbeat. But, as a rule, if a girl suffers from an irregular menstrual cycle, she may not understand that she is pregnant. In any case, in the first months of fetal development.

As already mentioned, when the fetal egg attaches to the uterine cavity, implantation bleeding can begin. This is not an abundant spotting that looks like the onset of menstruation.

A similar phenomenon is observed with uterine pregnancy, and with ectopic. True, rarely does anyone pay attention to this sign of a successful conception of a child.

Blood analysis

Signs of uterine pregnancy in the early stages coincide with the manifestation of an ectopic pregnancy. After the sperm fertilized the egg, serious hormonal changes begin to occur in the woman's body. Some of them make themselves felt, while some go unnoticed.

For example, an increase in the level of hCG in the blood. This hormone is called the pregnancy hormone. He appears in a healthy girl just during this period and never otherwise.

Having donated blood for hCG when menstruation is delayed, you can understand if there is a uterine pregnancy or not. Below is a table with indicators of "pregnancy hormone" depending on the term of development of the fetus.

HCG level during pregnancy

Important: if a woman has the basic signs of an "interesting position", but the level of hCG is below the established norms, it is advisable to assume an ectopic position of the ovum.

The main signs of pregnancy

In the early stages, uterine pregnancy, as already mentioned, usually manifests itself in exactly the same way as the approaching menstruation. But there are some "pointers" that raise suspicion of a successful conception.

Among those distinguish:

  1. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen. They will resemble the sensations of pain during menstruation, but not so strong.
  2. Nausea in the morning as well as in the evening. It is at this time of day that the malaise intensifies. It can also make you sick during the day, but not so much.
  3. The appearance of weakness and increased fatigue. A woman gets tired quickly, even if she recently woke up.
  4. Vomiting Usually it appears at the end of the first month of pregnancy. But vomiting is not excluded immediately after attaching the fetal egg to the uterus.
  5. Menstruation delay. About her has already been told. Waiting for a week delay is not necessary. The sooner pregnancy is diagnosed, the better.
  6. Mood swings. This happens due to a change in the hormonal background. A woman can get angry, then cry, laugh and so on. Pregnant women are characterized by increased tearfulness.
  7. Change in taste preferences and smell. Some smells during pregnancy can be disgusting, even if a girl used to like them. Craving for unusual combinations of products can also indicate a successful conception of the child.
  8. Bloating and constipation. During pregnancy, constipation and indigestion are not ruled out. Bloating is also possible. The girl can notice how the trousers, which were too big yesterday, now she is just, but the woman did not gain weight.

Perhaps this is all. These phenomena are considered the first signs of pregnancy in a woman. If a girl noticed them, it's time to buy a test and look for more accurate diagnostic methods. For example, donate blood for hCG. But this is far from the only way out.

How to determine pregnancy


What else will help determine uterine pregnancy? Ultrasound research! This is the most accurate diagnostic method, but you should not rush with it either. You need to rush to an ultrasound specialist when there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy.

It is best to sign up for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs around the fifth or seventh week of an "interesting position." At this time, as already mentioned, the fetus can listen to the heartbeat.

If you go to a specialist earlier, he may confuse a fetal egg with a cyst or an inflammatory process. Not always, but it happens.

Important: using ultrasound, you can determine not only the position of the fetus, but also its pathology.

Visit to the doctor

A short-term uterine pregnancy is similar to an ultrasound on a cyst. True, an experienced specialist will be able to assume the presence of a fetal egg in the body of a woman by conducting a preliminary survey of the patient.

If a girl suspects that she is pregnant, she needs to have a blood test for hCG, and then make an appointment with a gynecologist. This specialist will conduct a survey and also examine the genitals of the patient. By their condition, it will be possible to understand whether there is a pregnancy or not.

As a rule, if conception is successful, the cervix becomes cyanotic. But, if you come to the gynecologist too early, he may, like the specialist in ultrasound research, make a mistake.

Important: you can don’t have any tests at the first visit to the “female doctor”. This specialist will examine the patient, and then he will prescribe a series of clarifying analyzes and studies.

If the "diagnosis" is confirmed

Uterine pregnancy confirmed? You can calm down and get registered for pregnancy in the antenatal clinic. Now the gynecologist will observe the development of the "interesting position" of his patient, and will also schedule the delivery of the necessary tests. They help to understand how well the fetus develops, and also indicate the state of health of the pregnant woman.

If the analysis reveals any deviations from the norm, the doctor will have to advise the treatment and further actions to eliminate them. For example, prescribe vitamins or hormones.


We found out what a uterine pregnancy is. And how it manifests itself - too.

Toxicosis during pregnancy

This information will be useful to all women. The thing is that age is not an indicator of awareness regarding pregnancy diagnostic methods. Even doctors can make mistakes.

A short-term uterine pregnancy appears in exactly the same way as an approaching menstruation. True, in the end, menstruation does not come, toxicosis begins, and also with time (from about the second trimester), the stomach begins to grow. It increases with the growth and development of the fetus.

If a pregnant woman has an unusual malaise, bleeding has opened, or severe abdominal pain has occurred, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be a manifestation of a threat of miscarriage. It is possible that the expectant mother will help save the fetus by putting it in the hospital. There, under the supervision of doctors, the pregnant woman's condition is stabilized, and the unborn baby will be saved.

Important: if for some reason the girl does not want to give birth, she can voluntarily terminate the pregnancy. In Russia, the law allows a voluntary abortion of up to twelve weeks of fetal development.

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