A 9-month-old baby has no teeth: what to do?

The first tooth of each crumbs is a joyful event for all family members, it is expected with great impatience. Many parents associate the appearance of teeth with the beginning of a new stage in the life of a little man. It happens that the baby does not yet have assistants for biting, and his peers have "acquired" several at once. What to do if the child is 9 months old and has no teeth? We will try to answer this question.

When and how do the first teeth appear?

According to all existing rules, the first milk tooth grows up to 6 - 8 months of age. Quite often, two front lower teeth begin to erupt at the same time. Then there are the same tops, and there are also two of them. By the first birthday, the little ones have about eight or even more teeth. But this does not always happen.

Not all children develop equally. It is absolutely not necessary that the development of each baby is in accordance with accepted norms or standards.

baby 9 months no teeth cause

If the baby is 9 months old and has no teeth, there is no need to panic. Some of the babies acquire teeth in four to five months. This is especially true for those who are on artificial feeding. In children who are breastfed, they appear closer to a year old.

The reasons for this are different. These include the feeding of a baby and a hereditary predisposition. For example, milk formulas and cereals contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, a complex of other vital elements for the development of children, which has a significant effect on tooth growth. If the teeth erupt by a year or a little later, experts reassuringly say that you should not worry.

The opinion of experts

Doctors say that it is absolutely normal that the teeth of the babies erupt in about one and a half to two years. Moreover, not all experts are of the opinion that the later appearance of teeth is directly related to childhood rickets. Today there are quite a few kids with absolutely normal development, but their teeth erupted not so early.

lack of teeth in a child at 9 months

To exclude the likelihood that a baby at the age of nine months will not have teeth, it is better for mothers to prepare for pregnancy in advance. They need to cure their diseases and make sure that they do not get sick while waiting for the baby. You should also forget about your bad habits, eat right and observe the daily routine.

Teeth since birth

Before worrying that at 9 months the baby's teeth are not cutting, you should understand at what age they usually appear. If we focus on the development table proposed by pediatricians, this happens about half a year. Although the absence of teeth in nine months is now not uncommon.

Do not panic if your child is already 9 months old and has no teeth. In today's babies, the processes of dentition begin approximately at the age of eight months, or even later. Everything happens exclusively individually, therefore it is impossible to determine with accuracy when to expect the first tooth.

9 months old baby has no teeth what to do

By the way, the teeth of some children appear even in the first months of their life. This, from the point of view of pediatricians, is not a violation. A small number of babies are born with teeth already erupted in the womb. Such teeth are called natal. If the teeth appeared in the first month, then they are called neonatal. Both the first and second cases in some way do not indicate any disease or pathology in the development of the child.

What about the timing?

Some parents use a special formula to determine how many teeth should be in nine months. It looks like this:

K = M - 4,

where K will be equal to the number of teeth, and M - the number of months of life of the little one.

But even if teething begins only in a year, parents should not panic. This is also the norm.

Teeth in children can appear one at a time or in pairs. Moreover, in this way not only the first erupt, but also those following them. There are cases when in a baby at the same time as many as four teeth climb. By the way, massive teething will affect the timing.

It is human nature to doubt. Especially to parents of crumbs. It often happens that a child is 9 months old and has no teeth. Why? If at this age or even a year the baby does not have a single tooth, you should consult a doctor to make sure that the peanut is not sick with rickets or hypothyroidism.

Itchy gums

Usually the first twenty teeth should appear before two and a half to three years. Four incisors, two fangs (also called ocular) and four molars should be located on each jaw of the baby. In an adult, it is considered normal to have twenty-eight or thirty-two teeth - 4 incisors, two canines, four premolars and four to six molars on each jaw.

When milk teeth begin to erupt, between them, at first, there are no gaps. This is a normal occurrence. A little later, when the child’s jaw grows up, by the age of four the teeth begin to diverge, gaps form between them. This process is necessary in order for molars to be placed because they are much larger than milk teeth. If such cracks do not appear, then subsequently the molars cannot fit and will grow crookedly.

Let's talk about the causes of late development

So, one of the problems for many parents is the fact that the child is 9 months old and has no teeth. There may be more than one reason for this; the following factors must be taken into account.

1. Mom's health. During pregnancy, a woman could have malfunctions in the body (there were not enough minerals, vitamins, there was toxicosis, she was stressed), which influenced the appearance of teeth in the peanut.

2. The factor of heredity. It may turn out that mom, dad, or even a distant relative started teething quite late.

3. The age of the baby’s parents. There is an opinion that the younger the mom and dad, the later the teeth will appear in their baby.

4. Gender. In many developmental indicators, boys are lagging behind girls, therefore, their teeth can begin to erupt much later than expected.

5. In the body, crumbs for its full development and growth are not enough mineral components. In particular, fluoride, calcium and vitamins A, E, D, B.

9 months old, but no teeth

6. If the mother, while waiting for the toddler, did not give up bad habits, this could well affect the baby’s health, including dentation.

7. The term for the birth of crumbs - there is an opinion that the teeth appear in premature babies a little later.

8. Children's diseases. It is necessary to establish what the baby was sick in the first months of life. Indeed, at this time, enamel and dentin are formed, and due to some diseases, their growth can be slowed down.

9. Climate conditions. If the baby grows in a mild, warm climate, this will facilitate early dentition.

10. If a child’s calcium deficiency is pronounced in a child’s body, rickets may begin. With this disease, the process of bone formation is disrupted, they receive an insufficient amount of minerals.

11. The body of each peanut has individual characteristics.

For each of the listed reasons, attention should be paid in a timely manner.

What do the experts say?

So, 9 months old baby and no teeth. Komarovsky, a pediatrician known to most mothers, gives the following explanation. He says that a situation in which the process of tooth growth is delayed by about six months is considered absolutely normal, because there are no ways to influence the appearance of teeth.

If the baby is 9 months old and has no teeth, what should I do? Of course, teethers will help relieve pain for a while. If the baby does not yet have a single tooth, he can be given bagels or hard carrots. If at least one tooth appeared, they should be discarded, because even the smallest piece that the baby can bite off can lead to suffocation. You should use painkillers only after consulting a doctor, because only he can diagnose that pain, temperature and other symptoms have arisen precisely because of teething. It is best to opt for rectal suppositories: they quickly relieve pain, do not contain dyes and do not cause allergic reactions.

Teeth are cut

Lack of teeth in a child at 9 months should be a good reason to consult a dentist. Especially if there are no signs that indicate their appearance. But parents do not need to worry so far: if the doctor has not found pathological problems that affect the process, he may advise you to wait about three months. In this situation, the doctor is not able to influence the rate of eruption using medical methods.


We all understand how mummies of grown-up babies are worried because the baby is 9 months old and has no teeth. After all, it is believed that at nine months the front teeth should already erupt in the babies. What to do in this case?

The most important thing in this situation is not to compare your baby with the child of a girlfriend or neighbor. All children are different (doctors often talk about this), therefore, the timing of teething in each will be strictly individual. Even if the first tooth appeared in a year, it is considered absolutely normal.

Does the baby have teeth at 9 months?

You should not panic if the baby celebrates his first birthday just a couple of months later, and he still sparkles with pink gums while smiling. Children's dentists claim that before the baby turns one and a half years old, at least one tooth will be thinned out.

Most of the crumbs are born without milk teeth. True, their beginnings begin their formation in the first trimester of pregnancy mothers. And it happens that a child is born already with one or two front teeth. But even in this situation, there is no need to worry.

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