The smartest and most affectionate rodent is a rat. Animals are simply amazing intelligence. Anyone who has ever kept a rat will not let you lie.
Apparently, for their excellent mental abilities, these funny creatures are deprived of health. A tumor in rats is a fairly common occurrence. And today we’ll talk about how to act if the pet has a neoplasm.
What is a tumor? Her views
A tumor is an abnormal growth of certain pathological tissues. Unfortunately, tumors in domestic rats occur very often. Females are most susceptible to them.
Neoplasms are of two types: benign and malignant. And if the former are curable, the latter are practically not operated on.
What is the difference
What is the difference between benign tumors in rats and malignant ones? A benign tumor is "fenced" from the adjacent tissues by a certain capsule. This capsule is connective tissue.
As for malignant tumors, they grow very quickly and penetrate into healthy cells. After which they are reborn. As we know, metastases form in a fairly short time.
Are benign tumors safe?
How safe are benign tumors for rats? On the one hand, they do not penetrate into neighboring tissues. And on the other, - growing, squeeze the organs of the animal, preventing it from moving. Therefore, it is difficult to call them completely safe. But benign formations are removed.
Signs of swelling
What are the symptoms of a tumor in domestic rats? We publish a detailed list so that an attentive owner can notice the problem at an early stage of its occurrence:
- The mucous membranes turn gray.
- There is too much urination and bowel movement.
- The pet releases blood from the vagina, anus, urethra, and mouth.
- Hernia appears.
- The rat becomes lethargic and lacks appetite.
- The pet begins to bald. The hair is ruffled, touching it is unpleasant.
- Tubercles appear on the body, which are easily palpated by touch.
- Solid growths on the body of the animal are possible.
If the owner of the rat found such signs, then it is urgent to consult a veterinarian.
Causes of Tumors
One of the most common reasons why tumors in rats occur is because of a poor diet. The food is too greasy, poorly balanced, with a high content of dyes and preservatives.
Other reasons look like this:
- Lack of proper physical activity. If the pet lives in a too small cage and is often forgotten to let it out for a walk, the likelihood of a tumor is not excluded.
- Genetics. Alas, in pets whose parents (or one parent) died of cancer, the likelihood of a disease is very high.
- Mycoplasmosis There is no need to explain, everything is clear.
- In females, the predisposition to tumors is at the hereditary level.
- Stress. The greater the animal’s discomfort, the higher the chance of rat disease.
Rat Tumors
Diseases of rats always worry owners. Where are the most common tumors in pets?
- On the neck. One of the most common types of tumors. When stroking a pet, the owner notices a tubercle on his neck. This tubercle does not seem solid when touched. It rolls very easily and has a streamlined shape.
- On the mammary glands. Such a tumor occurs, as a rule, in females. It looks like a little bump. Slides easily under the fingers. There is no swelling, as well as firm fixation of the bump.
- Under the tail. Another type of tumor in rats is in the form of tubercles. This time on the genitals.
- Under the paw. A lump that initially seems small grows very quickly. Therefore, as soon as you feel the seal under the paw, immediately contact your veterinarian.
- On the side. As a rule, it becomes noticeable only with its growth. But there are signs by which it can be understood that a malignant tumor is ripening on the side of the pet. The animal becomes lethargic, cases of bleeding from the mouth, anus, urethra and vagina are not uncommon.
- On the cheek. Always affectionate and gentle pet suddenly became very aggressive? And when stroking her face, the owner found an elastic ball on his cheek. And this ball rolls perfectly between the fingers. The probability of a neoplasm is high.
- Brain. Brain tumors are usually benign. But this is unlikely to please the owner of the rat. Such tumors are inoperable. It is possible to notice a neoplasm only when it is completely growing. Up to this point, it is possible to understand that a rat has a brain tumor only by external neurotic manifestations. The animal lies with outstretched fore and hind legs. The joints in the rat do not bend.
- Bone tumors. They can be felt, under the fingers a thickening of bone tissue is easily guessed. Most often, these tumors lead to paralysis of the rat.
How to treat?
Are tumors in domestic rats treatable? Just some of them. And the result is not always positive. Nevertheless, let's talk about treatment.
Oncology in rats is treated only surgically. Not all animals can be operated on. Inoperable are:
- Pets older than three years.
- Animals with numerous metastases.
- Rats with a brain tumor.
- Pets with additional serious illness.
In the early stages, operations are usually successful. Animals are treatable. In the later stages, most veterinary surgeons will not take up the operation. The forecasts are too unfavorable.
How is everything going
Tumors in rats and their treatment require serious efforts. Often you have to carry out several operations.
Before prescribing surgery, the doctor examines the rodent. An x-ray must be prescribed in order to determine the presence of chronic diseases, as well as to exclude abscesses in the body of the animal. In addition, urine and blood are taken from a rat for analysis.
The operation is carried out in a clinical setting. Only under general anesthesia. The animal is left for a day at least in a hospital so that the doctor can observe it.
We will not describe the operation itself here, so as not to cause unpleasant emotions in readers. We only indicate that it passes in two stages. And the seam is imposed with silk threads.
Way out of anesthesia
The owner may be next to the rat when it begins to move away from anesthesia. Just do not be afraid of its consequences. You need to be prepared for them:
- Rat vomits.
- She goes to the toilet "for herself." The stool is involuntary.
- The animal becomes aggressive, it is associated with painful sensations.
- There is a loss of coordination. The rat moves, as in slow motion.
At the time of exit from anesthesia, be sure to provide your pet access to drinking water. Many pets thirsty during this period.
Under the animal you need to lay a clean diaper. And change as it gets dirty.
How to care for a pet after surgery?
The first two or three days must be the presence of the owner and constant monitoring of the pet. The rat needs heat, which is provided with bottles of warm water. As the water cools, add new.
It is important to ensure that the pet does not lick the seams. To do this, use a special collar or put on a rodent blanket.
Sometimes veterinarians recommend treating sutures, applying special ointments for faster healing. This can be done both independently and in a veterinary clinic.
Remember that only a doctor can remove stitches. In no case do not meddle in this matter on our own in the absence of any experience.
Preventative measures
What is the prophylaxis of tumors in domestic rats? The owner must observe the following rules:
- Feed your pet only high-quality feed. Calorie content should be low. Forget about purchasing products containing artificial colors and preservatives.
- Buy rats from trusted breeders. Nurseries value their reputation, animals acquired in them are healthy. The probability of slipping a sick pet is very low.
- It is better to get males, they are less susceptible to cancer than their girlfriends.
- If you find seals, tubercles or symptoms described above, do not hesitate to be examined by a veterinarian. A cancerous tumor is easier to prevent than to launch it into an inoperable state.
We found out what are the tumors in rats. We talked about how they are treated. They talked about the symptoms, which must be paid attention to.
The material tells how to care for a pet in the postoperative period and what preventive measures to take to prevent the formation of tumors in pets.