Pregnancy is perhaps the most long-awaited and happiest time in the life of every woman, but also the most alarming, too. A lot of new fears and emotions for any reason, including for your baby. A change in the hormonal background in the body of a future mother very often leads to incorrect functioning of the stomach or intestines, and, in particular, to the appearance of such a delicate problem as constipation.
Causes of Constipation
Moreover, constipation during pregnancy appears in almost half of women and this is due to an increase in progesterone, i.e. female hormone, which causes relaxation of the walls of the uterus. But since the uterus and intestines are connected by the same nerve endings, relaxation of the intestinal walls automatically occurs, its contractions decrease and, as a result, constipation appears in pregnant women.
In addition, the causes of a delicate problem can be:
- the presence of various chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines;
- taking the necessary additional drugs, for example, iron and calcium;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- insufficient drinking regimen;
- poor diet.
Methods for Combating Constipation
It should be remembered that constipation during pregnancy is a fairly frequent and common phenomenon that must be eradicated in order to avoid many problems.
Therefore, the first thing you need, no matter how trite it may sound, to adjust your menu. It is worth reducing the portion eaten at a time. Yes, yes, it is precisely reduced so that it is more convenient for the stomach to digest it. But it is worth increasing the number from 6 to 8 meals per day.
In addition, you need to monitor the
drinking regime and you will have to fall in love with water, fruit drinks and decoctions of dried fruits, because pregnant women need about three liters of different fluids per day. A
decoction of prunes will help not only to cope with the problem of constipation, but also add the necessary vitamins and minerals in this case. Such a decoction in the morning is especially useful, preferably on an empty stomach.
As a rule, constipation during pregnancy can provoke a lack of fiber or its lack in diet. A large number of vegetables, fruits and daily use of oatmeal can work wonders. You should include boiled beets, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and zucchini, as well as pumpkin and apples in your menu. An excellent prevention is a salad of finely grated fresh pumpkin and apples, mixed with a small amount of honey, of course, if there is no allergy to honey. Well, of course, dairy products should also be present on the menu of a pregnant woman daily. Try to dine with any sour-milk products, adding your favorite fruits. Such a dinner will certainly appreciate your intestines.
Harm from constipation
In addition, you should know what constipation is dangerous during pregnancy: in addition to causing bloating and just becoming hard to move, there is also an intoxication of the body in both the expectant mother and the fetus. Since decay products are not removed from the body for a very long time and the toxins in them begin to be absorbed back into the blood. Because of this, there is a high probability of infection of the intestinal microflora and increased uterine tone, which should be avoided during pregnancy , because such a process can provoke premature birth or miscarriage, depending on the duration of pregnancy. And the problem of hemorrhoids also very often arises as a result of prolonged constipation.
Medical assistance
There are times when neither proper nutrition nor an active lifestyle brings the long-awaited result. And since constipation during pregnancy is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, it remains to fight them with the help of pharmacy products. Such funds include primarily ordinary glycerin suppositories. One candle per day is shown, which is advisable to use in the first half hour after breakfast. But there are contraindications - this is a threat of miscarriage even after 30 weeks of pregnancy. Another good remedy is the drug Dufalac.
But remember that taking any medications without the knowledge of your gynecologist is dangerous, because you can harm not only yourself, but also the unborn baby. So talk about your delicate problem and with the help of a doctor, find the best solution for you.