The average life span of a domestic cat is 14 years, but under certain conditions, the pet can live up to 25 years. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the long-lived cats entered in the Guinness Book of Records and learn how to do so to extend the life of a furry friend.
The life span of cats and cats
When acquiring a little furry friend, few people think about the moment when you have to say goodbye to him. Only a few days are enough to become attached to the animal. And over time, people begin to think about how much their favorite pet can live and on what factors it depends. First of all, judging by the cats, the centenarians in the book of records, it depends on the love and the environment that the owners of their pets surround.
But, according to statistics, there are still certain breeds of furry four-legged friends, which, as it turns out, have a longer life expectancy. They have a special genetic program.
The average life expectancy of cats is from ten to 14 years. At the same time, furry friends, as such, endure old age more easily than people. The only difference is that with age they become less active and playful. According to observations, it starts at about the age of eight.
Street cats live much less, on average up to seven years. This is due to poor living conditions of domestic cats, as well as the frequent pregnancy of cats. Pets, whom the owners drive out into the street, will live even less because they are not adapted to life in such wild and uncomfortable conditions. Discarded “pussies” live on average on the street for about 4 years.
Those long-lived cats, whose life-length records are recorded in the world and in Russia, were all pets. They lived in comfortable conditions and were surrounded by love and attention. It is known that record cats lived twice as long as average, up to 30 years. Compared with the age of a person, he would have reached 170 years. Of course, this is an exception to the rule, and not everything depends on these two factors.
Long-lived cats in the world
The true champion and Guinness record of a long-lived cat is recorded in the UK. The oldest individual lived 43 years, which is compared with the age of a person at 175 years. This is with an average duration of furry animals of 15 years. Even at a fairly advanced age, she was full of strength and caught mice, but at the same time she did not hear anything.
Veterinarians from around the world examined the animal, but did not come to the conclusion that caused her such a long life.
Longevity cat records in the world:
- 1st place - Lucy (43 years old);
- 2nd place - Crim Puff (38 years old);
- 3rd place - Granpa Rex Allen (34 years old);
- 4th place - Catalina (34 years old);
- 5th place - Missan (33 years old);
- 6th place - Scooter (30 years);
- 7th place - Tiffany Second (27 years old).
The second place in the ranking is occupied by a cat from America, which was born in 1967 and lived 38 years. She was cheerful and active until the last. Its owner notes that the pet lived for so long thanks to a special diet, which included not prepared foods, but freshly prepared dishes from bacon, eggs, asparagus and broccoli. In addition, the pet was always surrounded by the care and love of the owners. Until 2011, this long-lived cat in Guinness World Records was considered the oldest. Then Lucy from Britain moved her.
What determines the life span of a cat?
Many owners are interested in what and what factors affect the life span of a pet. As veterinarians have noted, it depends on many factors.
Like humans, cats can inherit certain diseases. Pedigree cats in this regard are more susceptible to genetic relationships with relatives in terms of disease. Therefore, half-breeds or outbred animals have better health. But among pedigreed cats there are also long-livers. These breeds include Siamese, Bengal and Maine Coons, who live on average more than two decades.
Among the common diseases in cats, diabetes, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and disorders of the urinary tract are distinguished. All this affects the life span of a pet.
Yard cats are often at risk: infections, spoiled food, dog attacks, or the chance of getting caught in a vehicle. They live in more stressful conditions, which affects their life expectancy. Pets live longer, which are protected from the dangers of the street. But if such a cat goes outside for a walk, she is at even greater risk. Since, accustomed to living in comfortable conditions, she does not at all realize the danger that can await her.
This is the main criterion for longevity. The pet should eat balanced and receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Veterinarians recommend using ready-made feed, which contains everything you need for the growth and normal development of the pet. But at the same time, it is worth giving preference to quality products, rather than brands of dubious reputation. They may not have enough meat, but a large number of chemical components and vegetable protein, which does not affect the health of the cat very well.
Castrated cats are not susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases. Accordingly, they have a lower risk of developing oncology, and they do not suffer from hormonal disruptions, so they live longer. Although sterilization can adversely affect the pet. As a result, the cat can gain weight, which ultimately leads to the development of diabetes.
What can be done?
For those owners who want to break the record of a long-lived cat, it is worth following several principles. Namely:
- Nutrition should be organized depending on the age of the pet and its motor activity.
- Longhair cats buy special food, vitamins or pastes that regulate the functioning of the digestive tract, since the ingestion of large amounts of hair into the stomach can lead to its malfunction.
- Avoid weight gain, as this is fraught with the development of diabetes, which reduces not only the quality, but also the life expectancy of the pet.
- Vaccination is carried out according to the age and condition of the animal.
- Routine examinations every six months.
The oldest cat in Russia
The long-lived cat record in Russia was registered in Moscow. The pet, a record holder named Daniel Yankee, lived for 22 years. Its owner Maria Fedotova registered this record on July 11, 2016.
But in 2018, a cat named Smoke was discovered in Tyumen at the age of 25 years, which, when compared with human age, is 113 years old. It belongs to the Thai breed and can be listed in the book as the new champion among feline centenarians. According to the owners of the pet, he grew up very shy and does not recognize strangers. We picked him up on the street as a kitten, which could affect his emotional state. Moreover, life itself was not easy for him.
Once, after chasing a bird, he jumped out of the window of the 9th floor, damaging his internal organs. The owners took care of the pet for a year. At the age of ten, he became seriously ill, and the veterinarians offered to euthanize the animal, which the owners did not agree to. Surrounded by care and love, he is still alive, but recently he began to eat poorly, which affects his state of health.
How to choose a long-lived breed?
Veterinarians note that the eastern breeds of cats are the most hardy and healthy. Records of long-lived cats are more common among them. These include Scottish fold cats, which easily live up to 20 years. For comparison, an exotic shorthair or an Abyssinian live on average for about 11 years, even under comfortable living conditions and good nutrition.
Life expectancy of certain cat breeds:
- up to 11 years old - snow shu, Abyssinian, Bombay, exotic shorthair;
- up to 12 - York chocolate, Russian blue, American bobtail;
- before 14 - Scottish Straight, Bohemian Rex;
- up to 15 - Asian Shorthair, Arabian Mau, British, Kimryk, Persian and Canadian Sphynx;
- until 16 - Maine Coon;
- to 17 - Neva masquerade, Australian smoky;
- Till 18 - Japanese Bobtail, Scottish Fold, Asian Longhair, Devon Rex;
- Till 19 - Egyptian Mau and Asian Tabby;
- up to 20 - Thai, Manki tailless, Siamese and American Shorthair.
How to make a beloved pet a long-liver?
In order to extend the life of a pet or to set a record for a long-lived cat (there is a photo of them in the article), it is worth following certain rules. Namely:
- Do not refuse vaccination. Vaccinated pets live longer.
- Sterilize or castrate, which will protect the cat from infections, oncology and hormonal disruptions.
- Nutrition should be rational. It’s better to cook your own food or use ready-made food from the premium segment.
- Watch for overweight, which can cause diabetes.
- Do not self-medicate.
- Maintain water balance. The water at the pet should always be clean.
- Monitor the condition of the oral cavity.
- Exclude street walks. Domestic cats that do not go outside live longer.
- Make the cat move using toys or special playpens.
The main key condition is unconditional love and care.
The records set by long-lived cats both in Russia and in the world confirm that a beloved pet can please its owners for more than a dozen years. This primarily depends on the living conditions, breed, genetic characteristics and the attitude of all family members to it.