All recent years have been marked by the fact that in our lives more and more importance has acquired “smart” technology. Computers and laptops, tablets and smartphones - not only almost everyone has these gadgets, they actually determine the rhythm of life of a modern person.
The more offensive is the situation in which your device behaves somewhat inappropriately. Viruses or some kind of software and hardware failures can sometimes ruin your mood for a long time. Sometimes an operation called Recovery helps. What is it, in what cases is it recommended to use this technique?This article is dedicated to the answers to these questions.
General concepts
, "recovery" . , «». , - .
, Windows Recovery, , .
Android, , Recovery Mode , . , , , .
Recovery. , ? , , . , , , .
, – .
, . 512 1 , 1,44 . , ?
However, pretty quickly it turned out that it wasn’t so simple with them: if a standard CD could last ten years and completely store all the information recorded on it, then a regular flash drive could be completely empty after six months. Accordingly, the Data Recovery service very soon became extremely popular.So, what are the main ways to recover data from flash drives? Most often, specialized programs are used for this: R-Studio, Recuva or the like. If they are powerless, then utilities from the manufacturers of a specific drive come to the rescue.
, . , Data Recovery .
, , HEX-. , .
, , . , File Recovery .
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By the way, what about SSDs? The situation with them is no different from that for flash drives.
How is data recovery from standard spindle drives? It’s still more difficult with them. When information from the hard drive is no longer being read, the protective shell is removed in the sealed chamber, the head blocks are removed, and the data is taken from the “pancakes” using donor reading heads.
Of course, in simple cases, data recovery programs can help, which we will talk about below.Data recovery at home
Of course, we have already said that it’s better not to do File Recovery at home. But if you simply mistakenly deleted data from a flash drive, then it can be completely restored without the help of specialists.
R-Studio. . , . , , .
, .doc . , :
, : «» «». «», « ». , . , « ». , , «.doc». «», .
, «». , . ! , ! , File-Recovery ( , ).
, doc-, - , . , , , «».
Recovery -, . . «» , .
, Partition Recovery? , .
, . Acronis Disk Director – , . , .
, « ». «», .
«», . , .
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, , , , . Google Accounts Recovery, .
: , - . , .
So. First you need to go to the official page of any Google service that requires authorization. Then select the option "I do not remember the password." You will be redirected to a page with a form to restore it. Remember, the chances of successful completion of Accounts Recovery are the higher, the better you remember the secret questions and other data that were entered during the initial registration!It is necessary to fill in all the fields, indicate the backup mailbox that you specified during registration, and then confirm your control over it (by entering the code sent to it by Google). If everything is fine, then Google Recovery will not create any special problems. In severe cases, you will have to talk with technical support. If you really own the controversial account, then you will surely get it back.
, Google .com, Accounts Recovery .
, . -, , Google.
, . , , . , «» , .
, Accounts Recovery .
Windows Recovery
, , . , Windows, .
, 2001 , , (Recovery) . .
. «», « ». « ». , . « ». , .
( ): - , CD/DVD, . , «». , .
. « ». « ». , « ».
, , . , .
«». , Recovery . , .
, Android Recovery. , ? , .
, « » – , - .
, , . . , Home+Power+Volume Up Recovery- Samsung.
Nexus Volume Down+Power, . , . , .
, Android Recovery – , . Stock Recovery, - Custom Recovery.
. , , . , :
Custom Recovery . . , , (Motorola G, ).
, Recovery. , ! . .