The most popular guinea pig breeds with photos and names

Cavia porcellus, guinea pig, or Guinea pig, Cavey - it's all about a guinea pig, a small domesticated rodent nicknamed “pig” for the characteristic sounds made.

Representatives of the most popular breeds of guinea pigs reach 25-30 cm in length and weigh from 1 kg to 1.5 kg. Animals live from 5 to 7 years. A description of some of the many breeds of guinea pigs with photographs and names will be given in the text of the article.

Why in ancient times rodents were domesticated?

It's hard to believe, but the guinea pigs were domesticated more than 7 thousand years ago. It happened in the countries of South America, in the Andes Mountains. In those days, the guinea pig was a dish on the table among the South American tribes.

Breeding work was carried out with animals, and by the time conquistadors appeared on the continent, there were many varieties of guinea pigs. In the middle of the 16th century, the guinea pig fell into Europe, and not just anywhere, but into the royal family, where it became the favorite of Elizabeth I of England. Further, the guinea pig gains more and more popularity and ceases to be "food".

The 16th-century portrait depicts the children of a wealthy English noble family. One of the boys is holding a bird, and on the girl’s hands is a guinea pig.

breed of guinea pigs with photos and names

Since the 1540s, about 20 breeds of guinea pigs have been bred, photos and names of some of them can be found in this article. Crossing of pigs was aimed at obtaining animals of unusual appearance.

Why are guinea pig breeds so popular?

The secret of fame of small rodents is very simple. They are incredibly cute and unpretentious for keeping at home. It's easier to keep track of a guinea pig than a wayward cat and a playful dog. The animal does not need to walk, comb out and wash it much easier than a large animal. An important role is played by the lower cost of maintaining pigs.

guinea pig breed description

It’s easy to make sure the animals are pretty, you just need to look at the photo of the family of the popular breed of guinea pigs, the name Satinova. Satin pigs are so charming that they participated in the filming of children's films more than once or twice.

Variety of breeds of guinea pigs

Although there are a lot of pig breeds, only 13 are considered recognized. Guinea pig breeds descriptions, exterior are developed, and individual assessment standards are created. Guinea pig shows are held in Europe and many others.

All 13 breeds are recognized not only by European standards, but also by the American Guinea Pig Breeders Association.

In addition to recognized breeds, there are a number of guinea pig varieties for which standards are not available. Unrecognized varieties of guinea pigs include: Harlequin, Baldwin, Belted, Panda, Ridgeback, Skinny, Magpie. These breeds are considered rare; individuals of the species were obtained as a result of unsuccessful attempts at crossbreeding. Rare breeds are not popular with professional breeders.

After one attempt at mixing different species, a strange mutation appeared in the pigs. The young are born shaggy, but with growth they completely lose their hair. You can get acquainted with the description and photo of the guinea pig breed named Baldwin below.

breed of guinea pigs with photos and names

Since Baldwin is a completely bald and artificially bred breed, its individuals require special care. Guinea pigs do not tolerate cold or heat and are not adapted to life outdoors. Animals can burn in the sun, as they have very delicate silky skin.

Description of the breed of American guinea pigs

The American breed or English Kevy is one of the most famous and popular in the world. The animals of the American breed have a smooth and short coat. The color may be different, but multi-colored individuals are more common.

long haired guinea pig breed reviews

The pig of the American breed will be a wonderful pet for the child. The animal is calm. Mumps are not picky and do not require special grooming.

A lively and cheerful animal gets along well with decorative rabbits and their own kindred. It is worth noting that in nature pigs are social animals, therefore they like to communicate with people and love affection and attention. They are able to show even some kind of affection for the owner.

Peruvian Guinea Pig - breed description

The efforts of professional breeders to breed new breeds of animals sometimes lead to unexpected results. First you should get acquainted with the photo of the breed of guinea pigs and the name of this amazing animal.

long haired guinea pig breed reviews

The appearance of animals is more like decorative rabbits than guinea pigs, only hanging ears and a round tail are missing. Peruvian pigs are known for their long and silky-to-touch hair. This breed is very fond of breeders and individuals can often be found at international exhibitions of guinea pigs.

A long-haired breed of guinea pigs, reviews of which are not the most flattering, is not the best choice for a lazy or inexperienced owner. The hair of Peruvian pigs can grow up to 50 cm, so animals require daily combing and hair care, otherwise garbage accumulates in the wool. Also, representatives of the species are very active, require a lot of space for games and the attention of the owner.

Description of the breed of Abyssinian guinea pigs

Abyssinian - the oldest and widely known breed of pigs. The pig of this particular breed became the pet of Elizabeth I of England in the 16th century.

variety of guinea pig breeds

Abyssinian pigs became famous for their incredibly thick fur. Wool grows in bunches - rosettes located throughout the body.

Incredibly energetic and curious, the animals are real individualists with their own character and habits. Animal fur requires compulsory combing 2-3 times a week. Abyssinians need a spacious cage and regular walks in the fresh air.

Description of breed Coronet

Coronet pigs are very similar to Sheltie guinea pigs. Both breeds are famous for their unusual long hair. Beasts of Coronet have one large rosette of hair growth on their heads. Due to the crest, the pig looks amusing. Below is a photo of the animal.

peruvian guinea pig description

Like all long-haired pigs, daily care is required. If the animal does not participate in exhibitions, the hair can be cut. The length of the fur of the beast for the exhibition should be at least 15 cm.

Description of breed Merino

Merino breed is obtained by crossing Coronet guinea pigs. Short curly hair grows throughout the body of the animal.

popular guinea pig breeds

Like the coronet pigs, Merino is a very active breed. To maintain them, you will need a large cage with a large number of tunnels, squeaking toys and balls. Merino pigs enjoy the attention and affection of the owners. The hair of guinea pigs is noticeably shorter than that of Coronets, but also requires regular care.

Texel Breed Description

Texel hails from England; the pigs are Sheltie's hybrid. Representatives of the species have a large round head and long curly hair all over their bodies. Guinea pig fur is very difficult to care for, so it is not recommended to give them to children.

guinea pig breed description

In addition to combing, animals need regular haircuts, clippings and auricles. Pets should also be washed regularly with shampoo, otherwise the coat will have an unpleasant odor.

Otherwise, Texel guinea pigs are no different from other breeds. They are energetic, curious, attached to the owner, funny in antics and beautiful.

Description of the breed White Crested

White Crested guinea pigs got their name for the white crest on the forehead characteristic of all individuals. The most common coloring of animals is a monophonic red, it is rarely possible to meet other options.

popular guinea pig breeds names

Animals are unpretentious in care and require combing once a week. Crested pigs are very modest, they are not as arrogant and curious as pigs of other breeds. Also, animals show exceptional ingenuity, memorize words for feeding and games, can distinguish the voices of the owners.

White Crested will be an excellent choice for people of age and families who, for whatever reason, are afraid of having large pets.

Guinea pig breeding tips

In one litter of guinea pigs, there are from 3 to 8 cubs. Like all rodents, mumps are very sexually active and can produce offspring 3 times a year. Individuals carry their babies within 2 months. Babies grow very quickly and after 3-4 months they become fully grown.

When crossing, it is necessary to refer to special literature and find out the compatibility of species and color of animals. The books describe the possible and undesirable consequences of mixing breeds, and do not neglect such valuable information.

Immediately after purchase and before breeding, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian. Do not forget that your favorite pet is primarily an animal that can tolerate dangerous diseases. Therefore, visits to the veterinary clinic should be regular, this will not only protect family members from illnesses, but will benefit the pig itself.

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