Bulldogs have long been famous around the world as strong fearless dogs. Everyone knows that England is the birthplace of this breed, but modern English bulldogs have become pampered and good-natured companion dogs, little resembling those strong and muscular animals that were bred for dog fights. It was the Old English Bulldog that was famous all over the world for its fearlessness and independence. Since the mid-19th century, these dogs have almost disappeared.
But lovers of purebred breeds revived them, and now you can meet the Old English bulldogs, almost indistinguishable from those fighting dogs of medieval England.
Bulldog History
In England, such fun as baiting a bull was widespread, when dogs pounced on him and bit him to death.
Therefore, they should have possessed not only strength, but also dexterity and fearlessness. And later, dog fights became popular. In these cruel entertainments, dogs of the Old English Bulldog breed were used. Vicious, strong and aggressive, they were no longer suitable for any job. Therefore, when in the middle of the 19th century all animal fights were prohibited, these dogs gradually disappeared. But they were used to breed new breeds. And around the world, bulldogs have spread. The breeds began to be called differently: bullmastiff, pit bull, English or
American bulldog - depending on which dogs they were bred with. But all of them almost did not look like a real Old English bulldog. For almost a hundred years, such dogs have not been seen anywhere.
How the modern old English bulldog appeared
In the 60s of the twentieth century, the American veterinarian David Levitt decided to tackle the revival of this breed. But it was important for him to avoid the shortcomings that the Old English Bulldog had before. Therefore, the selection work was long, the selection was carried out carefully. Levitt crossed dogs that were descended from this breed: English Bulldog, American Bulldog, Bullmastiff and Pit Bull. Using various combinations, he achieved that the dog appeared, as strong and energetic as before, but devoid of aggression and anger. Now this breed is very small, found only in America and is not officially recognized.
What does the Old English Bulldog look like?
A photo of these dogs makes it possible to understand how they differ from modern bulldogs. Purebred dogs of this breed should be medium in size, they are strong and muscular. The height at the withers does not exceed 50 centimeters, usually even less. The physique is compact and powerful, the dog is proportionate. The head has folds, like all bulldogs, but not so many, and the skin is thick. If we compare the appearance of a modern Old English bulldog with engravings depicting scenes of hunting or bullying bulls, we can see that the dog turned out exactly the same as in the past.
Breed standard
1. Dimensions.
Despite the fact that this dog is not tall, it weighs a lot - the weight of some dogs reaches 50 kilograms. This is due to her strong, muscular physique.
2. The head.
The large, almost square, muzzle is shortened, and the transition from the forehead to the nose is sharp. There are few folds, and they are mainly concentrated on the forehead. The skin is thick and the lips are saggy. The skull is flat on top.
3. Eyes.
Round, widely set, dark.
4. The ears.
Small and very thin to the touch. They are very high and wide set and curiously bent, so that even their inner part is visible.
5. Case.
The build of this bulldog is very powerful and strong. The neck is thick, the chest is wide, and the front legs are therefore apart. There are no wrinkles on the body, the skin fits well. This dog is highly arrogant.
6. Wool.
Very short, soft and thick. The dog can be of any color, but the color must be uniform. Only a black mask on the head is allowed.
7. The tail.
A bulldog dog is already born with a short tail. It is low set and has characteristic kinks.
Animal character
Levitt managed to bring a dog outwardly very similar to an ancient bulldog, but very different in character. She turned out to be good-natured, smart and obedient. This is a very sensitive dog, it is strongly attached to the owner. There is no aggression at all in the modern Old English Bulldog, it gets along well with other domestic animals, gets along well with children and is very affectionate. If the owner is in danger, an obedient and affectionate dog turns into a formidable beast. But in general, the modern Old English bulldog for this purpose was born to be a companion, a reliable defender and a loyal friend.
Parenting problems
But the modern dog, the bulldog, has retained some features of its ancestor. Therefore, she needs discipline and serious education. Bulldogs are accustomed to dominating, and if you don’t show the dog who the owner is from a puppy's age, there may be big problems in the future. When raising, do not use force or rudeness. After all, the Old English Bulldog is considered the most stubborn and intelligent dog with a sense of dignity.
Puppies are very fond of chewing and nibbling something, you don’t need to scold them for this, it's just worth providing them with a sufficient number of toys. The bulldog also needs long walks and energetic outdoor games. With proper upbringing, you can get a devoted and loyal friend, always ready to courageously protect the owner from ill-wishers. But you can’t make an affectionate pet from an Old English bulldog. This is a dog for strong, active people.
Old English Bulldog Care
It is not easy to care for the hair of this dog, because it is very soft and short. It must be cleaned with a special brush. In addition, bulldogs are very cold and can catch a cold, they also need to be protected from the heat. For the health of the jaws, it is necessary to give the dog the opportunity to chew a lot, so buy her more special toys. Pet nutrition should also be carefully monitored because they are prone to poisoning. You need to walk the Old English Bulldog for a long time, play outdoor games with him a lot and give different tasks so that he does not get bored.
How Old English Bulldogs Are Used
The breeds that were bred specifically for fighting disappeared by the end of the 19th century, because these dogs were always used for such fun. But the bulldogs of the twentieth century were bred for another purpose: to benefit people. And they easily cope with this task. Besides the fact that this dog is an excellent companion, friend and protector of children, a home guard and bodyguard, it is perfect as a partner for sports - jogging or cycling, as well as for use in special sports for dogs (agility, spring, etc. .). The nature of the bulldogs allows them to be involved in police work in the search and capture of criminals. After all, they are fearless, strong and used to always bring the job they have begun to the end. And because of their high intelligence and the ability to make decisions independently, they are successfully used in canister therapy - the treatment of certain diseases through the communication of patients with dogs.
How to get a dog of this breed
Modern Old English Bulldogs are a very rare breed. In Europe, they are not recognized, because they are found mainly in America. But lovers of purebred breeds can still get a puppy. First you need to make sure that a bulldog is right for you. The price of this particular breed in our country is quite high - it reaches 70 thousand. But to find a puppy, you will have to try, because kennels in Russia mainly offer ordinary English bulldogs. Most often, purebred puppies are brought from abroad.