Braces and pregnancy: is it possible to wear braces during pregnancy?

According to statistics, most people have malocclusion. Although at first glance this does not bring too much inconvenience, but if you delve into this issue, it becomes clear that the problem is serious. After all, malocclusion leads to the fact that the load on the teeth is distributed unevenly. This, in turn, provokes rapid wear and grinding of teeth.

braces and pregnancy

To fix this problem, braces are offered. Moreover, the sooner they are delivered, the better for human health.


But sometimes situations arise that lead to confusion. For example, when a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother. The question immediately arises whether the braces and pregnancy are compatible.

Can I wear braces during pregnancy?

If we consider this topic from a theoretical point of view, then this is a great time for such treatment. After all, a woman will have more free time to be observed at the orthodontist. Also, in the presence of constraint, during pregnancy she will be able to avoid too crowded places. But this is only theoretically.

The opinion of doctors

In fact, most experts are of the opinion that braces and pregnancy are not completely compatible.

Some doctors think differently. Even after they learn about the position of the patient, they do not stop the course to correct the bite.

In this case, do not forget about not too pleasant features. A pregnant woman all this time should be closely monitored by specialists. It is also worth considering that her body is changing every day. For this reason, it is very difficult to predict how such changes will result in corrections.

Braces during pregnancy can put a big burden on the expectant mother. Permanent hormonal manifestations, especially psychological ones, which at times become difficult to control, can bring a number of negative consequences if they occur during an appointment with the orthodontist.

For these reasons, we can say that braces and pregnancy are better not to combine.

Each case is different.

If a woman takes a bite correction course and suddenly finds out about her situation, she should immediately tell the attending physician. This is necessary so that he assesses the situation and determines a plan for further action.

Can I have braces during pregnancy?

Since each organism is individual, as is the case. The specialist must analyze the patient's condition, both physical and psychological. Only after that he can answer the question whether braces are possible during pregnancy or not.

When a woman in her new position for her feels fine, and the specialist is confident that he will be able to take into account all the possible situations that may arise in the process, he will continue further treatment. If not, you have to wait a bit.


So is it possible to put braces during pregnancy? If the doctor has allowed such an event, then the expectant mother should adhere to some recommendations:

braces during pregnancy

  1. Carefully monitor oral hygiene. After all, this is one of the most important points during the course of treatment. Since the body of a woman in such a period is much more sensitive and vulnerable, the braces can provoke some kind of inflammatory process. To avoid the occurrence of trouble, you should pay attention to the state of the oral cavity after each meal. In order to simplify this, they use different means designed specifically for rehabilitation. These include paste, rinse aid, brush, thread, irrigator. No need to ignore daily brushing. As many studies have shown, diseased gums adversely affect fetal development.
  2. Also, the specialist will definitely appoint the patient to use drugs that are designed to strengthen tooth enamel. They also contain calcium. For this reason, the expectant mother will have to follow an appropriate diet, which will include foods rich in vitamins. It is undesirable to make such a diet on your own. It is best to do this with the gynecologist in whom she is observed.
  3. Untimely visits to the orthodontist are not welcome in this situation. Since with the slightest violations or inflammatory processes, you can harm the baby.

If contraindications are found

If the specialist finds the slightest contraindications, he recommends immediately stop the procedure. As a compromise, to ensure that the result is not lost, the orthodontist offers a removable mouth guard for teeth. This silicone pad has no negative effect on the body. It can be easily removed if necessary. Continue further the process of alignment of the bite, you can begin after the woman has ceased to breastfeed.

Are braces installed?

Some women are interested in the question of whether they put braces during pregnancy. Although most specialists look at this critically and consider it an undesirable process, they nevertheless agree that with the right approach, if there are no contraindications, this orthodontic design can be established. In this case, the expectant mother must strictly adhere to all recommendations, take the necessary vitamins so as not to harm the child.

is it possible to put braces during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body under the influence of hormonal changes experiences serious stress. For this reason, not every specialist will be able to predict exactly how this will affect the course on correcting the bite.

Although in our time, as technology develops, braces do not interfere with the patient during correction. However, for pregnant women there is still a great risk that the most unexpected complications may occur.

Specialist consultation required

The specialist must provide the pregnant woman with all the necessary information about such a procedure. He is also required to answer the question of whether it is possible to wear braces during pregnancy, based on the individual characteristics of the lady in position.


The orthodontist must necessarily explain all the negative nuances and specific consequences of this process. Now we will consider them.

do they put braces during pregnancy [

During an interesting situation, the woman’s body lacks vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of trace elements, which are so important for the normal functioning of organs and systems, including calcium, affects the condition of tooth enamel. For this reason, braces and pregnancy are incompatible. After all, wearing them can be problematic. Such cases were observed that by the end of orthodontic treatment, the tooth roots completely absorbed.

During pregnancy, no one can guarantee that there will be no complications. Therefore, regular visits to a specialist are required. If you do not adhere to this, then a late inspection may lead to a violation of the dynamics of the correction process. And this in turn will lead to a number of negative consequences.

During pregnancy, delivered braces actively affect bone tissue, which changes. For this reason, no one can guarantee stability in the treatment process.

During pregnancy, you must take into account the emotional state of the expectant mother, which in most cases is unstable. Daily spurts of irritability and sudden mood swings can cause discomfort in the presence of braces. Such inconvenience provokes additional stress for the body. After all, everyone knows that such moments can affect not only the course of pregnancy, but also on the development of the child.

braces during pregnancy reviews

When a woman finds out about her situation, her diet is changing dramatically, because now she eats for two. She adheres to a healthy diet, spends more time in the fresh air and has a lot of rest. But during the installation of braces, this lifestyle changes a bit. The orthodontic design requires frequent replacement of arcs. This leads to the fact that some foods need to be removed from the daily menu of the pregnant woman, since their intake is much more complicated. This circumstance may not be reflected in the best way on the condition of not only the future mother, but also the baby.

Many women wear braces during pregnancy. Reviews of most of them say that during the mandatory procedure for removing the stone from the teeth, pain occurs, which is another stress for the expectant mother.

But the most important thing that a specialist should pay attention to a pregnant woman is tests that are given in the next order before the start of the bite correction process. This includes x-ray diagnostics. And for pregnant women, it is strictly contraindicated. And since surgical intervention is also required in some cases, an X-ray cannot be dispensed with.


We answered the question of whether it is possible to combine braces and pregnancy. Reviews from both specialists and women are basically the same. Since at this time you need to think about the healthy intrauterine development of the child, therefore it is better to wait a bit with the installation of this design.

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