Intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy: treatment, symptoms, causes

The problem of intercostal neuralgia (ICD-10 code G58.0) during pregnancy is not uncommon. In addition, it is exacerbated by the fact that not all means can be recommended to a woman, since this can harm an unborn baby. Meanwhile, if a timely and competent approach to resolving the issue, then pathology can be eliminated.

neuralgia and pregnancy


The occurrence of intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy is promoted by the following:

  1. Mechanical factors. With an increase in the size of the abdomen, pressure on the chest frame increases. Accordingly, on the internal organs. It does not go unnoticed by the body. Spine sites with intercostal nerve endings also suffer. This condition can accompany a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy, but with the birth of a child everything comes back to normal.
  2. The cause of intercostal neuralgia may be herpes zoster. If in childhood a woman was sick with such an infection as chickenpox, then the virus in the body remains for life. It just does not show itself, because it is in an inactive state. If conditions are favorable for its development (for example, pregnancy), then it becomes more active, skin rashes appear. Their place, including, may be the zone where the intercostal nerves are located. As a result, neuralgia occurs, which gives the woman expressed discomfort. If the rash disappears, then the disease itself goes away.
  3. Osteochondrosis is also one of the causes of this condition. And during pregnancy, it occurs quite often, due to increased load on the spinal column. In places of exit of nerves from the spine, damage can be observed.
  4. Decreased immune defense of the body due to frequent colds.
  5. Stress is of some importance in the occurrence of intercostal neuralgia.
  6. Sometimes the condition is due to increased physical exertion.
  7. Chest injury.
  8. The cause may be hormonal failure, which is observed during pregnancy.
  9. A woman often has a lack of vitamins, which can also cause intercostal neuralgia.

A provoking factor is the presence of bad habits. It is no secret that some women smoke and show an increased interest in Bacchus.

pregnancy and seborrebral neuralgia


With intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, treatment depends on the reason why a similar condition arose. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to independently diagnose and take various drugs. This is the exclusive competence of the physician.

It is always necessary to remember that a ban is imposed on many drugs during pregnancy, and the doctor is able to select the optimal remedy for a particular patient.

Symptomatic complex of intercostal neuralgia

With intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, the symptoms and their nature determine the direction of treatment. The woman’s task is not to make an independent diagnosis and start therapy, but to contact the doctor as soon as possible.

It is only in his competence to correctly diagnose and prescribe appropriate therapy. A woman should always remember that during pregnancy she is responsible not only for herself, but also the health of the unborn child.

The most common are the following symptoms:

  1. A woman feels pain, the location of which is the intercostal space. Sometimes the sensations resemble heartaches.
  2. The onset of symptoms is wave-like. The pains appear with a certain periodicity, and then disappear. With an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the frequency of unpleasant sensations also increases.
  3. Joining skin changes. Redness, itching, rashes may occur. Such manifestations are most characteristic if the cause is herpes zoster.

In individual women, muscle convulsions are observed, excessive sweating, pallor of the skin is noted.

intercostal neuralgia and pregnancy

The main symptom of neuralgia is pain

Of course, pain is the main symptom. Its intensity can be different and depends on the severity of the process, as well as the individual characteristics of the woman. The pain can subside at rest and intensify with movement. On inspiration, its amplification is always noted.

Various irradiation of pain is characteristic, in connection with which unpleasant sensations can be observed in the back, shoulder blade, and other places. Such a disguise significantly complicates the diagnosis.

With intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, not every woman knows what to do with pain. Therefore, you should not guess about what is the reason - the heart or something else, but it is better to immediately call an ambulance.

pain with neuralgia during pregnancy


Methods for diagnosing intercostal neuralgia in pregnant women are no different from standard ones. The doctor carefully collects an anamnesis, conducts an examination and is guided by the data of instrumental research methods.

These include the following types:

  1. X-ray
  2. CT or MRI.
  3. To exclude the pathology of the heart, its electrical activity is determined using an ECG.
  4. Ultrasound of the internal organs.
  5. The study of blood vessels using angiography.

When determining intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination.

A certain blood count has a certain information content. Depending on the symptoms and condition of the patient, additional research methods may be prescribed.

Treatment features

If pain occurs, consult a doctor. First aid measures are general in nature. Prior to consultation with a specialist, do not use any ointments or local painkillers. Since their components can be absorbed into the blood, the question of the possibility of using drugs is exclusively medical competence.

If intercostal neuralgia is mild during pregnancy, treatment is not required. Pain, as a rule, passes by itself, without the use of any medication.

medication for intercostal neuralgia


Your doctor may schedule acupressure treatments. Such manipulations perfectly relax the muscles. Along with this, the pain goes away.

But do not confuse this procedure with conventional massage - it is contraindicated during pregnancy. The fact is that the process can trigger premature birth.


Many are interested in the question of how to deal with intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, while not harming the fetus. If the pain syndrome is severe, drugs for anesthesia may be prescribed.

You can lubricate painful places with a warming ointment based on bee venom. As a result, muscle relaxation occurs, and with it the pain disappears.


Special gymnastics is shown (a lightweight option for pregnant women). Such exercises lead to increased blood circulation and the elimination of pain.

gymnastics with neuralgia


Recommended bed rest with a minimum load on the chest. If there is unbearable pain, then the doctor may prescribe novocaine blockade.

Additionally, a course of vitamin preparations is being taken. Vitamins of group B are especially shown. Various physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of reflexology, a complex of therapeutic exercises give a good effect.

It must be remembered that if intercostal neuralgia occurred during pregnancy, only a doctor will determine how to treat it. Any ointment and anesthetic cream is used only with its permission.

Possible complications

Intercostal neuralgia in pregnant women can be complicated by various conditions:

  • pain shock develops;
  • pain spreads to neighboring muscles;
  • the abdominal and respiratory muscles begin to weaken;
  • inflammatory processes in the intervertebral space;
  • various disorders in the musculoskeletal system.


Preventive measures, as with any other disease, are of great importance. It is difficult to completely exclude intercostal neuralgia in pregnant women (ICD-10 code G58.0), but it is possible to minimize its manifestations.

To do this, it is recommended:

  • categorical exclusion of excessive physical exertion;
  • Do not supercool and make sure that your legs always remain dry;
  • during the period of rising colds, visits to public places should be avoided as much as possible;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • rational, balanced nutrition;
  • fight against bad habits;
  • avoid presence in conflict stressful situations;
  • in late pregnancy, the wearing of a special bandage is recommended.
pregnancy pain in the back


With intercostal neuralgia during pregnancy, treatment should be correct and timely. And following simple recommendations will help a woman minimize the risk of illness.

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