To date, programs have become quite demanding on computer resources. And therefore, in the case of a lack of RAM, the device starts to work extremely slowly and unstably. Further, the material will consider all the main aspects relating to the question of how to put RAM on an Asus laptop or any other model.
What form factor is required for use in a laptop?
To begin with, it is worth explaining the meaning of the word "form factor". It refers to the size of the RAM plate. Today, there are two types of this part. Here is a short list of them:
- DIMM Represents a large die, which must be placed on the motherboard of the computer.
- SO-DIMM. This is the RAM for installation in a laptop. It has a smaller size, and therefore is not suitable for use in a stationary PC.
This is only the first important detail that you need to know before installing additional RAM in a laptop.
What generations are currently available?
Before you purchase the necessary part, you need to correctly select the necessary parameters. One of them is generation type. The following is a list of them:
- DDR2. He appeared in 2003 and is currently the oldest. On sale to find such dies will not work. But you can find used devices. However, it is not recommended to purchase them.
- DDR3. This type of RAM was released in 2007. Already a younger generation, but quite old compared to the new one. It can also be found in used devices.
- DDR4. Released in 2014 and is the most modern type of dies. Installed in all modern computers and laptops. It can also be safely purchased at the store.
- DDR5. It is assumed that it will be revolutionary, although there are few exact details about its characteristics. Release date is also not fixed. On the Web you can find a lot of materials that claim to be postponed to the current (2019) year. Although the official announcement was scheduled only for 2020.
A distinctive feature of each new generation of RAM dies is an increase in speed and a reduction in the amount of energy consumed. Nevertheless, if you decide to start installing RAM in an Asus laptop or any other model, you need to focus on the type that is already in the device.
Determine the type of memory in a laptop
When purchasing a die, you need to focus on the type for which the connector is installed on the motherboard. You can’t put others. So you need to choose the right type of DDR. To do this, it is enough to run the following algorithm:
- using the keyboard, launch the task manager using the combination Alt + Ctrl + Del or enter the name of the program in the search bar;
- after it starts, go to the performance tab;
- on the page that opens, pay attention to the list on the left, there you need to open an additional tab with the inscription "Memory";
- Now pay attention to the diagram on the right, above the graph of memory usage (on the right) the volume and type will be indicated, for example (8.0 GB DDR3).
In the event that this program fails and does not display the type (this happens quite often), then you can use third-party software.
Let's move on to the next paragraph of the article on how to put additional RAM on a laptop.
How to determine the permissible amount of memory for your laptop?
Before you purchase the required number of dice, you need to understand how much of this resource will be supported by the device used. The AIDA64 program is perfect for this. To use it to calculate the maximum allowable volume, you must do the following:
- Download, install and run this software;
- after its window opens, proceed to the section entitled "System Board" and open the "Chipset" subsection;
- a list of characteristics will appear in front of you, among them you need to find a line with the signature "Maximum memory", the number indicated in front of it will be a necessary indicator.
How to determine the required volume depending on the tasks?
Quite often, there is no need to install additional RAM in a laptop, while achieving an acceptable maximum. To determine the required volume, you need to check with the processor model and identify the main tasks that will be performed by the laptop. In this situation, the following tips are relevant for an approximate range of processors from different manufacturers. For Intel:
And also from AMD:
It is not recommended to install dies with a dimension of four to six GB. This is due to their rather strong weakness. Such devices are most often used to work with text editors and other office programs.
If "crystals" of a more productive type are used (for example, i3), it is recommended to put at least 8 GB or 12 RAM on your laptop. These devices are most often used to run modern AAA-class games or work with programs using 3D modeling and drawing. However, if the top-end hardware is installed in the laptop and it is planned to use it to the fullest, then it is better not to waste time and install all 16 GB there. They will not exceed the permissible maximum.
Which manufacturer should I prefer?
To date, two main types of manufacturers can be distinguished, under whose name RAM dies are produced. Those who manufacture chips:
- Hynix (Hyundai);
- Samsung
- Micron
- NEC;
- Toshiba
Manufacturers who produce ready-made memory modules, while not producing, but purchasing chips:
- A-Data;
- AMD Radeon
- Corsair;
- Kingston (HyperX);
- Patriot;
- Silicon Power;
- Transcend
Among these two lists, we can distinguish the following several well-known and trusted leaders who should be trusted in choosing this part and who are advised by professionals:
- Corsair;
- Kingston (HyperX);
- Hynix (Hyundai);
- Samsung
After all the basic questions and criteria for choosing the dies have been sorted out, you can proceed to the most important solution to the question of how to put RAM on a laptop.
Dice Installation Instructions
It is worth noting that here everything is somewhat more complicated than on a computer. If there it is enough just to remove the cover from the case and install the memory in the necessary sections, then on the laptop you need to try hard. Detailed instructions are given below:
- Before you put RAM on your laptop, completely turn it off and unplug it from the wall outlet.
- Next, remove the battery.
- Now remove the bottom cover of the laptop by unscrewing all the bolts. Try to remember their location.
- Now you should have a laptop motherboard. On it, you can easily find cells with memory dies. If you decide to completely upgrade the equipment, then just remove the old ones (most likely, they are held on latches).
- After that, insert new ones. To the click.
Now simply reinstall all previously removed parts, start and check the operability of new parts through the task manager or the system properties.