Install ArchLinux for beginners. Install ArchLinux programs. Installing Steam on ArchLinux

Winows family operating systems are leading in the computer market. But sometimes it becomes necessary to use third-party and free software due to personal preferences or the inability to purchase a license for Windows. In this case, the Linux OS comes to the rescue. But not all of them differ in friendly interfaces and extensive documentation. And the latter, if present, is often only in English, which not everyone can boast of. But, unlike closed-source software, Linux systems have the ability to be much more widely configured for a specific user. The article describes in detail the features of the ArchLinux installation and about this system as a whole.

install archlinux

ArchLinux. Installation and setup

«». ArchLinux. , , «» , ArchLinux «». , , . , , , "" , . ArchLinux . ArchLinux.


ArchLinux CRUX. «» . «» , ArchLinux . , . ArchLinux . .

installing archlinux for beginners

ArchLinux: stable current. stable . . «» current. , . ArchLinux . «» ( ArchLinux) stable- . , - .

ArchLinux . , Linux. . , . ArchLinux – , .

USB- ArchLinux. ISO- . ArchLinux : . , « ». «» 600 , - 200 . .

installing archlinux programs

USB-. Windows, Rufus. , . Rufus . «». USB- ArchLinux. , , . .

BIOS ArchLinux . , ArchLinux . .

, , – . , $/arch/setup. . , :

  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • .

installing steam on archlinux

, « » . ArchLinux - .

«» ArchLinux Linux. . , . HDD , , . ArchLinux .


  • /;
  • /usr;
  • /opt;
  • /var;
  • /var/abs;
  • /var/cache/pkg;
  • /var/cache/src;
  • «/home».

, .

. ArchLinux. /usr «» - . , .

/opt QT, «» . 4 .

/var, .

/home . – ext3.

ArchLinux . – . , , . «», , , . . ArchLinux GRUB.

. . , , «». SCSI, .

. , . , «» . ArchLinux , .

install and configure archlinux


. ArchLinux KDE. . pacman –S kde. . Mozilla Firefox ArchLinux . : pacman –S firefox. « » Google.

. ArchLinux , pacman. . , – pacman –S _. pacman –Syi. . ArchLinux «» .

archlinux after installation

ArchLinux Steam

Steam – Linux. Windows. Steam . «» Linux. Steam ArchLinux , .

, Steam ArchLinux. . 64 , multilib, - Arial, Steam . pacman –S ttf-liberation. "" pacman –S steam.

step-by-step installation of archlinux

, ArchLinux. , , . , . , «» , Steam ArchLinux. , . , . ArchLinux - .

, ArchLinux . - Microsoft, .

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