Rotavirus infection is caused by rotavirus, which can exist for a long time in the external environment, and when it enters the body, it begins to multiply rapidly in the stomach and small intestine. This disease is characterized by an acute onset, often the pathology becomes chronic. The signs and treatment of rotavirus infection in children are discussed below.
Rotavirus infection statistics
As a rule, treatment of rotavirus infection in a child is required, since it is precisely small patients that this microorganism most often affects. In the first four years of life, 80% of babies experience this disease. In children of preschool and primary school age, infection is diagnosed in almost 20% of cases. From 27 to 30% of the adverse conditions that are accompanied by diarrhea are caused precisely by rotavirus. Infection carriers, as a rule, are children attending childcare facilities, that is, a kindergarten or other groups. From 1.5 to 9% of preschool children are carriers of rotavirus.
Disease transmission mechanism
The causative agent has a very high survival rate in the external environment. In tap water, for example, rotavirus remains viable for two months. On fresh vegetables and fruits, it can be stored for a month, and on various items of furniture - from one to seven weeks.
A child or an adult can become infected by eating contaminated food and water, from a carrier of the disease, by eating food from one dish, through objects or dirty hands. That is why when caring for a patient as part of the treatment of rotavirus infection in children 5 years old and another age, special attention must be paid to observing personal hygiene rules.
From the moment the virus enters the human body until the first symptoms appear, usually two days pass. During this time, rotavirus manages to pass through the acidic environment of the stomach and begins to infect the cells of the small intestine, reproducing its copies at great speed.
The clinical picture in children under three years of age
Young patients tolerate infection differently depending on their health status and age. Children under three years of age are most vulnerable to rotavirus. Often in this age group, the disease proceeds in moderate or severe form. If we talk about babies up to three years, more often it may be necessary to treat rotavirus infection in children in a hospital than at an older age (from three to seven years).
The onset of the disease is always acute, the infection is activated completely suddenly. Indigestion is characteristic, the severity of diarrhea can be either severe or moderate. The frequency of bowel movements is 10-15 times a day. In complicated forms, it can reach 25 times or more per day. The chair is usually pungent, foaming, watery. The duration of such manifestations is approximately three to five days. Diarrhea is observed in absolutely all patients, in most cases it is accompanied by vomiting. Vomiting usually occurs after fever. It occurs repeatedly: from three to four to five to seven times a day. It usually stops on the second day, but the gagging may persist for a few more days. Intoxication of the body is strongly expressed in children from three to seven years, which can persist for four days.
Not all children under two years old can speak, so it is not possible to find out about abdominal pain. However, it is often observed in babies, who can already explain in words their condition. At an earlier age, discomfort in the abdomen can be recognized by the fact that the child clings to his hands, crouches or bends to ease the pain. In addition, abdominal rumbling and bloating are often noted. Common symptoms are typical: lack of appetite or a complete refusal of food, irritability and tearfulness, moodiness, there is an increase in body temperature, drowsiness, weakness and fatigue, lack of interest in games. With frequent attacks of diarrhea, dryness of the skin, tongue and lips appears, the child's breathing and heart rate increase. The baby becomes apathetic and lethargic, crying for no reason, may complain of a headache or dizziness.
Symptoms of infection in preschoolers
For children of preschool and primary school age, an acute onset of the disease is also characteristic. Diarrhea is usually mild or moderate, easier to tolerate than younger children. Stool appears two to three times a day, with moderate severity - up to five times. The feces are characterized by a very pungent odor, light brown, yellowish in color. Diarrhea goes away in two to three days.
Vomiting appears on the first day of the disease. It is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. As a rule, it is single and precedes an attack of diarrhea. May be accompanied by nausea. Vomiting occurs on the second day, and nausea persists up to three days.
A preschooler may complain of mild or moderate intensity abdominal pain. Small children (3-5 years old), as a rule, roll away on unpleasant sensations around the navel, and in older patients (5-7 years old) they are spilled. The pain is usually cramping, quickly passes. Bloating, symptoms of intoxication, dehydration are also noted.
Extremely severe disease
Treatment of rotavirus infection in a child of 4 years old and a different age should begin immediately after the onset of clinical manifestations. If you ignore the condition of the child, serious intoxication and dehydration will come, which threaten irreversible consequences. The following symptoms are especially dangerous:
- Black stool and blood in the stool. Observes such a symptom with intestinal bleeding. This condition requires immediate hospitalization, it is urgent to call an ambulance.
- An increase in the number of bowel movements up to 10 times a day or repeated (more than 7 times) vomiting. This can lead to severe dehydration. To normalize the condition, it is necessary to inject electrolytes intravenously and make up for the lost volume of water.
- Strong pain in the abdomen. Such a symptom may indicate a possible damage to the intestinal tissues.
- Rash. Red spots on the body (up to 0.5 cm) - this is possibly a paratyphoid or typhoid masking as a rotavirus infection. In this case, it is also necessary to urgently call an ambulance.
Methods for diagnosing the disease
Treatment of rotavirus infection in a child should be adequate and appropriate, begin on time, that is, immediately after the onset of symptoms. But the disease has symptoms similar to some other diseases. Physicians, when making an accurate diagnosis, are guided by a number of such signs:
- Acute onset of the disease.
- No rashes on the body.
- High temperature (up to 39 degrees), which lasts for a short time.
It is believed that a greater number of cases are diagnosed in the autumn-winter period, however, infection is also possible in the summer, for example, when bathing in ponds.
Changes in blood tests are rarely specific to such a disease. As a rule, they characterize only intoxication or dehydration of the body, that is, symptoms. To confirm the diagnosis, a special laboratory test is necessary. It can be a serological blood test or a virological study. In the first case, antibodies to a certain virus appear in the blood; in the second, it becomes possible to track the effect of rotavirus on the fat cell.
Treatment of rotavirus infection in a child begins without confirmation of the diagnosis in the laboratory. After reading the diagnostic results, the doctor will be able to adjust the course of therapy in accordance with the information received.
Principles of Rotavirus Treatment
Treatment of rotavirus infection in children up to a year and older depends on the level of activity of the pathogen. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the infection can be treated at home, hospitalization is required if dangerous symptoms are detected, which were discussed above.
The basic principles for treating rotavirus infection in children and adults are the same. They consist in replenishing the fluid lost as a result of bowel movements and vomiting, preventing dehydration, following a special diet. It is necessary to remove toxins from the intestines, as well as eliminate the pathogen - rotavirus itself. In the treatment of rotavirus infection in a child, sorbents are used for this purpose. Other medications are indicated.
Next, we consider in more detail all the components of the treatment of rotavirus infection in children 1 year old, 3-5 years old and older.
It is undesirable to give a child products that activate the digestive system. Such food can trigger longer diarrhea and vomiting. Before complete recovery, you need to exclude bread, any flour products and sweets, dishes with a lot of salt, spices, spices, fats, milk, vegetables and fruits (including dried fruits), since they contain a large amount of fiber. Only lightly salted cereals and dietary broths may be given. You should eat fractionally, in small portions.
Rotavirus Elimination
Treatment of rotavirus infection in a child at 2 years of age can be more difficult than therapy for the same disease in a primary school student, but, as a rule, the same drugs are used (adjusted for age, of course).
To remove particles of the virus from the body, sorbents are used, for example, Smectu, Neosmectin, activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterodes. The first two drugs for the treatment of rotavirus infection in children can be used in a dosage of a maximum of three to four sachets per day, the last two - one or two sachets. Activated carbon can be given no more than four to six tablets. For infants, the dosage should be selected strictly individually. It is better to use drugs in the form of syrups, gels, grind tablets and give in a teaspoon with water.
In order to accelerate the healing process, many doctors recommend giving the child "Anaferon" or "Arbidol." Taking these drugs as part of treating rotavirus infection without fever in children can reduce the disease by two to three days.
Dehydration and intoxication
Repeated vomiting and diarrhea lead to the removal of a large amount of fluid from the patient's body, as well as trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of organs. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a water-salt balance with the help of special medicines. Such drugs include Regidron, Glucosolan, and Gastrolit.
If for some reason the use of these drugs is not possible, you should use solutions prepared independently for the treatment of rotavirus infection in children at home. So, it is necessary to dissolve in a liter of pure water four tablespoons of sugar, one teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. This solution will alleviate the patient’s condition, but you should not use it for a long time, since such a composition does not have many components that are important for a quick recovery.
Bowel recovery
Treatment of rotavirus infection in a child at 2 years of age, at an older or younger age must necessarily include restoration of the intestines. Such an aggressive pathogen damages the microflora, therefore, after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disorder, probiotics must be used. These include Bifidum, Linex, Lactofiltrum, Bifidumbacterin. It is also useful to use fermented milk products, but this should be postponed until the child recovers completely.
Caring for a sick child
Breasts suffer the most from this disease and require special care. To ensure the complete safety of the baby suffering from rotavirus infection, you should:
- Organize proper nutrition. If the mother is breastfeeding, then you can continue to do this, adhering to the previous regimen, but at least four to six times a day. If the baby is on artificial feeding, it is recommended to switch to a mixture with a low content of lactose.
- Follow therapy prescribed by your doctor. It is difficult for a baby to give any medications, but even so, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Pediatricians recommend the use of liquid forms of medicine or grind the pills in water.
- Change diapers or diapers regularly. Rotavirus infection is a frequent diarrhea, therefore, to prevent irritation, you need to change diapers or diapers after each wetting.
- Monitor the condition of the child. The kid cannot say that he feels worse or that something hurts him. That is why mom should carefully monitor the condition of the child, its level of activity, behavior. When dangerous symptoms appear (the baby has sharply become lethargic, weak, refuses food), you need to urgently contact the doctors.
Rotavirus drugs
What medicines are used to treat a disease like rotavirus infection? Therapy is carried out with the help of sorbents, drugs designed to restore the water-salt balance, microflora, eliminate symptoms of intoxication.
Sorbents include Enterosgel, Polysorb MP, Polyphepan, Smecta. With the use of activated carbon, doctors advise to wait until seven years. To remove intoxication and restore the water-salt balance recommended "Pedialit", "Regidron", "Rhydralit". The above recipe from water, sugar, salt and soda is described - such a solution is allowed to be given only to a baby older than two years.
To restore the microflora, drugs with the following names are used: "Bifiform", "Simbiter", "Prema Kids", "BioGaya" and others. Breastfeeding will help breastfeeds recover more quickly. Treatment of rotavirus infection without temperature in children is carried out by the above medicines, and if an additional fever is observed, you need to give the baby an antipyretic.
Rotavirus prophylaxis in children
To reduce the likelihood of contracting rotavirus, you must follow the rules of hygiene and vaccination. From a young age, it is necessary to teach a child to wash his hands correctly, tell how to do it, teach him to wash vegetables and fruits before drinking, and not to drink raw (tap) water.
As for vaccination, Ro Tatek and Rotarix drugs are now available to Russians. They have been used since two years. Vaccines are produced by European pharmaceutical companies and have all quality certificates. Rotavirus vaccination is not covered by the compulsory medical insurance policy; you need to buy the drug yourself. Its price is approximately 5 thousand rubles.