Chemical castration of dogs: description of the procedure, indications and reviews

The topic of dog castration is the most popular among breeders. The purpose of this procedure is to deprive the animal of sexual function by promptly removing the gonads or stopping their work. Most often, removal is carried out through surgery, in rare cases, using chemicals. Castration can be carried out both by cable and bitch. During the procedure, the testis or ovaries with the uterus are removed from the dog, as a result of which it is simply impossible to return the reproductive function to the animal. Chemical castration of dogs and cats is not carried out so often. Such a procedure can be carried out by a dog aged 6 to 12 months, but it costs much more than surgical castration, and also has some contraindications and possible complications.

Castration differences

It is important to consider all the pros and cons of the types and methods of sterilizing dogs. In a scientific language, castration and sterilization are two identical concepts, but many veterinarians have different meanings when communicating with clients. Castration, as a rule, is called the complete removal of the animal’s sex glands (testes) in the cables and uterus with ovaries in bitches.

Castration differences

Sterilization is a procedure in which only appendages are excised. The choice of therapy will directly depend on the goals of the owner, but castration is most often used, since after the complete elimination of the ovaries, the uterus ceases to function and after a couple of months will atrophy.

Why is held

Castration is a popular procedure for dog breeders as well as common pet owners. Opinions of veterinarians on the mandatory conduct of such an operation are constantly changing. But the owners decide to carry it out for the following reasons:

  • the presence of serious neoplasms in the prostate gland of the dog;
  • aggressiveness and irritability of the animal due to excessive amounts of testosterone in the body;
  • malignant tumors in the ovaries;
  • problems with the hormonal system;
  • unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism;
  • unwillingness of the owner that the dog took part in breeding;
  • pyometer;
  • false conception with complications;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the uterus and ovaries;
  • to prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

In most cases, after castration, the behavior of the animal changes greatly. If everything is quite simple with the physiological state, then the behavioral factor remains ambiguous. Most often, males and knots do not become benevolent, they only develop inhibition processes. Fear leads to the appearance of a dangerous type of aggression, which is no longer associated with an excessive amount of hormones in the animal’s body, so the removal of the testicles does not affect it in any way.

Why is a procedure necessary?

In this case, the animal almost does not change its behavior. Quite different happens with the attraction to the opposite sex, the animal after the operation ceases to run away to the females with estrus, will less engage in a fight with other cables and show its domination.

It should be noted that the dog does not stop marking the territory after sterilization; cables have such a habit at a natural level.

Many males over the age of 6 years suffer from prostatitis, and also about 60% of females after 6-7 years of life are diagnosed with benign and malignant tumors in the appendages and mammary glands. Cryptorchids (when one or two testicles do not descend into the scrotum of a newborn male after 2-3 months of life) suffer from inflammatory processes and neoplasms in the body. Sterilization of the animal in this case helps prevent the occurrence of these problems and maintain the health status of the pet.

When should the operation be performed?

Many owners are interested in when an animal should be operated on. Castration males should be done at least 6 months old. At this time, the male has well-formed basic organs and systems in the body, and sexual development has not yet been completed and the animal shows almost no signs of aggressiveness and irritability.

Some veterinarians recommend castration before the first estrus (from 8 to 15 months) or until the third, but not earlier than 6 months. It is also possible to castrate a female after puberty.

Main advantages

The main advantages of sterilizing a dog include the following factors:

  • reducing the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • solution of some hormonal problems;
  • possible elimination of causeless aggression and bad behavior of the animal;
  • getting rid of possible unwanted offspring;
  • females have no problems with estrus or shoots in males.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Such a procedure will help the owner in raising and training the animal, since he will not be affected by sexual desire and other factors. But it is important to remember that she has negative consequences:

  • the appearance of urinary incontinence in females (this can be eliminated through surgery);
  • the dog changes its behavior for a while;
  • complications may occur after an improperly performed operation or individual characteristics of the animal.

Complications after surgical removal most often occur as a result of intolerance to the material placed on the sutures, if it was improperly selected or the animal started any allergic reaction. In other cases, problems arise with poor-quality work of the veterinarian and improper care of the pet at home. Removing the testicles of males is a straightforward procedure, as it minimizes the incisions and places a small number of sutures.

But in females during the operation, the urinary tract is affected, which negatively affects the work of the excretory system. In females, the incisions are much larger and more serious, so the restoration process lasts longer. Inflammation and abscesses of the joints - the consequences of bacteria entering the healing area if sterility is not observed, which can provoke prolonged healing of the joints and worsening of the general condition.

It should be noted that castrated dogs are gaining weight, but excess weight can easily be returned to its previous mark if the dog's diet is improved, more light foods are added to it and physical activity is evenly distributed. If the dog does not have a predisposition to gain extra pounds, then a strong increase in weight will not occur and the pet will quickly recover.

The main types of operations

Specialists distinguish the following methods, methods and types of dog sterilization:

  • traditional castration;
  • "Partial" castration;
  • tubal occlusion;
  • laparoscopic sterilization;
  • chemical castration and other new techniques.
Types of castration

Radiation and Chemistry

To begin with, it is important to consider the pros and cons of chemical castration of a dog. Chemical castration is a temporary cessation of sexual activity to improve performance (hunting, service, guard), as well as for males with an increased anesthetic risk (old, sick, weak dogs). Infertility and elimination of sexual desire in an animal occurs after 5-7 weeks after drug administration and lasts for the next 6-7 months.

When to carry out chemical castration

Non-steroidal contraceptives (eg, Suprelorin) should not be used regularly, since in this case there is a high risk of side effects (swelling in the area of ​​implantation, local allergy with inflammation of the connective tissues). In addition, specialists do not have accurate information about whether the symptoms of cessation of sexual behavior are completely reversible (decrease in sperm count and sperm volume, decrease in testicular size).


Indications for chemical castration of a dog and how is the procedure carried out? Most often, chemical castration of an animal is understood as the use of special hormonal agents that help suppress reproductive function, but this is not so. When a dog is castrated with drugs, it is given several injections, after which it loses its ability to reproduce for some time (sexual desire goes away, estrus ends).

Chemical castration of a dog

After some time, the dog needs to reintroduce hormones, otherwise estrus and the ability to reproduce will return. It is important to note that castration of an animal with an injection is not so common, since the consequences after it are quite serious - even with the first course of taking the funds, the animal has a 100% guarantee of pyometers, endometritis, colitis, vaginitis, cancer formation or other complication associated with production problems hormones.

During chemical castration of a dog, the drug is administered to the animal directly into the ovaries themselves. This method is also rarely practiced, as it has severe consequences for the animal’s body, namely various dysfunctions and neoplasms in the reproductive system.

The radiation sterilization method is also dangerous: the ovaries are irradiated with a certain amount of radiation, which can become very dangerous for the animal. But doctors proved that after some time the dogs that underwent radiation castration had health problems: disturbances in the functioning of the peritoneal organs and various formations in the body of a benign and malignant nature. The price of chemical castration of a dog will depend on the specific situation and the selected clinic.

Chemical castration reviews

Reviews of veterinarians about chemical castration of dogs are mostly positive. Doctors note that although castration by surgery is the safest way to eliminate sexual function, in some cases, temporary chemical castration becomes a good substitute.

Visit doctor

During chemical sterilization, doctors will be able to familiarize the client in detail with the features of the procedure and give basic recommendations.

Who is shown chemical sterilization

In some cases, it is important for the owner of the animal to carry out not lifelong elimination of sexual functions, but only to suppress sexual desire for a certain period of time. Most often, this procedure is used in the following cases:

  • For pedigree dog breeders. The procedure is carried out to restore mating time, improve the quality of life of the animal and the convenience of its maintenance.
  • For working breeds (service and hunting), which will then be used for breeding.
  • For the treatment of certain diseases, including the syndrome of the remnant ovary, in the treatment of which surgical intervention cannot be used.
Who should carry out the procedure

Castration of an animal is best done in a clinic, since it is most convenient and correct to carry out such a procedure here. If the clinic is far from home, then the dog can be given a special sedative or a medicine for motion sickness, after consulting with a veterinarian.

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