Drotaverinum during pregnancy. Is he dangerous?

The baby's health is most concerned about future parents. And if the doctor prescribes drotaverine during pregnancy, the question often arises: will it harm the baby? Let's look at what kind of drug this is, and can it be harmful? There is no data on the teratogenic effect of drotaverine. Studies conducted in Hungary did not reveal a relationship between its use and congenital pathology of newborns. But still, drotaverin should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

This drug refers to antispasmodics - substances that relieve smooth muscle spasms of various internal organs and blood vessels. In its chemical structure and action, it is close to papaverine, although its antispasmodic effect is more pronounced. Its action is directed directly to the smooth muscles. It has no effect on the central nervous system.

Drotaverin reduces the tone of smooth muscles and reduces intestinal motility, promotes vasodilation. In appearance, it is a light yellow crystalline substance that is delivered to pharmacies in tablets of 0.08 g or 0.04 g. Another form of release is a 2% solution for injection, sold in 2 ml ampoules. In Hungary, a no-spa preparation is produced. Our domestic analogue is called drotaverin. In terms of chemical composition, these are exactly the same drugs.

Most often, the drug is prescribed for spasms of the intestine or stomach accompanied by pain, with attacks of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, and diseases of the biliary tract. Drotaverin tablets are also used for peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, for spasms of limb vessels . Together with other vasodilator drugs, it is prescribed during angina attacks. In gynecology, an indication for its use is dysmenorrhea.

In our country, doctors often prescribe drotaverinum for pregnant women. Indications may be different. Firstly, it is an increased tone of the uterus or a threatening abortion. Secondly, it is used in childbirth in the case of prolonged opening of the uterine pharynx, spasm of it, or during postpartum contractions, during instrumental studies. But this does not mean that you can take it without consulting a doctor. In each case, the approach to the appointment of the drug should be individual.

Sometimes women take drotaverine during pregnancy with the slightest discomfort. This should not be done, since any medicine can have side effects and contraindications. For example, with low blood pressure, heart, liver or kidney failure, hypersensitivity to the drug or its components, cardiac conduction disorders, this drug is contraindicated.

Like other medicines, drotaverine during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor. He observes a pregnant woman and knows all the features of her body.

The drug may have side effects. They can be expressed in lowering blood pressure, dizziness, palpitations, allergic reactions, sensation of heat. All this is not indifferent to the unborn child and the pregnant woman. Therefore, it is always necessary to consider the pros and cons before prescribing drotaverine. In some cases, an increased tone of the uterus requires not only this, but also other drugs, as well as observing the correct regimen and nutrition of the pregnant woman.

Taking no-shpa or drotaverin without a doctor's prescription, you can lubricate the clinical picture, and treatment will not be scheduled on time. Keep this in mind and contact the specialists of the antenatal clinic on all issues that concern you. This will save you from many troubles associated with taking medication. I wish you good health!

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