Corella parrot (nymph): description, care, cost

The small Corella (nymph) parrot will be a great pet. No wonder this breed is one of the most popular in the world and second only to budgies in this respect. Corella (nymph), whose price today can range from 30 to 100 dollars, will be a great gift for a child. It is best to get a young parrot who is already tamed to the hands of a person. An adult bird will require more attention and activities.

Breed popularity

The Austrian breed of parrots is usually very affectionate, which is one of the main reasons for this popularity. In addition, they can be taught to speak. Anyone who has ever seen Corell can confirm that they can also whistle a melody. Naturally, they need to be taught this, as well as good behavior. Birds are benevolent towards children. But, despite this, if there are children under 6 years old at home, it is better not to start a parrot.

corella nymph

Corella is very clean. The bird is able to clean its feathers through the powder that is in their feathers. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, if there are allergies in the house, it can create some inconvenience. These birds live on average from 15 to 20 years. Although, like other animals, there are centenarians. In order for the parrot to live for a long time, you need to look at it well and constantly look after it. The diet with constant movement is also important. If you do not prefer the bird to be constantly free and fly around the house, then it is best to get a large cage with a rhinestone. In this case, she will be able to play and flap wings.

What you need to know

It is very important to know that Corella is a rather shy parrot. Especially the bird is afraid of the dark. It is best to put a nightlight near the cage for the first time so that the parrot does not scare everyone, including itself. If this is not done, then it is likely that he will start to rush around the cell, will scream loudly and may even injure himself.

corella photo

What outwardly should be the cockatiel (nymph) parrot? How to determine the gender of the bird? These questions are intertwined, since males have a brighter plumage and pronounced yellowness around the face and crest. But it is not always possible to immediately determine the gender, even by these signs. Usually this question will be answered at purchase. I must say that the male and the female are not particularly different in behavior. Specialists only advise not to put the mirror in a cage to the male. This may cause excessive aggression, may try to defend their “friend” Corell. Photos of the parrot confirm that the bird is not capable of causing injury to humans. But scaring a child is very easy.

In which cage is it convenient to live a parrot

As we have already said, corals are very playful birds, and therefore it is important to provide them with a lot of space. Not only should the cage be large, it is advisable to hang a swing or other toys in it. The distance between the rods should be small. In addition, you must buy a cage with both transverse and longitudinal rods.

corella nymph Price

This will allow them to constantly be in motion and move quickly. After making sure that the bird is spacious enough for constant physical exercise, you can be calm that the parrot will always have lesson, and he will not constantly scream and distract you. It is very good to have such a bird as a Corella (nymph) at home. Caring for her, moreover, is rather laborious.

The best food for a feathered friend

Corella is not a whimsical parrot and enjoys eating any grain mixture, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, Brussels sprouts. It will be nice to diversify his diet, pampering cuttlefish bones, which are saturated with calcium. Proper and timely nutrition will provide the parrot a long life. Naturally, you can not put the cage on the window, where it can easily be blown. They sleep on average 10 hours. However, they need darkness and silence. Of course, attention and communication are important to a parrot. He is able to twitter very beautifully and even show a friendly character. A very good trait that may appeal to a single person. Owner reviews are very eloquent that birds respond to care with confidence.

Corella Nymph Care

It is not for nothing that many owners characterize their pets as sensitive and gentle creatures. We can say that the parrot is a reflection of its owner. It’s not enough just to feed and care for them, you need to constantly communicate with them, then Corell will reciprocate. The photos of the parrot are usually very bright, but in life they are the same.

Taming a bird to a person

It is important to make every effort to tame your new pet. Initially, you should be quiet and let the parrot settle at home. At first, you need to talk with him calmly and quietly. Over time, he will begin to get used to the voice and even answer it. Will not be afraid to approach a familiar person. A good way to make friends with a parrot is to offer refreshments. Doing this is neat and even careful. At the same time, it’s not worth approaching the corolla; it must do it yourself. If you continue for several days in the same vein, talk with a parrot, treat yourself sometimes, then in a week he will trust you, and you will become good friends.

Corella nymph how to determine gender

It is worthwhile to know that if the corella (nymph) is yelling, then this can happen for several reasons. Firstly, this can not be avoided at first, when he is in a new house and in a new environment. You need to show maximum patience. It does not hurt to empty the room and just wait until it calms down. Screams will stop as soon as the parrot gets used to the new environment. Secondly, in this way, on the contrary, it can attract attention. This usually happens when a parrot has been living in the house for more than one week, and he lacks attention. It will be very useful to let the bird out of the cage and let it fly around the house a bit.

How to raise a winged pet

It happens that a parrot can suddenly pinch its hand. In this case, do not show a violent reaction. You just need to remove your hand and next time be careful that this does not happen. Some owners advise putting garden gloves on their hands when dealing with a parrot. Do not shout at your pet, as it is very unlikely that he will understand his guilt and change his behavior.

But if the parrot does something good, in your opinion, then it is worth encouraging him to repeat the action the next time. For example, if you like how he tweets or plays - encourage him. If he does something wrong, just ignore him. Almost like with young children. A very good choice of pet is Corella (nymph). Caring for a bird is not the most difficult, but the pleasure of communicating with it is enormous.

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