The largest dogs in the world: list, description, rating

Dogs are amazing animals that have faithfully served man for more than one century. In the process of this coexistence, people developed more and more new breeds that differ from each other not only in purpose, but also in size. Today’s article describes the largest dogs in the world.

1st place: English mastiff

There are many legends about the origin of this breed. According to one of the most plausible versions, the ancestors of these powerful animals are the Tibetan mastiffs who guarded the monasteries. After the outbreak of World War II, these once- popular dogs were on the verge of extinction. It was possible to save the breed only thanks to the efforts of individual breeders.

The English mastiff is one of the largest dogs in the world. The average height of an adult dog is 70-80 cm, and the weight can reach 90 kg. A peculiar business card of this animal is a large head with hanging ears and folds on the forehead, giving it an overly strict look.

the largest dogs in the world rating

Despite its gigantic size, the English mastiff is ideally suited for the role of a family dog. He has a calm, balanced and non-aggressive disposition. Years of purposeful breeding work eradicated the qualities inherent in fighting dogs.

2nd place: Saint Bernard

The history of this big beautiful dog began in the XI century. The Swiss Alps are considered her homeland, and among the ancestors are mastiffs and Molossian mastiffs. Initially, the St. Bernards were used to protect local monasteries. But over time it became clear that they are able to search for people buried under avalanches.

Saint Bernard is one of the largest dogs in the world. The average height of an adult dog is 65-90 cm at the withers, and body weight ranges from 80-120 kg. On a large head with a pronounced stop and well-developed superciliary arches there are drooping triangular ears and deep-set brown eyes. The whole body of these giants is covered with thick short or long hair of red-white color.

St. Bernards are completely unsuitable for living in urban apartments. They are quite intelligent, temperamental and silent. Despite the frightening appearance, they are very calm and friendly.

3rd place: Spanish Mastiff

These large animals appeared more than three millennia ago. They were bred specifically to protect herds from wolves. Spain is their homeland, and the standard has repeatedly changed in the direction of increasing dimensions.

biggest tibetan mastiff dog

Mastiff is one of the largest dogs in the world. The minimum height of an adult dog is 72-80 cm, and the mass starts from 50 kg. This is a large and powerful animal with a square body and a large head. His whole body is covered with thick, short hair of a wolf, fawn, red, tiger or white-gray hue.

The Spanish mastiff is quite calm and friendly. He rarely shows aggression, lends himself very well to training and gets along well with children.

4th place: Iberian Mastiff

Representatives of this breed have a very long history. According to one of the existing hypotheses, they appeared as a result of crossing a large Pyrenean dog and a Spanish mastiff. Initially, they were used for grazing livestock and protecting human housing. But over time, the need for such dogs disappeared, and they were threatened with extinction. It was possible to save the Pyrenees mastiff only thanks to the efforts of true connoisseurs of the breed.

The height of adult animals should not be less than 72-77 cm. And the weight of a mastiff can reach 55-80 kg. The muscular strong body of the dog is covered with a stiff, thick coat of white color with gray, fawn, brown, black or red spots.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a fearless dog with a stubborn disposition. She has a well-developed self-esteem and a tendency to independence. She cannot be alone for long and needs early socialization.

5th place: Great Dane

This breed of large dogs was bred in Germany about four centuries ago by crossing mastiffs and greyhounds. It was originally used for hunting and protection, but today it copes with the role of a companion.

The height of the adult German Great Dane is 72-80 cm, and its weight can reach 90 kg. The giant's muscular body is covered with shiny smooth hair of black, blue, fawn, tiger or marble color. On a large rectangular head there are beautiful eyes and large hanging ears, which usually stop in puppyhood.

large dog breeds

Despite its gigantic proportions, the Great Dane is distinguished by a peaceful and friendly disposition. He is very obedient and easy to learn, but you need to start training from an early age.

6th place: Tibetan mastiff

Representatives of this breed can also claim the right to be considered the largest dog in the world. The Tibetan mastiff was bred many centuries ago. The first mention of animals that visually resemble modern representatives of this breed are found on the pages of one of the five Chinese scriptures. Many myths and legends are connected with them, most of which have nothing to do with reality. They did not go outside their historical homeland for a long time, thanks to which the breeders managed to preserve the purity of the breed.

The Tibetan mastiff, whose height and weight is not regulated by the standard, gives the impression of a strong and hardy dog. The minimum height of an adult dog is 61-66 cm with a mass of 35-73 kg. The whole body of the dog is covered with straight, stiff, elastic outer hair, under which lies a well-developed thick and dense undercoat. The main distinguishing features of these dogs are the hairy tail and the presence of mane.

What character is endowed with one of the largest dogs in the world? The Tibetan mastiff has a difficult and decisive disposition. Under certain circumstances, he becomes stubborn and principled. Therefore, its owner should be an experienced person with a tough character.

7th place: Pyrenees mountain dog

This breed was bred several centuries ago and was used for grazing and scaring away wolves. Over time, these functions have lost their relevance, and the Pyrenean mountain dog began to play the role of a companion.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The average height of an adult dog is 63-81 cm, and the weight ranges from 38.5-45.5 kg. The strong proportional body of these large shaggy dogs is covered with white hair. But the standard allows red or yellow-brown color. These active and funny animals lend themselves perfectly to training and love to spend time with their owners.

8th place: Leonberger

These beautiful noble animals were bred thanks to the efforts of G. Essig, who dreamed about a dog with the appearance of a lion. Among the ancestors of Leonberger are colored Newfoundlands, St. Bernards and Pyrenees.

This large shaggy dog ​​grows up to 65-80 cm, and weighs about 41-77 kg. On a moderately elongated head with powerful jaws and a wide nose bridge there are oval dark eyes and drooping ears, which are tight to the cheekbones. The entire body of Leonberger is covered with a long outer hair, under which a dense dense undercoat is hidden. As for coloring, the standard allows all shades of red with a mandatory black mask on the face.

These outgoing and disciplined dogs are completely devoid of aggression. They are characterized by natural calm and the ability to calculate their own strengths. They love to mess with children and need regular long walks.

9th place: Dirhound

The first mention of these beautiful and impetuous animals was found in Scottish chronicles dated to the XV-XVI centuries, but some facts suggest that the dirhound is a dog with a more ancient history.

big shaggy dog

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by impressive parameters. The minimum height of an adult is 71-76 cm, and body weight ranges from 36.5 to 45.5 kg. The whole body of the dirhound is covered with stiff, bristly hair. Strong, even limbs are located under the elongated or square hull of a deer greyhound.

These beautiful and quick-footed dogs are characterized by a balanced disposition. They are very quick-witted and easily remember new teams. Dirhounds are loyal to outsiders and completely unsuitable for protection.

10th place: Caucasian shepherd

Central Asia is considered the birthplace of this breed, formed in the harsh conditions of natural selection with minimal human intervention. These huge dogs have long been used as watchmen protecting not only farm property, but also herds of farm animals.

The Caucasian Shepherd Dog has impressive dimensions. The average height of an adult dog is 64-72 cm, and body weight ranges from 45-70 kg. A typical representative of this breed gives the impression of a harmoniously built strong dog with bulky muscles and strong bones.

This beautiful large dog with well-developed protective qualities is distinguished by a complaisant, restrained character and extremely rarely shows causeless aggression. She quickly gets used to her master and endures the forced separation.

11th place: Irish Wolfhound

The first mention of these animals is dated 391 year of our era. They were bred specifically for hunting deer, wild boars, hares and wolves. In addition, they successfully coped with the functions of shepherds protecting farmland.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish wolfhounds grow to 81-86 cm at the withers. The minimum weight of the animal should be 40-55 kg. On an elongated head with a wide skull, a weakly expressed forehead and a narrowed muzzle, there are oval brown eyes and small pink-shaped ears. The whole body of the dog is covered with thick, hard coat of tiger, light brown, black, red, gray or white.

Representatives of this breed are endowed with a balanced, calm and friendly disposition. They almost never show aggression and are loyal to cats and other pets. Hassle-free, moderately active Irish people love active walks and need constant communication with the owners.

12th place: Tosa Inu

This breed of large dogs was bred by Japanese dog handlers. To obtain it, breeders crossed nihon-inu, bulldogs, bull terriers, mastiffs, German Great Danes, Pointers and Saint Bernards. As a result, they managed to create a Japanese fighting dog, which became the country's national pride.

Tosa Inu are distinguished by impressive parameters. The height of an adult dog cannot be less than 55-60 cm, and its weight exceeds 40 kg. A typical representative of this breed has a harmoniously folded proportional body with a wide chest and well-developed muscles. On a massive head with a large muzzle there are large hanging ears and dark oval eyes. The body of the dog is covered with a fairly short dense coat of a red color.

Tosa Inu is ideal for keeping in a private house with a spacious fenced area. This dog needs a strict and consistent upbringing and is not suitable for inexperienced owners. In the absence of training, a huge, uncontrollable and aggressive dog will quickly grow out of a small cute puppy.

13th place: Boerboel

Closes our rating of the largest dogs in the world, a dog bred in South Africa by crossing native and European animals. Initially, he was used as a protector of people and a guard of human housing.

The height of an adult boerboel is about 70 cm, and body weight ranges from 60-90 kg. At the first glance at this large dog with a strong, slightly stretched body, it creates a misleading impression that you have a lazy and clumsy animal. In fact, representatives of this breed are very fast, agile and flexible. The muscular body of a South African boerboel is covered with short, dense, stiff hair of a reddish, tiger or fawn color. A dark mask may be present on the dog’s ears and face.

dog deerhound

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a calm, independent disposition. With proper education, they make reliable and loyal defenders. These are very intelligent dogs, quickly becoming attached to their owners, easily adapting to a change of scenery, and well trained. At the same time, South African boerboels need early socialization and the establishment of strict rules. They clearly delineate the territory entrusted to them and are aggressive towards those who are trying to get into the area they guard. At the same time, they are supportive of children and loyal to their relatives.

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