For each parent, his own child is smart and handsome. And when the teacher recommends carrying out certain exercises at home to consolidate knowledge, then there is dissatisfaction among mothers and fathers who believe that only teachers in kindergarten should conduct a lesson in mathematics in the middle group. However, with coeducation, children will quickly understand the new material.
What should a child know at the age of 4?
Each group works according to its own program, which indicates the knowledge and skills that will be developed in children by the end of the school year. Parents are required to study this material, rewrite and, if necessary, purchase this program in order to conduct practical classes in mathematics at home.
According to psychological studies, children aged 4-5 years should have the following mathematical knowledge.
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A math lesson in the middle group and at home, with interesting rhymes, tasks, counters, will be remembered by children more quickly. If you add elements of theatrical, finger games and fairy tales, then the child will be able to understand even complex material. The main thing is to make sure that the preschooler does not memorize the material, but understands it, then at school he will not have problems with mathematics.