Irish water spaniel dog: proper care, breed description and reviews

The history of this breed is unknown. Scientists have several versions about the possible ancestors of these dogs. One version says that their ancestors are barbets or, in other words, a disappeared breed of English water spaniels. Another version: the ancestors of the Irish water spaniels are Portuguese water dogs brought by fishermen.

It is known that in the 12th century Irish spaniels are increasingly used as hunting spaniels. Among its ancestors, this breed also has poodles. It is to them that the spaniels owe their curly hair. 1859 - this period is considered the birth of the breed, because then it was more actively engaged in its breeding.

water spaniel irish

Breed description

The Irish Spaniel is obviously not suitable for inexperienced owners, those who take the dog for the first time in their lives. These dogs have remarkable strength and energy, so they need long walks and many active games. Socialization at an early age is not required (the dog is not aggressive).

Body type

Such a dog has an almost square body. The dog should not seem angular or too light. The physique of this breed should give the impression of a strong, powerful and hardy dog ​​with a strong spine.

irish water spaniel

This medium sized strong dog is the highest among spaniels. She has a proportional head, a powerful and long muzzle, a wide and large nose. The color is usually brown.


Spaniels have a high set head. The muzzle of the representatives of this breed is long. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is quite noticeable. Spaniel eyes are small and ideally dark brown. These dogs have the correct bite and powerful jaws. The nose is usually chocolate or brown, wide enough and large. Long hanging ears are covered with curly hair.


The spaniel has powerful front and hind legs, which will provide a good push when running and free movement of the body. The hind limbs of these dogs are more muscular than the forelimbs.

Irish Water Spaniel Kennel


What is the hallmark of the breed? Rat tail. In Irish water spaniels, it is quite short. At the base, it is covered with long hair and is very thick, and then tapers, the hair is shortened, starting to fit snugly to the tail.

Wool cover

A dog with hair that practically does not let moisture in and does not shed is an Irish water spaniel. The nursery can offer representatives of the breed of liver or liver color and velvety or lilac shine.

The whole body of the spaniel is covered with thick curly curly hair with developed undercoat. Longer hair can be on the beard, on the head as a small "hat", as well as on the underside of the chest. On the muzzle, neck, end of the tail is a short coat that fits snugly to the body.

dog irish water spaniel


A non-aggressive and very good-natured dog is an Irish water spaniel. The breed, or rather its representatives, subject to competent socialization, gets along well with everyone around. Spaniel is very energetic and needs long-term active walks. Cowardice and aggression in this breed are considered defects. He treats strangers very wary, but not at all aggressive.


According to the owners, the Irish Water Spaniel is a confident, loyal and very smart dog. This is a family dog ​​that requires a lot of attention. Representatives of this breed truly love contact with humans. They are best suited for families where children are older, however, this dog will never offend babies. If the pet is well socialized, then he will get along well with other cohabiting animals. As a rule, spaniels are quiet dogs and bark only if necessary.

According to the owners, these are guard dogs.

Irish Water Spaniel Dog: Proper Care

All the rules of grooming to maintain the dog in proper form are simple, but require regular execution. If the dog is the intended exhibitor, then it needs a series of procedures that will support the coat within the framework of the standard. If the representative of the breed is just a pet, then the hair is simply sheared, making it easier to care for.

dog irish water spaniel proper care

Irish water spaniel is unpretentious in leaving. This dog needs proper hair care, proper nutrition and adequate physical activity. Spaniel comb and examine the ears. Also, the dog needs a regular visit to the veterinarian to prevent various diseases: representatives of this breed are prone to bone cancer, so you need to monitor the well-being of the pet and, in case of any suspicion, take him to the doctor.

The ears

Irish Water Spaniel is the owner of hanging ears. Like many other breeds with such ears, it can cause inflammation. Rinsing them regularly and removing cotton swabs from the discharge will help to avoid such problems. If there are too many secretions, then this is a possible consequence of the already existing inflammatory process.


Description of the breed of dogs The Irish water spaniel first of all tells about the thick, long and curly coat, which protects pets from cold weather and does not prevent them from swimming. On the muzzle and on the tail, the hair is short and smooth, and on the head there is a small hat with a bang from longer wool. Longer hair also grows on the hanging ears of dogs.

Representatives of the breed need to be combed: if the hair is regularly trimmed, then you can remove dead hairs with a brush once a week. If the dog has long hair, then it is necessary to use special combs and disassemble the tangled coat, especially on the ears. Soft shampoo and infrequent washing will not allow the coat to become too stiff.

Irish Water Spaniel breed


Talk about mobility. Irish Water Spaniel needs regular physical activity. It can consist of games and long walks. Thanks to this, the dog’s excess energy will not be reflected on your favorite couch or Persian rug.


Toddlers need the same care as adult members of the breed. Initially, most of the procedures are carried out only so that the puppy gets used to them. So, being an adult dog, he will not resist leaving.


The Irish Water Spaniel, like many other hunting dogs, has a deep intellect, and many owners of these wonderful animals confirm this. The dog lends itself well to training and quickly learns new information. They begin to educate her from the first days of appearing in the house. The sooner she begins the period of socialization, the faster and easier it will pass.

Training this breed of dog begins with obedience training. She is taught to respond to her nickname: this is one of the easiest ways to make contact with a pet.

Irish Water Spaniels require very strict handling. The owners note that the nature of this breed is stubborn, so you should be patient and persistent in raising a young individual.

If you intend to use a puppy for hunting, then from the first days of his life he needs to be trained in endurance. To do this, he is kept near a bowl of food. Then the dog (Irish water spaniel) learns to search for prey with the help of ordinary games. Only an obedient puppy can be taken for hunting. However, even if you want to raise a pet for yourself, the dog still needs a strict upbringing.

dog breed description irish water spaniel

Irish water spaniel can be brought up and trained without much difficulty: only a certain amount of attention, patience and rigor is needed. The dog calmly treats small and large animal cohabitants. She simply adores children, especially if they want to play, and is completely non-aggressive towards strangers. Irish water spaniel will never offend the baby and will always intercede for him.

Owners are advised to bring the dog to a large family.

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