The pigeon has long been a symbol of good news and purity. Today these amazing birds live near us. Many large cities in Europe and the world can not be imagined without these charming birds. Pigeons have become a kind of attraction, because thousands of tourists seek to capture them through the lens of their camera.
Since these creatures are our neighbors, it is worth paying attention to changes in their behavior, because often this is the only way to determine that the bird is sick. Do not forget that there are diseases of pigeons that are dangerous to humans. Owners of pigeons are especially required to monitor their health, since infectious diseases can lead to complete extinction of the livestock, as well as cause significant harm to human health.
When breeding birds, it is important to remember that, as in the case of people, it is much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it later. At the same time, the "sores" of birds are mostly massive. That is, it will not be possible to get off with a slight fright (that is, a loss of 1-2 individuals). There are many diseases of various etiologies to which pigeons are predisposed. Their illnesses and treatment require a professional approach and timely medical care. This is what helps to keep the number of birds.
Origin of disease
Pigeon diseases can be non-contagious and contagious. The development of ailments is often caused by non-compliance with the conditions of feeding, keeping and raising birds, violation of the sanitary hygiene of feeders, drinking bowls and aviaries, heavy loads, and even frequent laying of eggs. All these factors contribute to a decrease in the immunity of the bird and weakening of its body.
The most dangerous causative agents of pigeon diseases are infectious agents. They can be of bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal nature. Among the diseases that house pigeons are prone to, diseases of an infectious nature are most dangerous. Their pathogens can affect the human body, causing the direct development of a particular pathology or a general decrease in the body's defenses.
General symptoms
When breeding pigeons, it is necessary to carefully monitor the health of birds and when the first symptoms of the disease appear, immediately contact a veterinarian. So what are the signs of pigeon disease? With any pathology, a violation of behavior is noted: the birds do not fly, hide in a dark place, refuse to feed. Also alert the owner must be ruffled feathers, closed eyes, rapid breathing, general lethargy of the body of pets. When infected, the bird's body temperature rises, the color and consistency of feces change, and sometimes even the gait changes.
If there are sick pigeons, their diseases and treatment must be strictly controlled. So, the diseased individual must be isolated from the general population when the first signs of the disease appear. If pigeons have discharge from the eyes, nostrils or mouth, you should immediately consult a specialist, since often these symptoms indicate the infectious nature of the disease.
Now consider the most dangerous diseases that pigeons are prone to. Their illnesses and treatment require special attention on the part of the owner, as they can harm himself.
The most common and fatal disease of pigeons - a swivel - can quickly affect the entire stock of dovecot. It is caused by paramyxovirus, which, when it enters the body of a bird, causes paralysis and impaired coordination of movements. In severe forms of the course, inflammation of the brain can develop. The greatest danger lies in the possibility of internal hemorrhages in vital organs.
The carriers of infection are sick domestic and wild birds. The virus is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets, but infection through drinking bowls and feeders is not excluded.
What are the hallmarks of this pigeon disease? Symptoms are specific and occur on days 4-5 of the disease. In sick birds, head casts are observed, which is associated with damage to the nervous system. The infection spreads lightning fast, in most cases, on the 9th day of the disease, the death of the bird occurs.
In the development of twirls, staging is noted:
- The initial stage is a decrease in appetite, increased thirst, drowsiness, a ruffled feather cover.
- Paralytic stage - paralysis starts from the neck, then wings and legs stop moving, the bird can fall, its head is thrown back.
- Severe cramps.
This is a very dangerous disease of pigeons for humans. Vertichka can affect the lymph nodes and cause the development of conjunctivitis.
The disease is not treatable. There is a set of specially designed preventive measures that helps prevent the mass spread of infection:
- The diseased bird must be removed immediately from the dovecote. The room should be disinfected with a 5-10% bleach solution or 3% formalin solution.
- Young pigeons need to be vaccinated on the 30th day of life. Use the Bor-74, La-Sota vaccines at the rate of 2 drops of the drug 2 times a day for 1 bird for 5 days.
Pigeon pox is an acute disease caused by the pigeon type ultravirus. It is characterized by damage to the mucous membranes and skin. With a severely neglected form, the disease often becomes chronic.
Smallpox mostly progresses in the summer. Young animals are susceptible to the disease, adult pigeons act as carriers. Infection occurs through excretion and droppings, as well as through insect vectors. The risk of infection increases with poor conditions, malnutrition, adverse climatic conditions, as well as with a lack of vitamin A. The duration of the incubation period is 15-20 days.
There are three types of this disease of pigeons, the signs of which differ significantly from each other:
- Smallpox form - characterized by the appearance of smallpox in the beak, eyelids and neck, and then on the legs and under the wings. The growth of neoplasms is carried out within 12-15 days, after which the upper film is removed, leaving bleeding erosion. By day 20, the wound dries and heals. Sometimes the healing process lasts up to 2 months.
- Diphtheria form - smallpox forms on the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. On the 7th-9th day, a peak of the disease is observed when the smallpox increases so much that the bird cannot close its beak. The nasal mucosa, conjunctiva, and cornea may also be affected.
- Mixed form - signs of the first two forms are observed.
Smallpox pigeons are dangerous because the virus with the blood stream can spread throughout the body, causing damage to new organs. With timely treatment in birds, lifelong immunity is formed.
Stages of treatment and prevention:
- In case of skin lesions: tissue treatment with 2% boric acid solution. In the presence of dried crusts, they are treated with a solution of iodine, and then with a cream.
- In case of beak damage: the mucous membrane is treated with a solution of loseval with glucose or iodine. Pigeons are given tetracycline antibiotics.
- Drinking water is subjected to disinfection with a 1% solution of chloramine. The room is treated with iodine preparations.
- The affected larynx is treated with a Lugol solution. For 5 days, the birds are given antibiotics, vitamins and immunomodulators.
- Affected eggs obtained from diseased pigeons must be destroyed.
Pigeon ornithosis is a viral disease that affects the respiratory tract. It often proceeds in a latent form, which is especially dangerous for a person who can also become infected with the virus. The complexity of treatment and prevention lies in the fact that pathogens exhibit high resistance in various conditions. Virus transmission occurs through mucous secretions and droppings.
The duration of the incubation period is from 1 to 4 months. Young individuals are most sensitive to the virus.
There are 2 forms of the course of the disease:
- Acute form - pigeons from 2 to 12 weeks old are ill. Lethargy is noted, feces become gray with an admixture of blood, breathing is difficult, purulent conjunctivitis and paralysis take place, which leads to death.
- Chronic form - observed in adults. Characteristic signs are weakness, lethargy, conjunctivitis. The disease has a successful outcome. Sick birds become a source of infection.
During preventive measures, sick pigeons are destroyed, the premises are disinfected with preparations based on chlorine and phenol. After the outbreak of the disease fades, dovecot is quarantined for 6 months.
Paratyphoid, or pigeon salmonellosis
Paratyphoid pigeons are a widespread salmonella infectious disease.
The source of infection is the affected individuals. The danger of paratyphoid is that when infected, pigeons become completely sterile. Young individuals are ill in acute form.
There are 2 forms of the disease:
- Intestinal - at first, liquid feces with an admixture of blood are noted, then joints are affected, tremors of the extremities are noted, the bird cannot fly and move. There may be nodules in the beak and eyes.
- Nervous form - an obvious sign is the thrown back head. The disease ends in death or becomes chronic.
For treatment, biomycin, synthomycin, furazolidone or terramycin are used in a total dose of 100 thousand units per 1 kg of feed for 10 days, after 7 days the course is repeated. The room is disinfected.
Trichomoniasis of pigeons is a common ailment. The causative agent is the simplest class of flagella. Mostly young birds fall ill from the age of 2 weeks to 2 months. As carriers of infection are adult sick individuals. The virus is also transmitted through food and water. Under adverse conditions of keeping and feeding, the risk of infection increases.
The disease is characterized by the formation on the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat of whitish-yellow nodules. Pigeons bend their heads to make swallowing easier. There is diarrhea with mucus, nasal discharge, shortness of breath. The duration of the disease is from 2 hours to 2 weeks, while often the outcome is fatal.
With timely treatment, pigeons can recover. Therapy is carried out with iodized milk, which is prepared from iodine, potassium iodide and water in a ratio of 1: 2: 10. After that, 1 part of the solution is added to milk at the rate of 1: 9. Before giving the medicine to the birds, the milk solution is once again diluted with water (1: 9).
Coccidiosis of pigeons is caused by the simplest group of coccidia, which affect intestinal cells, liver and bile ducts.
In birds, a ruffled coat, exhaustion, apathy, and diarrhea with an admixture of blood are noted. Young individuals are affected by the disease. The peak of infection is observed in the summer.
For treatment, antibiotics are used - 0.05 grams 2 times a day, as well as acrychin, which is diluted at the rate of 2 grams of the drug per bucket of water.
Paramyxovirus pigeon is the causative agent of Newcastle disease. Infection occurs through dust. There is no danger to humans. At the beginning of the disease, the appearance of thirst and diarrhea is noted. In the absence of treatment, paralysis, tipping of the head are noted. The bird cannot eat and drink, the outcome is fatal. There is no treatment. Prevention is carried out by vaccination with Colombovac PMV.
Pigeons: diseases and treatment. Elimination of symptoms caused by parasites
The most common disease in pigeons is ascariasis. The causative agents are helminths of the Ascaridia family. The small intestine is affected, its blockage is often noted. Also there is lethargy, weight loss, diarrhea. The second most common is capillary disease, the causative agents of which also live in the small intestine. Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa is noted. Infection is carried out alimentarily. Parasitic diseases are diagnosed by examination of litter, where eggs of pathogens are found. For treatment, the drug "Piperazine" is used at the rate of 0.05 grams per 1 individual 3 times a day, therapy is continued for 3 days, followed by a break of 3 days, then the course is repeated. It is necessary to clean the dovecote from infected droppings.
Pigeons: their diseases and eye treatment
Eye diseases are common in pigeons quite often. They are caused by bacterial, viral, parasitic and infectious agents, as well as vitamin deficiency. With the infectious nature of the pathogen, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the pathogen. With vitamin deficiency, the diet of birds is enriched with vitamin A.
Inflammation of the eyes may be the result of other diseases, such as sinusitis and laryngotracheitis. Often, pigeons have panophthalmitis, a sign of which is clouding of the iris.
General disease prevention
Any disease of pigeons (symptoms described above), regardless of their degree of danger, is easier to prevent.
For this, there is a special plan of preventive measures:
- Keeping birds in comfortable conditions.
- Maintaining cleanliness indoors, drinking bowls and feeders at a high level.
- The use of preventive drugs.
- Periodic inspection of pigeons for the presence of ectoparasites.
- It is strictly forbidden to let wild pigeons and sparrows into the dovecote.
- It is necessary to provide birds with timely medical care and proper care.
Room treatment for infectious diseases
Complete prevention of pigeon diseases is not possible without thorough disinfection of the premises. Such events are allowed only with complete isolation of the bird. First, they carry out mechanical cleaning (eliminate droppings). Further, the walls, floor and all objects in the room are subjected to treatment with hot water. After that, you can use disinfectants. Caustic alkali, 5% perchloric lime, 3% solution of creolin or carbolic acid, formalin, liquor and others have proven themselves well. 2 hours after treatment, the room is ventilated, washed with water and bleached. The land in the boxes is being changed. Disinfection is carried out 2 times a year. Sex, nests and perches are processed once a quarter. Drinking bowls and feeders are processed weekly.