Drawing in DOW: "My family." Kindergarten drawing lesson on "My Family"

So, now we will try to learn how to organize drawing in the DOU correctly and interestingly. “My family” is a favorite topic that helps the child not only learn to express his feelings for parents through drawings, but also plays an important role in his overall development. So that is what we will do. True, you will have to try hard so that drawing in kindergarten on the theme "Family" was fun and interesting. What might be required? How to conduct this event for kids of different ages? Let's try to learn this.

drawing in the dow my family

Tasks and Goals

Any activity in kindergarten has its own tasks and goals. They are important for the entire educational process. It’s not just that a drawing lesson is held on the theme “My Family” or “My Pet”. All this makes some sense. In addition to the development of hand motility, of course.

In our case, this lesson will be held in order to summarize all the knowledge gained about the family and its composition. It is advisable to conduct this kind of lessons with all the kids. But special emphasis needs to be placed on the senior preparatory group.

In addition, drawing in a preschool educational institution on the theme “My Family” should teach a child to portray a person: proportions, facial features, and differences between people.

Of course, there is also a developing element here. The child learns to remember information, analyze it, and then express it in drawings. Plus, drawing in kindergarten ("My Family" is the chosen topic) should teach the child to be careful and attentive to his relatives.


You need to start the whole process with its proper organization. The success of the lesson is planning. This also applies to classes such as drawing in a preschool educational institution. “My family” is a fascinating topic, a lesson dedicated to it should begin with a small dialogue between the teacher and the kids.

drawing in kindergarten my family

It is best to use various poems and short stories about the family as an introduction. This technique will put the guys on the topic, as well as interest them. In addition, use songs on the selected topic. They also favorably affect the general atmosphere of the lesson.

Then it is advisable to have a dialogue with the kids on the topic of their family. Let each child tell who lives with him and whom he loves. After all, it is important not only drawing in the DOW. "My family" is a topic that will not only help develop the artistic abilities of the children, but also contribute to the development of speech.

The next stage, perhaps the most interesting, is the direct image of your family by kids. Offer them a variety of materials to carry out their plan. If time allows, then you can use not only paper and pencils. How interesting is it to organize drawing in a preschool educational institution? "My family" is the topic of the planned lesson.

drawing in the dow on the subject of my family

Paints and brush

For example, you should pay attention to standard drawing accessories. It's about brushes and paints. Perhaps this version of the lesson will suit both the middle and senior group. Very young children can also be entrusted with this kind of "inventory". Only with great care.

Have the children paint their family with watercolors or gouache. It is also good to offer children an alternative to this method. Why? Maybe the child will be more interested in drawing and portraying in some other way. The main thing in the lesson is the interest of the pupil and his involvement in the process. In addition, if all the children’s work will be made of different "materials", then it will even be possible to organize an exhibition at the end. She will definitely be remembered by her parents.


And we continue with you our drawing in DOW. "My family" is a favorite and popular topic that should interest the child. If the kids do not really like brushes and paints, then offer them pencils.

Perhaps this kind of technique allows classes in all groups. If the smallest pupils can still not "make friends" with brushes and paints, then everyone and everyone are familiar with colored pencils. So it is better that each child on the table has a set with this "inventory".

drawing in kindergarten on the topic of my family


The next option that suits older children is the use of appliqués to portray their family. For example, using colored paper, cardboard, glue and scissors. In truth, it is precisely this kind of “drawing” in the DOW (“My Family” is his theme) that causes great delight in children. Indeed, this is how a child not only learns to portray his family, but also develops fine motor skills of his hands.

Take care that every child also has glue, scissors, cardboard and colored paper. Maybe the kids will want to choose just such an image of reality. Do not forbid them to do this. Yes, this is not direct drawing on paper, but this method also quite well matches the goals and objectives. The child will still portray his family, albeit in a somewhat non-standard form.


Perhaps the most interesting approach for our current lesson will be the use of plasticine and cardboard. Using these "devices", too, oddly enough, you can draw.

How? Let the child draw a drawing of his family with a pencil on cardboard. But he will color it with plasticine warmed up in handles. This kind of drawing in a preschool educational institution (“My Family” is a chosen topic) is often used in junior and middle groups. An interesting technique, but not all teachers approve of it. And in vain.

family drawing in kindergarten

The thing is that it is precisely this type of drawing that can attract even a fidget. After all, a plasticine-painted drawing is so much fun! Just the interest of the child should be the main component of the lesson. Let the children choose how they want to draw. In case of any difficulties, help the pupils. But remember - they must create themselves. And paint your drawings - too.


You can finish your drawing in the preschool educational institution on the theme "My family" as you wish. But the best option for the development of events is the organization of a specialized thematic exhibition, which will be presented to parents. May each child have the opportunity to show his family and talk about it.

By the way, before the exhibition, you can analyze the drawings of students. Let each child in front of the group show their creativity, and then tell who is depicted in the figure. So children will be able to develop speech and imagination.

Do not forget to summarize the lesson. Emphasize that today you learned how to draw a family with the help of various proposed materials. After the exhibition, sign the works of the children and give them to their parents. May they please the eye of the house.

Subject and conversations

For the senior preparatory group in kindergarten, you can conduct several drawing classes on the theme "My family." With all this, it’s enough just to diversify the proposed methodology a bit to get interesting and useful lessons.

my family drawing lesson

For example, let the guys bring photos and tell who is shown on them. After that, let them draw and depict the family in all available ways. In addition, organize classes such as "I help mom", "I and my dad for a walk", "Family vacation" and so on. Let the children develop their imagination and learn to portray reality.

By the way, do not forget to conduct a variety of thematic exhibitions at the end of each lesson. Sometimes you can invite a child psychologist to them. After all, the children's drawing of the family can say a lot about the atmosphere in it, as well as about relationships with its members. This is very important for the correct and proper development of the child. If you noticed any obvious signs of anxiety in the pupil, which were expressed through the drawing, invite the parents to an individual conversation. In principle, it is better to hold parental meetings after drawing on the theme “My Family”, at which you will explain why the child in any way drew each specific member of the family. All this will help the development of the child. Drawing in kindergarten on the theme "My family" is an important learning process that should not be missed. Give him due attention.

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