Most pregnant women experience many changes in their body. In the early stages it is toxicosis, hormonal disruptions, mood swings. Usually, by the beginning of the second trimester, the condition is leveled. But now the growing fetus begins to put pressure on internal organs more and more. The bladder and stomach suffer. Therefore, the expectant mother often visits the toilet and experiences heartburn. One of the most popular means to combat it is soda. But is it possible to drink soda during pregnancy? Let's deal with this issue.
Always at hand
That is why soda is so popular. Whenever you are caught up in heartburn, it can be quickly nullified. At the same time, many expectant mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy. Most women in the situation are guided by the fact that this substance is completely safe, but they try to use it as little as possible just in case.
In fact, this is a universal tool that can be used in a variety of situations. Soda is completely non-toxic, so it is widely used in the household. And how does she behave when ingested? Once in the stomach, it interacts with gastric juice and neutralizes acid. As a result, heartburn passes quickly.
but on the other hand
Unfortunately, this does not end there. Therefore, the question is regularly raised whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy. Once in the stomach, soda extinguishes acid, but the body perceives it in its own way. Namely, as information that it is required to produce more acid, since it is not enough. The brain sends a signal, and the production of gastric juice comes with a vengeance. Therefore, very soon the unpleasant sensations will return.
If you resort to this tool again, the situation will only worsen. Therefore, it is recommended to use special drugs that are sold in the pharmacy. Can I drink soda during pregnancy? Of course, a single dose will not do much harm. But escaping with her help from adversity is regularly undesirable. In addition, you need to know how to use it. It is in your power to minimize side effects.
Correct proportions
It is important for a woman in a position to adhere to the recipe and not to change the proportion. In no case should you swallow the powder, even if you then drink it with water. Speaking about whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy, it should be noted that it is very important to follow the recommendations prescribed by the doctor. Only then does this substance become relatively safe for the digestive tract.
To prepare the solution, you need to dilute a teaspoon of soda in 100 ml of water. In this mixture you need to add a couple drops of citric acid or half a spoonful of table vinegar. So that the sediment does not enter the body, you need to wait a few minutes until the reaction passes, and do not drink until the end. But what if you have a troubled stomach and have heartburn during pregnancy? Can i drink soda? In this case, when cooking pops, you need to adhere to smaller proportions. It takes a quarter tablespoon of soda and lemon juice. Vinegar in this case is contraindicated.
With severe heartburn
Only at first glance is this a minor problem. Those who have suffered a painful burning sensation know that it is possible to pay dearly for salvation from adversity. Therefore, soda from severe heartburn during pregnancy is used, despite the admonitions of doctors. But sometimes pop does not help, but nothing is at hand. In this case, you can try the following recipe.
Take a glass of milk and heat slightly. Add a quarter teaspoon of soda and mix thoroughly. Wait 30 seconds and drink slowly. Usually within a few minutes it becomes easier. This method is not recommended to be used too often. It is rather an option for emergency relief.
Your awareness
Most often, it leaves much to be desired. When resorting to this tool, women really do not know whether it is possible to drink soda during pregnancy. There are several reasons why it is not recommended to drink this solution.
- This is not a cure. In this way, you only drown out the symptoms of heartburn. Pop for a while will alleviate the condition and remove the burning sensation. But soon a double dose of gastric juice will develop, which will cause even more painful heartburn.
- Soda contains sodium, which is able to accumulate and retain water. This contributes to edema, which is a great risk in the last months of pregnancy.
Advantages and disadvantages
Is it possible to use soda during pregnancy by mouth? You should ask your doctor. In fact, she can sleep with a lifesaver at a time when there are no more drugs at hand, and the sensations are very painful. But this does not mean that you can use it uncontrollably. Yes, this is a great option in an emergency. The negative side - heartburn very soon will bother again. The pop does not last long, but it irritates the digestive tract. This phenomenon is called acid rebound.
What you need to keep in mind
Expectant mother needs to pay more attention to traditional medicine. They are safer and operate very carefully. Of course, there are situations when nothing else is at hand. And still you should think about it before resorting to the help of soda, is it possible to drink it. During pregnancy, this "treatment" is fraught with kidney problems. With frequent use of this tool, edema may appear. The fact is that soda provokes the process of alkalization in the blood. In some cases, such treatment leads to disruption of the intestines, and sometimes even the heart and blood vessels. You can not call soda a prohibited drug. In some cases, it can help. But it is better to avoid using it to combat heartburn.
Instead, you can use the pharmacy drugs "Rennie", "Maalox", "Almagel", "Gaviscon." Usually they are well tolerated and relieve the condition. But there is a minus: they all contain aluminum and calcium salts. As a result, constipation develops, which is the number 1 problem for expectant mothers. It should be understood that you are not struggling with an incurable disease. Heartburn when carrying a baby is normal. Therefore, you need to try to muffle the attack with chewing gum or seeds, a decoction of chamomile. If the sensations are very painful, take the means recommended by your doctor, do not engage in amateur performances. Usually in this case, the doctor recommends a consultation with a gastroenterologist.
Opinion of expectant mothers
We are also interested in reviews. Soda from heartburn during pregnancy is used from time to time by almost every woman in an interesting position. Many mothers say they did not plan to take her. But when at night there was a strong attack of heartburn, I did not have to choose. The effect is felt immediately, and you can safely fall asleep. But in the morning you have to face a relapse. And two options remain: drink more soda or adjust the diet. Perhaps one of the products gives such an effect. A good way out is to break the meals into more frequent and smaller ones.
How else can you use soda
The period of bearing a baby lasts a long nine months. Anything can happen during this time. Most medications remain banned, so an alternative is needed. That can be soda.
- It is great for gargling. If you have ARVI or the flu, laryngitis or stomatitis, pharyngitis or tonsillitis - feel free to make a solution and start rinsing. This requires 1-2 teaspoons to dissolve in a glass of water.
- With toothache. She is not dangerous for mother and child, but is extremely unpleasant. Of course, it is best to consult a dentist, but if this is not possible, then rinse your mouth with soda solution. To do this, add two teaspoons of soda to a glass of warm water.
That is, soda in many situations is an excellent assistant for the future mother and not only. But you can use it inside only occasionally, in emergency cases. If the problem recurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he carries out a diagnosis and selects the appropriate treatment. Frequent use of soda with heartburn usually only leads to a worsening of the situation.