Pregnancy Test Failure: Probability and Causes

Is a pregnancy test error possible in the modern world? Couples planning to become parents are often asked this question. Those who avoid pregnancy are also interested in the relevant topic. In this area, even 1-2 days play a huge role. For example, for a certain period of “interesting situation”, an abortion is done only for medical reasons. If pregnancy is diagnosed in a timely manner, such situations can be avoided.

Clearblue test

Test types

The likelihood of a pregnancy test error often depends on several factors. Among them are:

  • strip strips;
  • tablet;
  • inkjet;
  • electronic.

All tests have the same operating principle. But can a pregnancy test be wrong? Reviews of such events are left by women very often. And therefore, it is worth noting that a home pregnancy diagnosis is not always accurate. The probability of errors is not high, but it does have a place to be.

Test accuracy

How often are pregnancy tests wrong? And why does that come out?

The thing is that the accuracy of modern pregnancy tests depends on several indicators. Namely from:

  • sensitivity (the bulk of the devices has a sensitivity of 25 mMe);
  • its type;
  • time of inspection;
  • diagnostic techniques.

In general, modern devices for home diagnosis of pregnancy are 95-98% accurate. Especially if you follow the technique of obtaining the result.

Most often, strip strips are wrong. On the day of the delay, its accuracy is about 90%. Tablet devices offer to determine pregnancy from the first day of absence of menstruation with a probability of 92-95%, inkjet - 95%, digital - 99%.

However, no one is safe from a pregnancy test error. To minimize the likelihood of a false result, it is recommended that you understand the technique of conducting a home rapid diagnosis of pregnancy.

Negative Pregnancy

Instructions: how to do a test

There is a probability of a pregnancy test error, but it is not too high - from 1 to 10%. This is quite normal, because at first, even doctors can take a fetal egg without a heartbeat for a tumor or other neoplasm.

Here are techniques for properly conducting pregnancy tests at home:

  1. Unzip the strip. Collect a little morning urine in a sterile container. Before this, it is recommended to wait 2-3 seconds. Let the very first urine "merge" a little. This will help to avoid mistakes. Next, you need to lower the strip strip to the control value for 5-10 seconds in the collected urine and put the test on a flat, dry surface. The result can be evaluated after a maximum of 10 minutes.
  2. A tablet pregnancy test is more accurate. Included with it is usually everything you need for diagnostics. You need to collect urine in a container, and then collect it into a pipette. Put on a specially designated area-window and wait. The indicator on the tablet will indicate pregnancy or its absence.
  3. Jet tests eliminate the need to collect urine. This greatly simplifies the entire diagnosis. It is enough to substitute the device with the receiving end under the stream of urine for a few seconds, and then put it on a dry, clean and even surface.
  4. Electronic tests are different. Most often they are used like inkjet or tablet. On the device’s screen, in some cases, the gestation period appears.

That's all: the error of a pregnancy test when following these instructions will be minimal. Especially if you do not diagnose before the delay of menstruation.

The main causes of a false negative test

When is a pregnancy test wrong? This can happen under various circumstances. Moreover, the girl is able to encounter different diagnostic results on tests of various companies.

Pregnancy test result

Most often, false negative indicators occur if:

  • incorrect pregnancy diagnosis;
  • verification completed too soon;
  • The test has expired
  • the diagnostic device was not stored correctly;
  • the girl used stale urine;
  • the level of hCG due to the individual characteristics of the body is too small;
  • during pregnancy revealed pathologies (threatened abortion, ectopic position);
  • taking diuretics or hormones.

Of course, do not forget that manufacturers of pregnancy tests offer different quality of their devices. The Clearblue test is notable for its accuracy. Devices of this manufacturer are used more and more often. Evitest also pleases.

Practice shows that a pregnancy test error occurs in low-cost diagnostic devices. "BiShur" or "NauNou" more often than others give a false result of pregnancy. It is recommended to always remember this, especially when choosing a manufacturer of a pregnancy test.

False positive

It's hard to believe, but the second strip on the device for diagnosing pregnancy can also appear due to an error. Pregnancy tests are wrong. It is a fact. And therefore, doctors recommend not to check the success of the conception of the baby until menstruation is delayed.

How to do a pregnancy test

A false-positive result on pregnancy tests appears if:

  • a woman is being treated for infertility;
  • cancellation of hormonal drugs occurred less than 10 days ago;
  • the girl has swelling or inflammation;
  • Recently, a woman has had a miscarriage;
  • spent some time ago abortion.

As practice shows, a pregnancy test error is a lot of trouble. You have to either repeat the diagnosis, or refine it.

Weak streak - how to interpret

For some girls, during verification, a “ghost” appears on the corresponding device. This is the second, but pale and slightly pronounced, barely noticeable strip. How to interpret this indication?

Of course, ideally, it is recommended to repeat the diagnosis the next day. Another ghost? Then the woman is better to clarify the result or conduct another home checkup in a couple of days or consult a gynecologist who can more accurately determine pregnancy.

More often than not, a “ghost” is a positive result. It may appear when:

  • low levels of hCG;
  • early diagnosis of pregnancy;
  • pregnancy pathology;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Such a phenomenon can also be considered false positive. As a rule, the second weak strip is just a reagent. The Clearblue and Evitest tests are notable for their quality and their reagents rarely appear as a “ghost”. This can not but rejoice.

Can a strip strip make a mistake

Marriage device

Can an electronic pregnancy test be wrong? Yes, but this is extremely rare. To minimize the likelihood of mistakes, a woman is recommended to undergo treatment before planning the baby, and then follow the previously proposed instructions.

When is a pregnancy test wrong? This can happen if a girl bought a defective device. No one is safe from such situations, therefore it is recommended to purchase several tests from different manufacturers for accurate diagnosis of an "interesting situation".

Important: defective devices show both a false negative and a false positive.

Clarification if necessary

How often are pregnancy tests wrong? Modern devices for home diagnosis of pregnancy offer the accuracy of determining a successful conception with a probability of 90-99% on the first day of delayed menstruation. A few days before this, the test may show an accurate result, but this is a huge rarity. Why? The level of hCG before the delay of critical days is at very low levels. That is why it is better not to rush with the diagnosis.

The dynamics of pregnancy tests

How to clarify the results of a pregnancy test? A girl can:

  • repeat the study in a few days;
  • donate blood for hCG;
  • go to the gynecologist;
  • to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

All this helps to determine pregnancy with a higher probability than just a quick test done on time.

Important: on an ultrasound, you can listen to the fetal heartbeat. This becomes possible at about 5-6 weeks of gestation.

Tips for girls

Does a pregnancy test happen wrong? Unfortunately yes. If you do not choose a device for diagnosing an “interesting situation” and buy the cheapest one, you may encounter false readings.

Is a woman able to somehow minimize the probability of a pregnancy test error to a minimum? Yes, but not 100%.

Is there a pregnancy

Here are some tips to help you avoid false results with your home pregnancy diagnosis:

  1. Carefully choose the manufacturer and type of pregnancy test.
  2. Check the expiration date of a pregnancy checker.
  3. Do not diagnose until menstruation is delayed.
  4. Perform all manipulations with the test according to the instructions.
  5. Do not drink plenty of water before the diagnosis and do not take diuretics.
  6. Repeat the check a couple of times at a certain interval.
  7. Do not use old urine during the diagnosis.

All this really helps to cope with the task. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages. And so you have to use several methods to verify the success of conception.

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