Your dog is afraid of dogs: what to do in such a situation?

Many, having bought a clumsy tailed creature, are aware that they have a serious responsibility. Understanding that the pet will need care, proper maintenance, good nutrition, few owners think about the equally important aspect of raising a normal adequate dog. About her psychological development. As a result of such inattention to an important component of proper education, various problems and questions arise. Often owners ask, “Why is my dog ​​scared of dogs?” Let's take a closer look at where the roots of this problem come from and how to deal with it.

dog is afraid of dogs

Zoopsychologists claim that our four-legged friends are largely to blame for psychological disorders. More precisely, of course, our lifestyle. Taking a puppy into the family, we make him a member of the "pack", instinctively he behaves, as befits the beast, doing or not doing anything. But there are no more people like him in the family. And how to communicate with their own kind, the baby has no idea. When the animal grows up, then, being prone to aggression, it will attack all the dogs that it sees in its path. If the pet is not a leader, a cowardly dog ​​can grow out of it. Your animal is afraid of dogs even if it was once bitten violently, if you punished him too much for approaching another pet.

The kid can show fear in different ways: to shy, to clog under objects, tightening his tail and lowering his ears, even whining mournfully. If an adult large dog appears in your house that the puppy is afraid of, he may continue to “cry” all the time. “How to wean a dog to whine?”, - the owners ask in such circumstances. As soon as the baby ceases to be afraid, he will stop whining, your task is to eliminate his fear of an adult colleague. This is done through gradual training. Being close to animals, the owner should often push them in one place so that they sniff each other. Manifestations of aggression, even minimal ones, from the side of a large pet should be strictly suppressed.

where to buy a dog

If the puppy shies away from small or adult dogs on a walk, this is easy to help. You need to find friends for him. Desirable close age and size. Playing with them while walking, the dog will understand that there is nothing wrong with other puppies, on the contrary, it is very interesting with them.

If an adult dog is afraid of dogs, the situation is more complicated, but to solve the problem is also realistic. It is necessary to accustom her gradually to the society of four-legged friends of man. It is necessary that these be different pets, so that your animal does not get used to only one specific one. Take your dog for a walk on a leash. Do not react to manifestations of cowardice, remain calm and calm. Praise for courage, it is necessary to punish for any aggression - a leash by a leash, a strict shout “Fu!”.

how to wean a dog whine

By the way, when solving the problem of where to buy a dog, remember that by purchasing it from random people, you run the risk. Your shaggy friend may not be the breed you were dreaming about, or even a mixed breed. There is nothing wrong with this if your dog, for example, guards the garden. You do not need any special qualities from this pet, "just to bark." But what if you introduce a dog to a house, to a family with children? Local blood by itself gives instability of the psyche, and if the relatives of your new four-legged friend are the Alabai, guarding the sheep herds, serious and aggressive dogs? And you wanted a Labrador for your child. Each breed of dog should be used for its intended purpose, not in vain because it has been bred for decades. So be careful, get a thoroughbred animal from trusted professional breeders. So you will not have an unexpected problem like “my dog ​​is afraid of dogs” or, on the contrary, “my dog ​​hates all animals in the area.”

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