Why does a parrot drop feathers? What to do in such cases?

Why does a parrot drop feathers? This question is asked by many owners of these birds. Only an experienced veterinarian can determine the cause of such a pathology. At the same time, feathers in parrots can fall on the head, under the wings, from the tail. The main reasons should be considered.

why do parrots drop feathers

Environmental reasons

So why does a parrot drop feathers for no apparent reason? Perhaps your pet is suffering from adverse living conditions. Among the environmental reasons are:

  1. Little space due to cramped cage. In such cases, the bird feels uncomfortable and often begins to rub its plumage on the rods.
  2. Bad air. This should include a low humidity indicator. The cage is not recommended to be installed near heating appliances. You can not smoke in the room where the parrot is located, as well as install an air freshener.
  3. Lighting. Flickering lights can cause stress in a pet. Also, lighting imitating daylight is not suitable.
  4. Allergy. A similar phenomenon can occur when a new product is introduced into the diet or when the filler for the cell is changed.
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Psychological reasons

To answer the question of why the parrot drops feathers under the wings, in the area of ​​the head or tail, careful monitoring of the pet will help. Maybe the reason is psychological. These include:

  1. Boredom and loneliness.
  2. Troubles in the owner's family. Do not forget that parrots feel the emotional state of their master.
  3. Fright.
  4. The appearance in the family of children, as well as new pets.
  5. Sharp noise, repair.
  6. Change of ownership.
  7. A change of scenery, such as moving.

It is worth noting that with a psychological disorder, the bird begins to pluck feathers strongly. Often this is done under stress or to attract attention. Subject to the rules of care, the problem will disappear within a week.

why do parrots drop feathers from the tail

Natural molt

So, why does a parrot drop feathers all over its body? Sometimes it is a natural process. At the same time, the pet does not have exposed spots. The process proceeds evenly. Feathers gradually change to new, stronger and brighter. The presence of molting can be determined only by the feathers lying in the cage.

This natural process occurs in parrots every 2 years. In this case, the pet may change the mood: it becomes dull or restless.

Molt as a result of shock

Why does a parrot drop feathers from its tail and other parts of the body? Perhaps in your case we are talking about shock molting. Parrots are rather shy. As a result of a strong fright associated with moving, changing the host and other factors, feathers begin to fall out in the bird. In this case, a part of the body near the tail may be exposed. Often feathers fall out in bunches. A negative noise can also affect the condition of the pet. To stop molting, you need to calm the bird.

why do parrots drop feathers under the wings

Lack of vitamins

Vitamin deficiency is another cause of feather loss in a pet. The lack of vitamins can affect the appearance of the parrot. With such a disease, the growth rate of claws and feathers decreases, the general condition of the bird worsens.

Most often, parrots who have an unbalanced diet suffer from vitamin deficiency. In your daily diet should be grain, fruits, vegetables, greens. It is also worth showing the pet to the veterinarian. The specialist will be able to prescribe a drug, which includes all the vitamins necessary for the bird. You can buy a medicine in a veterinary pharmacy.

Diseases caused by ticks and fungi

Why does a parrot drop feathers on its head, body and tail? This may indicate the presence of a fungal disease or pathogenic ticks on the skin. At the same time, the plumage of a parrot begins to fall out very strongly, completely exposed areas of the body appear. Often, the general condition of the pet worsens. It is worth noting that a fungus or tick, once on the skin of a bird, takes root almost immediately.

To verify the presence of the disease, you should carefully examine the tips of the rods of those feathers that have already fallen out. If there are small holes or blood on them, then the pet has become infected. On the skin, crusts, plaques and wounds can also appear, peeling often occurs. When examining, special attention should be paid to the paws, waxen and beak.

If you find the answer to the question of why the parrot drops feathers, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for help. The bird will not be able to get rid of such an illness on its own. Special ointments are usually prescribed. The course of therapy can last more than 30 days. You can not leave this disease untreated, since a relapse is possible.

Corella parrot why feathers fall

French molt

This is a serious disease that can be inherited. The parrot almost completely drops out the tail and fly feathers. The bird cannot fly and moves in leaps, knocking on the surface with its beak. It is impossible to determine the exact cause of the development of the disease. However, many suggest that such molting occurs as a result of a lack of protein due to genetic malfunctions in metabolic processes.

Hormonal disbalance

Impaired feather growth in parrots can be caused by an imbalance in a particular hormone. If the pet's body weakly produces thyroxine, then the veterinarian may prescribe drugs containing iodine.

If the problem is associated with the malfunctioning of the pituitary gland, then it is almost impossible to cure the pet, as the disease is difficult to treat. With such a disorder, a profound loss of plumage is noted.

Diagnosis and therapy

Why do budgerigars drop feathers? A similar phenomenon can occur not only in this breed. You can diagnose the presence of an ailment only in a veterinary clinic. In this case, the veterinarian can determine the presence of an allergic reaction, hormonal failure, bacterial disease, fungus, deficiency of nutrients and vitamins. Before a visit to a specialist, the owner of the bird should:

  1. Watch the parrot carefully.
  2. Inspect his plumage and body.
  3. Make your pet's diet balanced.

If there are several parrots in the house, then the diseased individual must be removed from the rest. Healthy birds also need to be closely monitored and well fed.

why does a parrot drop feathers on its head

Basic principles of recovery

Recently, a new pet in the homes of many bird lovers is the Corella parrot. Why do feathers fall out of these individuals? The reasons are the same for all pets. Now it is worth considering the basic principles of treatment:

  1. Balanced diet. In the diet should be introduced carrots, yolk, apples.
  2. The cage, as well as all devices, should be thoroughly cleaned and washed. Normalize the humidity in the room and ventilate well. If the cell is small, then it needs to be replaced.
  3. The therapy includes not only peace for the pet, but also attention from the owner. Otherwise, the bird will get bored.
  4. If the feathers fall out gradually and evenly, then with proper care the problem will disappear after 2 weeks.
  5. Specialists should be contacted on time.

Panic in the presence of any disease in the pet is not worth it. This can only aggravate the condition of the bird.

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