The child is sick: causes and treatment

Children's illnesses concern every parent. The most common symptom of an ailment is a fever. However, mothers and fathers may encounter other signs of a particular pathology. This article will tell you why the baby is sick. You will find out what may be the cause of this symptom. It is also worth mentioning about the methods of eliminating the ailment.

baby sick

The child is sick. What do the doctors say?

If the child is sick, it is necessary to consult a doctor. That is what all pediatricians unanimously say. It is worth noting that nausea is not an independent disease. In most cases, this is just a symptom of some kind of pathology. In this case, the ailment may have additional manifestations. Some of them require immediate assistance. That is why it is worthwhile to carefully monitor the baby in this condition and, if necessary, call an ambulance.

Doctors say that weakness, nausea can not be correctly determined by the baby. Children under 7-9 years of age simply cannot describe this condition. The children say that something hurts them, but they cannot correctly formulate a story about their health. Nausea in children is often accompanied by vomiting. This is the so-called continuation of the development of a pathological symptom. Let’s try to figure out why sometimes the child is sick and how to cope with this unpleasant symptom.

the child feels no temperature

Motion sickness or motion sickness

Often a child feels sick in a car. Symptom can manifest itself during a sea trip. The cause of this phenomenon is banal motion sickness. It develops due to the underdevelopment of the vestibular apparatus. It is worth noting that in many children this pathology passes independently over time.

To treat this pathology is in most cases useless. However, you should seek the advice of an otorhinolaryngologist. It is this specialist who deals with the problems of the vestibular apparatus. In most cases, when motion sickness in transport, parents need to follow some rules. Before the trip, it is not recommended to feed the baby tightly. Avoid fatty and heavy foods. Place the child forward or (if this is not possible) centered behind. Ask the baby not to look around. Periodically give your baby a drink. Peppermint sweets also help. Among the drugs for motion sickness can be distinguished tablets "Dramina", "Aviamore" and others. Most drugs are taken just before the trip, and not during an attack of nausea.

nausea and diarrhea


Sometimes it happens that the child is sick and his stomach hurts. The cause in this case is poisoning. It is worth noting that it can be different. If the baby has consumed a stale product, then the development of symptoms occurs almost instantly. Also, poisoning can occur due to the use of chemicals or medicines. Check if your baby could eat illegal substances.

Treatment in this case depends entirely on the severity of the pathology. With mild symptoms, correction can be done at home. The child is prescribed drugs - sorbents, as well as heavy drinking. This type of medicine can include Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, and so on. You need to take them separately from food and other drugs. In severe cases of the disease, there is a sense of hospitalization. In this case, the child undergoes gastric lavage and a course of drip glucose and saline.

weakness nausea

Infection or viral pathology

Nausea and diarrhea in a child may occur due to infection. Often this is a virus transmitted by airborne droplets, or bacteria obtained through dirty hands. At the same time, a rise in body temperature can join the described symptoms. Weakness, nausea and vomiting with loose stools must be corrected. Otherwise, there is a risk of serious complications.

Often vomiting, nausea and diarrhea lead to dehydration. That is why when this pathology occurs, it is necessary to give the baby a lot of water. If necessary, use the drug "Regidron". It is a powder that dissolves in drinking water. It helps restore salt balance in the patient's body. From diarrhea, you can use the drug "Imodium" or rice broth. Viral pathology necessarily requires appropriate therapy. So, the child is prescribed medications "Ergoferon", "Interferon", "Isoprinosine" and others. In bacterial infections, it is necessary to use antimicrobial compounds with a wide spectrum of action, for example, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, and so on.

baby sick in the morning

Intracranial pressure

If the child is sick in the morning, then this may be a symptom of a neurological pathology. In this case, headache and fatigue join the main symptom. Such an ailment must be corrected. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences occur.

Contact a neurologist and get tested. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a neurosonography. Depending on the result, additional tests may be necessary. Treatment of pathology in most cases is complex. So, the doctor prescribes nootropics that correct cerebral circulation, for example, Trental, Gliatilin, Piracetam and others. At the same time, sedative medications are prescribed for the baby (Phenibut, Tenoten, Valerian). Be sure to take vitamin complexes during treatment (Magnerot, Magnelis, Neuromultivit). Remember that all these drugs can only be used after consulting a specialist. Many of them are selected in accordance with the age and weight of the crumbs.

Stressful situation

If the child is sick (there is no temperature at the same time), then the cause may be stress or fear. Doctors say that the protective reaction of the body is manifested in this way. This situation does not require any treatment. However, there is a way to help the baby and ease his condition.

Take a small paper bag. If you do not have this device, then you can use polyethylene. Give the tool to the child and ask them to breathe into it. After a few minutes, the baby will experience noticeable relief. The principle of such assistance is as follows. The child exhales carbon dioxide and consumes oxygen when inhaling. If space is limited, the baby will breathe the carbon dioxide released. As a result, nausea comes to naught.

why does the child feel sick

Pathology requiring surgery

Nausea in a child can be a symptom of a pathology that cannot be corrected at home. Such diseases include pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, infringement of a hernia, and so on. At the same time, these diseases can have the following symptoms: vomiting, weakness, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain, fever, onset of weakness, and so on. Any delay and lack of timely assistance can lead to unpleasant complications.

The treatment of most of these diseases requires immediate medical attention. This is usually a standard operation performed under general anesthesia. After such an intervention, it is necessary to follow the doctor's prescription and adhere to a certain diet. Often, medical methods are required, which will become prophylactic and prevent the re-development of pathology.

the child is sick and stomach aches


Now you know why a child may experience nausea. You also learned the basic ways to deal with an unpleasant manifestation. Remember that before starting the adjustment, you should definitely clarify the cause of the problem. In some cases, only a specialist can do this. Consult a pediatrician and get expert advice. Only then proceed with the prescribed treatment. Wellness to your baby!

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