What is a father? This is the most strict and responsible person in the whole house. As a rule, he spends a lot of time at work, so children rarely see him. Maybe that's why they like fairy tales about dad so much.
"Wise Dad and the Magic Man"
In one beautiful city there lived a wise dad who had three beautiful children: two girls and one boy. Once, my mother went to a friend, and the head of the family decided to arrange a fairy trip to the forest for her children. They collected backpacks with groceries and hit the road.
The campaign was a success. They decided to return home, and on the way they met a magical man. He said that he would not let the guests out of the woods until they found something magical in him.
Daughters looked at trees, wanting to find one thing - the most special. The son tried to find an enchanted stump. The wise dad looked at what was happening for a long time and said: “I see only three miracles here - these are my beloved children. Look good man, because even in the most ordinary objects they see something magical! ”
The magical man began to applaud dad and opened the forest gate for them.
The moral of the tale about dad is this: only children for the parent are the main miracle that he is always proud of.
"Little dad and a serious man"
There was a little girl, and her name was Mashenka. She had a dad - a big boss, his name was Sergey Nikolaevich. And she had a grandmother named Irina. She rarely saw her and really missed her. Somehow, my daughter asked:
“Daddy, my love, why do we rarely visit our grandmother, I really miss her.”
“You see, dear,” my father replied, “I’m a great boss for everyone, my name is Sergey Nikolaevich.” And when we come to my grandmother, I again become little Seryozhenka.
- Oh, dad! Why is this happening?
- It happens, my dear, beautiful daughter.
“Dad, does this magic happen to me, too?” Will I grow up and become Maria Sergeyevna, and I will never come to you again?
From these words the pope became very sad and ashamed. He thought about his behavior and began to visit his mother more often.
The tale of dad and girl teaches children to respect their parents.
"Amazing phrase"
The fairy tale about Mom, Dad and daughter “Amazing Word” is very popular among elementary school students.
In one family, a completely naughty daughter grew up. Parents tried to force her to clean up after herself, eat soup, fold her clothes, but all this did not bring results. Mom and dad were tired of fighting a harmful girl and sent her for re-education to her grandmother in the village. Raisa Mikhailovna was a very smart woman and gave the teenager advice:
- Granddaughter, when mom and dad scold you, you tell them an amazing phrase and you won’t have to swear with them anymore.
My daughter came home and immediately ran to the table to take tasty sweets. Mom began to swear again:
- Do not eat sweets, your stomach will hurt. Wait for the soup.
“Fine, I'll think about it,” the girl answered.
She came to her room and thought that it was not worth swearing because of the candy. She would eat her anyway, but then, after a delicious dinner.
She played toys and ran into another room to watch cartoons. And then dad screams:
- Daughter, take away the toys.
- Fine, I'll think about it.
The girl decided that it was really not at all difficult for her to remove the toys behind her, and she did it.
In the evening, parents appreciated the obedient behavior of the girl and gave her a big doll. No one else ever cursed in this family.
The Little Wunderkind
Another very popular fairy tale about little dad is “Little Prodigy”.
When dad was very young, he loved to read. Grandparents did not like his hobbies, they believed that their son could spoil his eyesight, and allocated him only three hours for his favorite pastime. The time allotted for reading, he sat with the book in full view, then he began to hide. As soon as the parents went to bed, he took a flashlight, hid under a blanket and read, hiding from them in the attic and in the toilet. Grandparents found him and selected books. They envied the parents of those boys who, in their free time from school, played football and rushed along the street.
Guests came to the house for a holiday. Everyone talked, and the boy turned out to be an amazing conversationalist, he was able to tell many unusual stories, forcing all adults to listen to him.
- This is a well-read boy. And my son just runs around the street to no avail and his clothes get dirty.
Grandma and grandpa became pleasant, they no longer interfered with their son's favorite hobby. And dad grew up and became the boss.
The moral of the tale about dad for children has a psychological aspect: you should not prevent your child from doing what he loves.
“As strong”
The tale about dad “As Strong” is read for boys. This creative work gives rise to heroic abilities in them.
Once upon a time there was a little boy who was always afraid to sleep alone. His parents put him in his bed, and at night he ran to them anyway. Neither the switched on light nor the lamp helped him. Mom was tired of her son’s fears and told him:
- Son, you are a future man. You should not be afraid of anything. Look at your dad, he is the most courageous and strong. If you don’t fear anything, you will soon become the same yourself.
A little boy thought. He really wanted to soon become as big, bold and strong as his father. Since then, he has never been afraid to sleep alone.
Why do we need fairy tales about dad? Such creative works will teach you to appreciate this wonderful member of the family. The girls will admire him, dreaming of finding their soul mate, which would look like the most dear person. For boys, the father will become the prototype of courage, courage and heroism, they, of course, want to be like him.