Folic acid for children: instructions for use, dosage

Folic acid (the second name is Vitamin B9) is absolutely necessary for every living organism. Its deficiency can greatly affect human health. It is very important to monitor its content in the body. This is especially true for young children.

general information

Before talking about the methods of application and dosage, it is important to understand what folic acid is for children. In total, several advantages can be distinguished:

folic acid in children

1. After using the drug, blood begins to circulate several times better. This prevents the risk of developing anemia at an early age.

2. A beneficial microflora is created in the intestine, which protects this organ from various diseases.

3. Improves bone marrow function.

Folic acid is necessary for children to strengthen the body, restore immunity and protect against bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to start taking it the sooner the better. Doctors say this.

Taking Folic Acid During Pregnancy Planning

Fortunately, most women responsibly approach issues such as family planning. Before conception, the conscious patient is recorded in the clinic, undergoes an examination and passes all the necessary tests. For each future parent (both mother and father) three months before the expected pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend drinking folic acid in two tablets (400 micrograms) twice a day.

folic acid for children up to a year

First of all, the drug is necessary to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Many couples cannot conceive a child for a long time because of its insufficiency. An important derivative is present in folic acid - tetrahydrofolate. Once in the body of a man or woman, she begins to secrete biochemical enzymes. As a result, the partner’s body is better prepared for the conception process. The future father's sperm cells become faster and better, the future mother's ovulation process is more effective. Thus, couples planning a pregnancy should take folic acid. Firstly, for the successful conception of the baby. Secondly, for the full development of the fetus.

Taking Folic Acid During Pregnancy

folic acid instructions for children

If conception and attachment of the embryo in the uterine cavity was successful, then medical specialists throughout the first trimester also recommend the use of vitamin B9. It is necessary in the body of a future mother in order to prevent the development of various defects of the neural tube, namely, splitting of the spine, dropsy and hernia of the brain. Due to the lack of folic acid , various unpleasant moments may appear: placental abruption, a violation of its formation and other defects that can lead to miscarriage and premature birth. Be sure to remember this.

The value of vitamin B9 for children under 1 year

Folic acid is not needed for children under 12 months of age. It is prescribed by a pediatrician only with the following symptoms:

  • If the baby was born prematurely, that is, before the 37th week of pregnancy. This drug allows him to quickly catch up with his peers.
  • If the baby is gaining weight poorly. According to experts, in the first 12 months of life, it should grow more than 2 times in comparison with its initial parameters.
  • If the baby has problems with the functioning of the intestine. For example, when he often has constipation or diarrhea.

folic acid for children

In rare cases, vitamin B9 is prescribed as supplemental vitamins. This applies to newborns who are on artificial nutrition. Babies who are fed breast milk, as a rule, have enough of all the necessary vitamins.

Vitamin B9 value for boys and girls aged 1.5 to 7 years

Children need folic acid during the period when they begin to attend kindergarten. Being in a large team often leads to the development of viral diseases. This drug produces immune bodies in the body that do not perceive childhood infections. In some cases, this vitamin is prescribed by a psychologist if the child does not adapt well in the environment.

Vitamin B9 Value for Children Over 7

Vitamin B9 also needs to be taken by schoolchildren. American scientists have proven that it improves intellectual activity several times and allows you to concentrate. In addition, this drug prevents the development of overwork, which can occur from an unusual training load.

Dosage for young children

A lack of folic acid provokes a huge number of diseases. However, its surplus will not lead to anything good. Therefore, it is very important to observe the dosage of folic acid for children:

  • The smallest amount of the drug is 25 mcg. It is this amount of vitamin that is sufficient for infants in the first six months of life.
  • From 6 months, its amount can be increased to 35 mcg.
  • Children from 1 year old - no more than 50 mcg.

That's not all. Further, the daily norm of folic acid increases by 25 units every three years. That is, if the baby is 3 years old, then he needs 75 micrograms of vitamin, 6 years old - 100 micrograms, 9 years old - 125 micrograms. The maximum daily rate is 200 mcg. That is enough for children from 14 years old and older.

How to take?

Fortunately, there is a fairly simple instruction on the use of folic acid for children:

  1. First of all, pay attention to the dosage of one tablet. It may be equal to 400 mcg or 1 mg.
  2. From it you need to separate the required amount, depending on the age of the child.
  3. Then you should carefully crush this particle so that a fine powder is obtained.
  4. It remains only to dilute it with water and give the child a drink.

It is worth considering that the intake of this vitamin does not depend on the use of food and other drugs. It has a neutral taste. Therefore, there is no need to drink it with water.

How to take the smallest dosages?

Still, some people may have difficulty with folic acid instructions for children. For example, if it is necessary to separate a particle equal to 25 μg from 1 mg (for a newborn baby). To achieve this result, you need to do the following:

  1. Divide the tablet into 4 equal parts.
  2. One of them should be milled into powder and diluted with 5 teaspoons of boiled water.
  3. 2.5 ml of this solution (half a teaspoon) will still contain 25 micrograms of folic acid.

In the same way, medicine is given to older children. One teaspoon is equivalent to 50 micrograms, and 2 teaspoons to 100 micrograms.

folic acid instructions for use for children

The course of treatment with this drug should be from two weeks to 30 days. The daily norm, if desired, can be divided into 2-3 times.


folic acid for children dosage

Folic acid can be given to children not only as a medicine, but also through regular foods. For example, it is found in chicken, cabbage, cottage cheese, cheese, in almost all types of nuts and herbs. It is desirable that a pregnant woman and a mother who is breastfeeding give preference to them. This will reduce the risk of serious illness.

folic acid for children dosage


Vitamin B9 is mandatory for every citizen from a very young age. Its deficiency can negatively affect a person’s health and appearance (hair often starts to fall out, nails break, acne appears). Therefore, experts have recommended the use of folic acid for children and adults for prevention, at least once every three years. It is worth noting that the drug can be bought at an affordable price. One package, in which 30 tablets, costs about 100 rubles.

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