1.5 years old child: development and care

A child in a family is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. Each period of growing up the baby has its own characteristics. He should relate to his personality in a new way when a child is already 1.5 years old. The development of his character is only just beginning. Therefore, it is important that parents explain to their child from early childhood how to deal with loved ones and in society as a whole.

Child (1.5 years): development. How does the baby develop at this age?

1 5 years old child development

The kid begins to actively demand the fulfillment of his desires. But due to its physical and emotional characteristics it cannot distinguish what is good and what is bad. And how does the development of the child occur at this age? 1.5-2 years - this is the period when the baby is being improved very quickly. When he was a baby, he could not do anything except eat and sleep for hours. And now he begins to master independent actions, trying not only to speak articulate, but to formulate his thoughts. During this period, everything happens for the first time for the child and his parents. All discoveries of the baby are made thanks to the development of the motor function of the child, his speech, memory, thinking.

The development of a child of 1.5 years is a very important stage in the formation of the psyche. While she has the opportunity to form surrounded by her parents, as the baby does not see other people next to him, except mom and dad. The next stage will take place at school, and will end only in adolescence.

How is the children's psyche formed at this age?

So, the child turned 1.5 years old. Its development should be considered in more detail in order to know how to properly assist the baby in comprehending many truths and rules of human society. Until the age of one and a half years, the baby was breast-fed. Then he was completely dependent on his mother: changing diapers, feeding by the clock several times a day. When he breaks away from his chest, he first learns that there is something else in this world, besides what he saw around him before. But there are a lot of new and interesting things! For the first time he realizes that he can decide for himself: I want - I do not want.

child 1 5 years development

The kid becomes moody when he does not receive what he asks for. It doesn’t matter, he has already come out of infancy, he must be able to think. In an accessible language, you need to explain that getting everything you want is not always a success. But the important here is completely different: with a child in any situation you need to be near, to experience all his little tragedies and joys with him. We have to repeat the same thing every day. Only through repetition and regular practice does the process of forming a child's psyche take place. Only by two or three years the baby will begin to be able to wait, it will be easier to negotiate with him. If the parents have enough patience during this period, they will be able to raise a tolerant personality.

The importance of mother in development

What should I look for if the baby is 1 year and 6 months old? The development of a child of this age should take place in front of her mother. Accustoming to the pot, to accuracy will be painless if there is a loving person nearby. If the mother who gives the baby to kindergarten is lucky and the child falls into caring hands, the process of adaptation and getting used to cleanliness and accuracy will pass unnoticed and without excesses.

child development at 1 5 years

Features of the development of a baby at one and a half year old

I would like to talk in more detail about what are the features of the development of the child. 1.5 years - the age when the baby knows how to do a lot. Now he is constantly discovering new opportunities for his body. He starts to walk more confidently, loves to run very much. It captivates him so much that he can forget all the acquired skills. It is necessary to direct the baby’s energy, play with him more often, while setting tasks with complications. You can not stop the child if he wants to wash the dishes with his mother or stick pasties. Let him try it for sure! After all, this is the comprehension of new actions, their capabilities. The development of a child in 1.5 years requires a lot of strength from him. The kid gets tired quickly. Therefore, it needs rest and a good sleep. Why did great-grandmothers sing lullabies to their children? With this singing, the mother is able to give a calm emotional mood to the baby, who learned so much in a day, so much spent his energy.

Teaching the independence of your child with the example of a button

The desire to dress and undress comes when a child is 1.5 years old. Development is proceeding as it should ideally be. The kid wants to learn everything on his own. This is not always possible, not everything works out. The button does not fasten, the lace does not want to be tied. How do adults do it? How do they do it? The child may even begin to get nervous and naughty. It is important to be near, to observe what is happening, you should definitely offer your help. You can teach your kid in a playful way to place a naughty button in her small house. An affectionate word, encouraging attitude will do the trick and will, of course, give a positive result. Only patience and love can achieve the desired effect.

Little baby skills

child 1 year and 6 months of development

If a child is already 1.5 years old, his development should include the following skills: he moves well, begins to speak separate words, is interested in new objects, the habit of taking everything into his mouth gradually disappears, he begins to eat without help. He becomes a person day by day.

Communication with the baby is a necessary event

The child’s mental development is undergoing major changes. 1.5 years is a transitional period in the life of crumbs. A child at this age is already prepared for communication with the outside world. Only constant interaction with adults, with their peers helps in the development of the baby. The motility of the hands, the emotions of the baby, his speech and perception testify to his mental development.

Physical development of a child at one and a half year old

child development 1 5 2 years

The child at 1.5 years of age also changes very much. Physical development is noticeable in an increase in growth of almost one and a half times, the child now weighs three times more from the moment of his birth. Is the kid extremely active and inquisitive? The development process is proceeding normally.

In order for the joy of movements to come on time, do not hinder this desire by tight swaddling the newborn. This may affect the future mental retardation and motor development of the child. The kid is already falling less, loves to climb stairs, conquers slides on the playground. Let him try his hand, when he learns this movement, he will start jumping, running. Each of his steps will give him confidence and independence. He will learn to throw a ball, turn pages in a book. He can already be instructed to put toys in a box, to tidy up his things in a locker. It is time to teach your baby to use cutlery. This is how a child is physically developed.

1 year 6 months: development, nutrition of the baby

The nutrition of a child in 1 year 6 months has its own characteristics.

features of child development 1 5 years

It must be remembered that during this period, changes in the digestive system occur in children. Their stomach increases its volume.

Go from thick to solid foods gradually. Salads from grated vegetables should be given as complementary foods. Food stimulating the nervous system should be served in the morning. Do not forget that the child needs to sleep during the day. The evening should be left for cereals and dairy dishes. Hot food must be present at every feeding. Already you can switch to four meals a day. A rich breakfast and dinner, the presence of fruits and vegetables, milk or kefir for the night will provide good nutrition and the habit of proper eating.

mental development of a child 1 5 years

Skills that the baby is already one and a half year old

A child is experiencing a difficult period at 1.5 years. The development of its organs takes on a new format. Now this is not a baby who can not do without outside help. He knows how to do a lot. His skills acquired during this period will serve him well in the future. He mastered a spoon and a cup, he is already big and he eats and drinks himself. He is interested. Great pleasure gives the ability to use a comb. Let it be inept so far, but the child learns the opportunity to try to perform simple and complex actions independently. He himself will ask for help. Then it will not be necessary to run after the baby throughout the house and beg him not to spin, to sit quietly. He already tried it himself, nothing worked, and I really want to go for a walk. There is no conflict. Everyone is happy, everyone has fulfilled their function. The task of parents at the stage of comprehension and the first steps of independence is to always be near, to create conditions for the safety of the child, to improve all his skills. Let the baby think that he is doing everything himself, his actions should be directed imperceptibly, so as not to lose interest in cognition, discoveries and research.

child development at 1 year 6 months

Walking and physical activity with a one and a half year old baby. Tips for young mothers

In no case should a child be indoors for a long time. Walking at any time of the year, gymnastics and hardening procedures will help the baby grow up healthy, sturdy and physically strong. From the first days of life, a mother and her baby took walks in the fresh air. The child grows, his stay on the street should not be reduced in time. Lack of oxygen can lead to negative consequences.

One and a half year old child's health

Pediatrician visits continue, only now they take place once every three months. All the necessary tests are taken to draw the correct conclusions about the physical and mental state of the baby. At 1 year 6 months, vaccinations are given for polio, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.

mental development of a child 1 5 years

How to help your young child develop? What is better to do, and what should be discarded?

During the formation and development of a child at the age of one and a half years, cognitive toys can be used for the development of speech. It is useful to memorize short verses and nursery rhymes with your child. Books should have bright beautiful pictures corresponding to reality. There is no need to show the baby non-existent monsters, various monsters or images of alien creatures. Let him learn to see and distinguish between the objects of the living and nonliving world that surround him: animals, fruits, vegetables, transport. You can purchase baby sets of children's toy furniture and utensils. This will come in handy for story games. Pyramids, cubes, designers will help expand knowledge about the shapes of objects. In the arsenal of the home stock of toys, the child should be such that they develop hearing and musical abilities.

child 1 year 6 months development nutrition

Little conclusion

Now you know what should be the development of the child in 1 year 6 months. As you can see, at this time the child knows a lot, and also learns a lot. We hope that the information presented in the article will help you understand what to look for in the process of teaching a one and a half year old baby, how to feed him and how to care for a healthy and sociable child (1.5 years). Its development is a very important task for every mother. We wish you good luck in such a difficult matter!

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