Hemolizing Escherichia coli is present in the body of each person in small quantities, but is conditionally pathogenic. The danger lies in the fact that it resists the protective function of a person and is resistant to drugs.
In infants, the bacterium is symptomatic similar to colic, but not only abdominal pains, but also diathesis, constipation or, conversely, loose stools with mucus impurities are noted. Where does it come from babies who have just been born? Consider the ways of transmission of infection, symptoms and methods of treatment in children.
What is E. coli hemolysing E. coli
The bacterium is part of opportunistic microflora. Since it is present in the body of every person, it does not cause pathologies. But there are a number of certain conditions that can “wake up” a bacterium and cause it to multiply actively. The impetus can be not only a disease or reduced immunity, but also banal hypothermia.
In children who suffer from an increased content of this stick, bloating can often occur, diathesis, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation may occur. And also such babies regurgitate more often than healthy babies. In this case, temperature indicators may remain within normal limits.
In its effect on the body, it is similar to Staphylococcus aureus. Even if there is a small amount in the body of the baby, it can cause disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract.
Hemolysing Escherichia coli in infants
When a baby is born, various microorganisms begin to colonize its still clean intestines. Normally, it should be only 3 types of bacteria - colibacteria, bifidumbacteria and lactobacilli. But quite often, the baby’s intestines are also exposed to pathogenic microbes, which cause the growth of harmful microflora. The reason for this may be some food pigments that enter the body of the baby with mother's milk, as well as infection during the passage of the birth canal.
As soon as the baby’s intestines of the baby are colonized with the “wrong” microflora, unpleasant symptoms begin to occur. This is primarily displayed on the quality and quantity of the stool, and is also expressed by pain in the abdomen. Often, mothers confuse this with commonplace colic and make a diagnosis of dysbiosis. In order to identify a pathology, it is worth passing tests, especially the analysis of feces.
How is infection transmitted and developed?
The main source of infection for hemolytic E. coli in children and adults is a human or animal. The transmission route is fecal-oral. It can be dirty hands, contaminated water (even bottled), food, or bathing in infected water. That is why it is important to bathe the baby in boiled water with herbs that neutralize pathogenic microorganisms.
Most often, infection occurs in the warm season (summer or spring). The risk increases with hypothermia, as well as frequent acute respiratory infections, when there is a decrease in the protective functions of the child's body. Pathogenic microbes enter the digestive tract, affect the mucous membrane, are absorbed into the intestinal wall and begin to multiply actively there.
Ways of infection in the body of the baby:
- poor-quality milk formula for feeding;
- improper storage of dairy products;
- reception of products (meat) by the mother, who feeds the baby with breast milk;
- reduced immunity.
Normally, E. coli in the body is 106-108 CFU / g in the colon and 107-108 CFU / g in feces. If this indicator decreases or rises, we can talk about the development of dysbiosis in a child.
Symptoms of the disease in children
The reproduction period of hemolysing E. coli is from three to six days. After that, pain in the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, headaches, dehydration and lack of appetite begin to appear. But the children will not tell about all this, as they do not yet know how to determine the nature of pain. What are the symptoms then to recognize the baby's infection?
External signs of E. coli bacillus infection in children:
- the child becomes moody, sleep patterns are disturbed;
- in rare cases, there is an increase in body temperature;
- spitting up is like vomiting;
- liquid stool with impurities of mucus and an unpleasant smell of rot;
- lack of appetite, because of which the child loses weight;
- frequent or, on the contrary, too rare going to the toilet "for little."
In rare cases, swelling is observed, purulent rashes and even cramps appear. And also infection provokes dehydration in a child, although this is more likely associated with loose stools, which can reach up to 15 times a day.
Diagnosis of hemolytic Escherichia coli in infants is most often done using fecal analysis. Also, swabs from the genitals are taken, seeded in a laboratory in a Petri dish, and over the course of two to four days, the development of these bacteria is monitored. It is important that the diagnosis takes place before the start of drug therapy.
An additional diagnostic method is a serological blood test. Based on this analysis, antibodies are determined, that is, how the baby's immune system resists these bacteria. A general analysis of blood and urine is also given. To clarify the diagnosis, a biochemical blood test is performed.
Treatment for E. coli should be supervised by a physician. After diagnosis, the specialist determines the method of therapy. Probiotics are prescribed to newborns and children of the first month of life in order to induce their microflora to resist pathogenic bacteria. This has a beneficial effect on the growth of "good" bacteria in the intestine and at the same time, the number of harmful microorganisms decreases.
Maternal milk has a good effect in the treatment of hemolytic Escherichia coli in infants. It has beneficial microflora for the intestines of the child and helps to improve its performance. But in order for mother's milk to benefit, and not harm, mother should adhere to a certain diet. If the baby is already being fed, then it is worth following the nutrition of the crumbs.
Grain bread (slightly dried), prunes and a decoction based on it, as well as water with a couple of drops of honey have positive therapeutic properties. These products can be given to a child older than nine months to treat E. coli.
Do not forget about the drinking regimen of the baby, especially with diarrhea. This can cause dehydration in the child, which is fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, an element of treatment should be a plentiful drink.
Having figured out how to treat hemolytic Escherichia coli in infants, let's talk about prevention. It is mandatory to follow the rules of personal hygiene and heat treatment of products, if the baby is already being fed.
Also, the key to good and proper work of the intestines in the baby is pregnancy planning, proper nutrition of the mother during the period of bearing the baby, which consists in obtaining all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. And also the expectant mother should be examined in time by a gynecologist in order to exclude bacterial vaginosis. During the passage of the baby through the birth canal, a woman can infect the baby. Important is the absence of stress, which can cause dysfunction and hormonal failure. He, in turn, can affect the baby.
An excellent prevention of all diseases, including E. coli, is breastfeeding for at least the first six months. Feeding should be introduced gradually.
Hemolysing Escherichia coli in infants is a fairly common occurrence, but only with the help of diagnostics can pathology be identified and the right therapy prescribed. Often, mothers confuse the disease with colic, which have similar symptoms. But with the appearance of diathesis in the baby, diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation, it is worth considering that this may be a consequence of another pathology.
Of great importance in the treatment of infants is mother's breast milk, which must adhere to a certain diet, as well as adherence to the drinking regimen. Diarrhea in a baby can cause dehydration, which is fraught with negative consequences for a small body. It is important to carefully monitor the condition of the child in order to notice violations in the work of the digestive tract in time.