Modern owners of four-legged pets prefer to save time and feed their pet with prepared foods. Of course, production is carefully thought out and balanced. But not all owners trust ready-made food and prefer to indulge their wards with home-made food. When preparing natural products, the main thing is to remember that the diet is not only nutritious, but also rich in vitamins and other useful substances. The owner’s task is to navigate well what kind of vegetables a dog can and what kind of fruit. After all, it is these products that are the storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals.
Does the dog need vegetables?
Getting a shaggy pet, each potential owner should be guided by what vegetables can be given to dogs, and which can harm her. Of course, root crops are not a staple food. But they can be a good source of healthy vitamins and minerals for dogs that eat natural foods. For example, almost all vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of useful fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the pet's digestive system.
In addition, most root crops contain a large amount of vitamin C and K, as well as folic acid, pectin, carotene, mineral salts of iron, magnesium, and potassium.
Many fruits are extremely popular with dogs. As a result, you can use them as a reward for obedience or a correctly executed command. As a tasty dog, a dog will be happy to gnaw carrots, beets or a slice of apple. Thus, fruits and vegetables can also serve as your favorite pet toys to eat.
What vegetables can a dog boil
Almost all the gifts of the garden to the pet can be given raw. But some, in order to prevent some physiological inconvenience of the pet, it is recommended to heat treatment. So what kind of boiled vegetables can be given to a dog?
Cauliflower, a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, is considered a useful addition to the animal’s diet. However, it is preferable to give the pet in boiled form. The fact is that cauliflower contains fiber, which can be poorly tolerated by animals. Inflorescence is especially useful for weakened and sick dogs. Undoubtedly, cauliflower is the answer to the question which vegetables can be cooked for a dog. With its nutrients and nutrients, the plant is able to quickly restore strength and return energy.
Simple white cabbage contains potassium, calcium, vitamins A and C, antioxidants that cleanse the blood of toxic substances. However, a large amount of fiber can cause bloating in the dog. therefore, cabbage should be given only in boiled or baked form. Steam cooking of the vegetable will allow you to save all the useful substances and trace elements in it. This should be known when answering the question, what kind of vegetables can dogs of large breeds that spend a lot of strength and energy.
It is very useful to give your pet and pumpkin, rich in vitamins B6, B9, B5, B2, B1, C, A, T. Also, the composition of the vegetable includes magnesium, calcium, iron, iodine, iron. Pumpkin slows down the aging of the dog due to the large number of flavonoids and vitamin T. The vegetable is quite versatile. If desired, the pet can enjoy a raw melon culture. What vegetables can dogs give porridge? Pumpkin - perfect!
Another useful vegetable is zucchini. It is enriched with a large amount of nutrient moisture saturated with beneficial substances. Zucchini is great for obese dogs. Vegetable is recommended to be introduced into the diet in a boiled or baked form.
Raw garden fruits
Fresh cucumbers are completely safe for the animal. They contain such essential substances for the body as magnesium, potassium, copper, vitamins B1, C, K. Cucumbers favorably affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. These are diet foods that are ideal for pets with signs of obesity. Vegetables are especially useful for old dogs and animals that spend a lot of energy. Cucumbers are the only fruits that give only in raw form. These green fruits are the answer to the question which vegetables can be given to dogs of small breeds. Only pieces of goodies should be small so that it is convenient for the pet to eat them.
Radishes are also given to the dog raw. It is rich in calcium, which serves to strengthen bones. However, adding radish to the pet’s diet, one should observe its activity. For some dogs, it can be an allergen. Also, the vegetable is strictly prohibited to animals suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
Another controversial vegetable is bell pepper. Boiled or stewed fruit can be added to the dog’s diet. However, in its raw form, the vegetable retains more nutrients. When treating your pet with pepper, you should give preference to red ripe fruits. They have a set of useful substances many times more than in yellow or green vegetables.
Allergen Vegetables
Not all fruits are well perceived by the body of a four-legged pet. It is highly discouraged to feed some garden gifts to pets. It is especially necessary to know what vegetables can be given to an allergic dog.
Raw potatoes can be dangerous because they contain large amounts of solanine, a toxic substance. Boiled root vegetables are rich in carbohydrates and starch, which provoke obesity and arthritis. In addition, potatoes are not absorbed by the body.
Corn is a source of protein that is not absorbed by the dog’s body. In general, this is not a harmful, but not a useful product.
Onions should never be given to dogs in any form. The fact is that the vegetable contains thiosulfates that adversely affect red blood cells. Eating onions can cause anemia. The same goes for garlic. However, there is an opinion that garlic should be given to a pet from time to time in order to combat helminths and to strengthen immunity.
Tomatoes are very useful for the work of the cardiovascular system. But they can also be allergens. In addition, tomatoes are a source of nitrates, which negatively affects the work of the kidneys. On the other hand, tomatoes do well with tartar. Therefore, from time to time you can treat your pet with a small amount of tomatoes.
Beets, oddly enough, are also considered an allergen. If the body reaction is absent, the dog can be fed boiled or baked root crops. It favorably affects the digestion of the pet.
Eggplant should also be given with caution. Vegetable for animals with kidney disease is especially contraindicated. Eggplant must be cooked before serving.
And it is also important to remember one circumstance. It is not recommended to give snow-white breeds red vegetables (carrots, beets, tomatoes), as this can significantly affect the color of the dog. A snow-white miracle can turn brown due to such a diet.
And another important point: what kind of vegetables can dogs of small breeds? Little doggies are very bad at digesting any fruit. Therefore, treating your pet with carrots or cucumbers, you should make sure that the pieces are small and easy to chew.
What about fruits?
Garden fruits for dogs are just as healthy as vegetables. Almost all pets enjoy sweet and tasty fruits. As a result, slices of apples or bananas can be used as a promotion or goodies.
Like vegetables, fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Many of them are a source of life-giving moisture. That is why the fruit is recommended to give the pet, especially on hot days.
Of course, if the dog’s diet consists of industrial feed, all the necessary vitamins and minerals are included in the finished food. However, from time to time, as a pleasant treat, you can give a slice of an apple to even “artificial” pets. Due to the large amount of fiber, the fruits perfectly help the animal cope with constipation.
However, not all fruits are well tolerated by animals. Like vegetables, some fruits are allergens. Therefore, the owner must accurately navigate what you can give your pet, and what is better to refrain from.
Acceptable fruits for dogs
Garden fruits, as well as garden fruits, must be introduced into the pet's diet with caution: some of them are allergic and not suitable for feeding. You need to know what vegetables and fruits can be given to dogs.
Apples rightfully take the first place among the recommended fruits. They are tasty, juicy and very healthy. Another advantage is that apples practically do not cause allergies. They can be consumed with diet food. A grated apple helps very well with gastrointestinal upsets. A mixture of grated carrots and Antonovka, seasoned with low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, is also considered useful.
In second place in terms of usefulness and nutrition are bananas. Although this is an exotic fruit and not all dogs perceive it due to a specific aroma, the fruits are still a valuable source of potassium. Half a not very mature banana once a week - and your dog is cheerful and active! When thinking about what kind of vegetables and fruits a dog can, you should know that too ripe bananas can cause digestive upset.
Melon is also good for pets. Fragrant and soft, it perfectly affects the motility of the animal. A mixture of melon and honey is considered very good for nutrition, provided that the dog is not allergic to the beekeeping product.
An excellent treat for a four-legged friend is a watermelon. His dog can eat as much as he wants. The only reaction of the body will be the dog’s frequent desire to walk. It will be especially pleasant to eat a cool juicy gourd on a sultry day. If the watermelon was grown without the use of pesticides, then the dog can be treated with a crust - a source of useful minerals.
Understanding what vegetables you can feed the dog and what fruits, we must not forget about plums. Unripe seedless fruits can be given in small quantities. Like bananas, plums are rich in potassium. However, it should be remembered that overripe fruits accumulate a large amount of alkaloids. This can cause clouding of consciousness and food poisoning.
Perhaps one of the most beloved fruits in dogs is pears. In addition to being hypoallergenic, the fruits have a very good effect on the kidneys.
Favorite and exotic fruits
Not all garden fruits are recommended for shaggy pets. Arguing what vegetables and fruits can dogs, one can not help but recall exotic products. It must immediately be noted that overseas fruits should be given with caution, infrequently and in small quantities.
Papaya is a fragrant sweet fruit that pets eat with pleasure. A small slice of peeled fetus can stop diarrhea. But a large amount of fruit causes constipation and raises blood sugar.
Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and valuable fruit acids. If you give this fruit to the dog, then no more than once every 2-3 weeks. A small circle of kiwi will enrich the body of the animal with useful vitamins.
Persimmon soft grades without pits and peels will help normalize the intestines and strengthen loose stools. It helps with diarrhea and indigestion.
Apricots must also be given peeled and seedless. It contains hydrocyanic acid. Having eaten even one seed of apricot, the dog may die. The fruit itself is very nutritious. But young dogs and puppies can cause diarrhea. Therefore, it is recommended to give apricots to the pet with caution.
Citrus fruits: benefit or harm?
So what kind of vegetables and fruits can dogs be given? And how do citruses affect an animal? The sharp specific smell of New Year's fruit is unpleasant for many dogs. But there are exceptions.
Nevertheless, the same tangerines are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, PP. In addition, they contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. Citrus fruits also include easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
All these substances are very useful to the pet. However, citrus fruits are strong allergens. Dogs, like humans, have personal intolerance to the product. A negative reaction to the absorption of fruits can be a violation of the hormonal background, problems with the thyroid gland and pancreas. In addition, fruits can have a toxic effect on the body.
However, if a pet loves tangerines or oranges, you can occasionally indulge it with one or two slices of your favorite fruit, without fear of serious consequences.
Prohibited vegetables and fruits
Analyzing whether it is possible for dogs to eat vegetables and which ones, you need to get acquainted with the forbidden fruits:
- In the first place for the harmful effects on the animal’s body is grapes. In most cases, it can cause kidney failure in pets. After eating grapes, small dog breeds suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.
- Pomegranate upsets the digestive system and irritates the gastrointestinal tract. Bones are very toxic to small doggies.
- Avocado contains a substance that inhibits the work of the heart and respiratory system of dogs.
- Peach bones are poisonous, and the fetus itself causes diarrhea.
- Quince can cause swallowing disorders and vomiting, which can result in severe fluid loss.
- It is strongly undesirable to offer a rutabaga to a pet. The root crop is a strong allergen and causes thyroid disease.
Dogs and Berries: Pros and Cons
There is no definitive ban on treating a pet with raspberries or gooseberries. However, as is the case with fruits and vegetables, new foods should be introduced with caution. The first portion should be small, and the dog’s behavior should be observed by the owner for some time.
Recommended berries are:
- Blueberries are a storehouse of antioxidants. The substances in its composition prevent the aging of cells and contribute to their renewal.
- Strawberries can whiten teeth due to a large amount of a special enzyme.
- Raspberries relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, dried raspberry leaves, crushed into powder and added to porridge, will significantly facilitate the birth of a whelping female.
- Rowan and gooseberry are very useful.
- Cranberries have an excellent effect on the urogenital system of the animal. As a result of eating berries, urinary tract function improves. Antioxidants, vitamins A, B, C, K, as well as calcium, phosphorus and potassium help cranberries prevent infections and cleanse the kidneys.
Is the dog green
Thinking about what vegetables can be added to a dog’s porridge, one should recall the greens. It is recommended to include it in the pet's diet, as it is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals.
Useful greens are:
- Leaf salad.
- Dill.
- Parsley.
- Sea kale.
- Spinach.
- Leaves of a young nettle.
- Leaves of dandelions.
- The stems of burdock.
Sometimes basil, mint, lemon balm can also be included in the diet.
Some dogs enjoy plucking plain green grass while walking. This helps to optimize digestive processes and empty the stomach.
What vegetables can a dog and in what quantity, decide the owner. Given the recommendations of veterinarians and experienced dog handlers, you can treat your pet with the gifts of gardens and gardens every day. Also, in one step, it is allowed to introduce several types of vegetables and herbs. However, one item per day will be enough.
Mushrooms and Beans
Having figured out what vegetables can be given to dogs, one cannot help but recall the other gifts of nature. We are talking about mushrooms and legumes.
Peas, beans, lentils and beans are not recommended in the diet of the animal. They are poorly digested by the body and do not bear any benefit. Due to the use of legumes, gas formation and bloating occur.
Mushrooms are also quite harmful to dogs. The fact is that these organisms absorb all dangerous substances from the surrounding space. And if for the owner the use of mushrooms is permissible, then for the pet it can be fraught with serious diseases. Disruption of the liver, kidneys and pancreas is the result of eating dog mushrooms or boletus. To avoid such problems, it is best to exclude mushrooms from your pet's diet.