Bathing a baby is an important problem that parents face literally upon arrival from the hospital. There are many questions related to the bathing process. What is the temperature for bathing a newborn? Do I need to add anything to the water? Is it worth it to boil? When can I start bathing my baby? What do you need for swimming? This article will give answers to these questions, as well as some useful tips and tricks.
At what temperature should a newborn bathe?
To start bathing a child is only after the umbilical wound heals, otherwise you can bring the infection. This happens on average after a week. To make the child comfortable, and later on he was not afraid of water, its temperature should be 36-37 degrees. This temperature is equal to the baby’s body temperature, which is quite logical. The temperature of the water is often measured with the elbow, since there the skin is more sensitive than in the palm of your hand. Asking the question: "At what temperature should a newborn bathe?" - It is most correct to measure the temperature with a special thermometer for water. When buying a thermometer, be sure to check its quality. Otherwise, buying a cheap product, you risk greatly scaring the baby. Since low-quality specimens can show the temperature with an error of up to four degrees (for example, it shows 36, but in fact - 40!).
How to bathe a baby
Bathing the newborn should be in boiled water, cooled to the required temperature. Usually this order is used during the first month. Then the baby can take a bath in plain tap water. A manganese solution, prepared separately (a few crystals per glass of water), a decoction of chamomile or a string, is usually added to the water. The broth can be made both by yourself and you can buy a ready-made concentrate in a pharmacy. When bathing the baby for the first time, so as not to frighten him, it is better to freely wrap him in a diaper, and then, lowering him into the water, carefully open it, pouring some water. At the same time, you need to hold the crumb with your left hand, while the head should be located on your forearm. Be careful not to get water in your ears. They clean the face with clean water, then wash their hands and wash their heads, making sure that water does not get on the face. Next come the chest, armpits, arms, groin. Rinse
the child needs clean water. Bathing with soap should be done no more than three times a week to avoid overdrying of delicate skin.
Bathing a child 4 months and older with the right approach will be much easier and more interesting. Decoctions of herbs and a
solution of potassium permanganate are no longer needed, and bathing toys will attract a little peanut.
What is necessary for bathing the baby
To bath your baby you need to stock up on the following things:
- bath;
- potassium permanganate and decoctions of herbs;
- soft sponge;
- baby soap or bathing agent for babies ;
- individual bucket;
- several individual terry towels;
- special thermometer for water;
- special tray stand for babies;
- swimming toys will come in handy in the future.
With a competent approach to the question: “At what temperature should a newborn be bathed?” - you should not rely on your tactile sensations, but rather get a good thermometer. If everything is done correctly, bathing will soon become the child’s favorite pastime. Show more patience, sensitivity and love for your baby, and you will succeed!