In recent years, a caesarean section has been performed more and more frequently. What are the reasons for having a cesarean section? There are a lot of reasons. Such a surgery will not be done by a woman only after what the doctor so wanted. It is prescribed if there is a real threat to the life of the child or mother. In the article we will analyze all the causes of cesarean section during childbirth, and also learn about its consequences.
What is cesarean section?
This is a surgical operation that can be performed under general or local anesthesia. First of all, the surgeon dissects the anterior abdominal wall of the woman, and then the uterine wall. And only after that the fetus can be extracted outside. Modern obstetricians claim that almost twenty percent of the total number of births are in Caesarean section.
The cause of surgery may be a threat to the life of the fetus or the mother herself. Now there are two types of indications: relative and absolute. Absolute indications include situations in which there is a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the woman in childbirth. Relative indications may include various diseases, as well as obstetric situations, which, with natural delivery, can adversely affect the health of a mother or baby.
Many women already know in advance that they will not succeed in giving birth on their own, since some of the reasons for cesarean section are immediately visible, long before the birth. Sometimes a woman learns about an operation already in the late stages of pregnancy, for example, if the fetus has not turned head down or gained too much weight. In both cases, the woman is prescribed a planned cesarean section, and upon admission to the maternity ward she will be immediately prepared for surgery, and not for childbirth.
Quite rarely, future mothers are happy to receive such news. And this is not surprising. Although this is a simple operation, it is still a surgical intervention. The doctor’s task is to prepare the woman for the upcoming event, to explain to her that there’s nothing wrong with that. Now each of the eight women gives birth in this way. And experts make forecasts that further these indicators will increase.
Sometimes it happens that the causes of cesarean section during childbirth appear already in the process. Then an emergency operation is prescribed. Predicting such a turn of events is simply impossible. There are a lot of reasons for emergency caesarean section and each of them is individual. Now you can analyze in more detail all the features of this operation. After all, we found out the essence of the Caesarean section, the reasons for the appointment. Next, we consider each of these reasons in more detail.
Contraindications for surgery
There are some points at which such an operation is not recommended:
- The fetus died before birth.
- A woman is diagnosed with deep prematurity of the fetus.
- In the course of research, malformation of the fetus was discovered.
- Oxygen starvation of the fetus was so long that there is no certainty that he could stay alive.
- The presence in the mother of any inflammatory or infectious diseases.
Any non-compliance with contraindications and the operation, contrary to their presence, can cause death by cesarean section.
Favorable conditions for cesarean
There are indications in which it is possible and even necessary to carry out the operation:
- It is best to carry out a cesarean section at the moment when labor began. This is due to the fact that the uterus contracts, and the risk of bleeding becomes much less.
- Amniotic fluid should be intact, and if an outpouring has already occurred, then no more than twelve hours should pass after it.
- Caesarean section is performed only if the fetus remains viable.
Preparation for surgery
Preparation of a pregnant woman for an operation begins a few days before it is performed (unless, of course, it was planned). A woman is prescribed a blood test to examine the indicators. Smears from the vagina are also taken, electrocardiography is prescribed, the anesthetist and therapist examine the pregnant woman.
Next, doctors should evaluate the condition of the fetus. To this end, additional ultrasound and cardiotocography are prescribed. In the evening on the eve of the operation, the pregnant woman is given a cleansing enema, and then the procedure is repeated early in the morning. And also at night she takes sedatives. Indeed, for every woman in labor, a cesarean section is a big stress.
Unpleasant moments after surgery
When a woman comes out of anesthesia, she may not feel quite well. Some have nausea, dizzy, headaches for some time. The wound from the operation may not give rest, but this is a temporary phenomenon. The doctor should prescribe painkillers that can slightly alleviate the condition.
In the period after surgery, a woman is allowed to get up only on the third day, and many are extremely indignant. A catheter is inserted into the bladder through which a woman can urinate. A woman who has had a cesarean section is prescribed a certain amount of drugs and additional tests are performed, constipation may disturb, and there are also some hygiene restrictions: you can not use a shower or take a bath until the stitches are removed.
Postoperative period
Regardless of the reasons for having a cesarean section, the postpartum period in women who underwent surgery is slightly different. Because they return longer to the state in which they were before pregnancy. A scar may still bother them for a while.
These mothers especially need the help of their near and dear ones. This is especially true for the first week of their stay at home after the maternity ward. There are no more severe pains in the suture at the time of discharge, however, some unpleasant sensations remain. Getting home, a woman can already take a shower, but she must necessarily lubricate the wound with brilliant green.
If a young mother feels pain in the seam area or notices any discharge, then consult a doctor immediately. Since there can be many reasons for such manifestations. As for sexual life and contraception after surgery, they completely coincide with those that are given to women after natural delivery.
Possible complications
Now it’s worth talking about another unpleasant moment - complications after surgery. After childbirth, which took place artificially, the occurrence of peritonitis or sepsis is observed in seven percent of women. This disease causes death after caesarean section in fifty percent of cases. Peritonitis develops due to infection of the abdominal cavity.
Sometimes, after an operation, a woman notices that her legs are swollen. This happens due to the fact that the body suffers extreme stress, but you cannot leave this problem unattended. The causes of swelling of the legs after cesarean section are very different and every mother needs to know about them:
- Perhaps the cause was varicose veins.
- Some disturbances in the endocrine system of the body could occur.
- Renal or heart health problems may occur.
- Legs may swell due to a lack of protein in the body.
- The cause may be a common cold.
- An autoimmune disorder can occur in the body that has similar effects.
Any of these problems is urgent and requires immediate medical attention.
What causes sepsis and peritonitis
Factors that affect the development of these diseases are very similar to each other, so they can be combined into one list:
- The presence of infectious diseases during pregnancy.
- There is a risk of developing women who have chronic diseases or foci of chronic infections.
- The cause can be vaginosis of any kind and specific colpitis.
- If the woman in labor has not yet reached the age of sixteen or has crossed the thirty-five barrier.
- If a cesarean section was performed more than twelve hours after the discharge of water.
- If the doctor has performed vaginal examinations more than four times during pregnancy.
The consequences of the operation for the mother
Any operation can have its consequences, and cesarean section will not be an exception. There are moments that appear almost immediately:
- Infection introduced during surgery.
- The discovery of profuse bleeding.
- Edema of the uterus.
- Severe hemorrhage near the suture.
Now consider in more detail each of these points. The infection enters the female body and leads to the fact that inflammation of the appendages begins, and the uterus itself or the peritoneal tissue can also become inflamed. Often this causes a delay in menstruation after cesarean section, as well as back pain that does not subside for a long time. There is a risk that a woman will never be able to have children again.
Before surgery, a woman must consult with an anesthetist. He offers her two types of anesthesia: epidural and general. None of them are completely safe, but epidural anesthesia is still considered more sparing. However, such anesthesia can only be done by a highly qualified specialist under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.
After such anesthesia, some patients feel trembling in the legs, pulling pain in the lower back can be felt.
General anesthesia has its consequences:
- Nausea may occur, sometimes a sore throat.
- There is a slight pain in the muscles and head.
- For some time, consciousness may be confused.
- A woman is worried about dizziness.
After a cesarean section for a month and a half, a woman has spotting, which is called lochia, and this is considered the norm. But there may be cause for concern if the volume of these secretions increases dramatically. The cause of bleeding after cesarean section is most often a suture on the uterus, which prevents it from contracting normally.
Sometimes the operation itself does not go too smoothly and bleeding may begin. The cause of bleeding during a cesarean section is the wound of the vascular bundle by the surgeon, and this can also be caused by uterine hypotension. If the fetus is too large, the uterine artery may be damaged when removed.
Unfortunately, in some women, surgery, and regular birth, have different consequences. Some of them are assigned to clean the uterus. The reasons for cleaning after cesarean section may be different, but most often this is due to the fact that the normal biological mechanism is violated, which leads to the separation of the placenta and fetal membranes, and an increase in the placenta can be detected . All this is a serious reason to clean the uterus.
Next, you need to consider the reasons for the removal of the uterus during cesarean section. This is one of the most unpleasant moments that leaves a strong imprint on the psychological state of a woman. After all, this means that she will not have more children. The uterus can be removed due to prolonged and intense bleeding that cannot be stopped. And the cause may be cervical cancer or fibroids, infection introduced during surgery, or the fetus staying without water for more than twelve hours.
Consequences for the child
After the birth of a child by cesarean section, a fairly long period in the mother's breastfeeding is established. Milk in these women comes normally and in accordance with the terms, but because of the low-calorie diet that a woman is forced to follow, it loses much in quality and quantity. The first day it is not given to the baby at all due to the fact that the mother's body contains many medications. Therefore, the child on this day is on artificial feeding.
Some maternity hospitals prefer to feed their children teaspoons so as not to become addictive to nipples. A woman in this period should be constantly expressed to prevent milk stagnation, as this can lead to serious consequences.
Many scientists argue that children who were born with surgery are less adaptable to the environment, they significantly increase the risk of various allergic reactions, bronchial asthma and many other diseases. Some babies have severe breathing problems.
There is also an opinion that such children are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases, are prone to jaundice. They have weakened immunity, especially those who are breast-fed from birth. Psychologists also make their contribution, who argue that the connection between a mother and a child who was born as a result of a Caesarean section is much worse and is not as strong as after a natural birth.
Is it possible to avoid surgery
Some pregnant women begin to think about the nature of the operation and the reasons for its appointment long before they learn about its purpose. Perhaps everything is in order in their bodies, and Caesarean is not needed, but this topic is of interest anyway. You can try to avoid surgery before pregnancy. Indeed, in most cases, she is prescribed due to the poor condition of the mother herself, and not the child.
Pregnancy should be planned in advance, to change your lifestyle in advance. First of all, you should pay attention to your diet, which should include exclusively light and full of vitamins food, products must contain substances that will benefit a future member of society. Remember that in the first few weeks after fertilization, all vital organs are formed in the child, which means that during this period he urgently needs a lot of useful elements.
Composing her menu, the expectant mother should:
- Completely exclude the use of fast food, various processed foods and canned food.
- The balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be constantly maintained.
- The menu should include seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- A woman should eat at least four times a day.
- It is recommended to refuse light snacks and a lot of sweets.
It is not recommended to drink juice and sparkling water. It will be much more useful to prepare the juice in the morning yourself, from fresh fruits and vegetables. It is strictly forbidden to smoke and drink alcohol. Moreover, this ban applies to a man who plans to become a father. Since alcohol can damage the germ cells of men, which already at the time of conception causes very strong harm to the unborn baby. Smoking also adversely affects the health of the child and his pregnant mother. Nicotine generally quite often causes fetal abnormalities. It is undesirable even to inhale tobacco smoke if someone from the environment smokes.
Before the conception of the fetus, it is recommended to allocate time for physical education. This will help not only improve health, but also slightly ease future births. During classes, the load should be increased gradually and constantly monitor the pulse, which should not exceed one hundred and forty beats per minute.
After a woman finds out about pregnancy, training should be stopped. Now gymnastics will be useful, the exercises of which are designed specifically for expectant mothers. There, a woman will be prepared for childbirth, taught to breathe correctly. Before starting classes, it is better to go for a consultation with your gynecologist, who will tell you which methodology is best to deal with.
Remember that a healthy lifestyle and timely pregnancy planning can greatly facilitate childbirth and reduce the risk of cesarean section to a minimum. But even if the doctor decides on the need for surgery, you should not cheat yourself and listen to terrible stories of friends about this operation. It is better to enjoy your excellent position and enjoy life. After all, the child feels everything that happens to his mother, and unnecessary stresses clearly will not do him any good. After all, the main task of any mom is to give birth to a healthy baby, and the second way is already the way this will be done.
We found out almost all the causes and consequences of cesarean section, which today exist in medical practice. As you can see, complications are extremely rare, but even if this happens, they can be corrected in a short time and without any consequences. . , .