Arctic fur: place of extraction and application

Arctic fur is a typical resource in the open spaces of the Minecraft game. It is extracted on separate biomes, it is necessary for crafting and is highly recommended for use, especially if you are going to visit snow biomes. It remains only to obtain it and save it for later use. Therefore, at first we will analyze the place where you can farm it.

Where to get arctic fur?

It's no secret that in the vastness of the Minecraft game you can find a variety of biomes. Basically, they determine the features of the terrain and the monsters that live here. We will not consider absolutely all available places, we only note the most interesting option - a snowy forest. You will immediately notice it in the characteristic snow, snowdrifts and a huge block of ice in the middle.

Before you go here, you should stock up on healing potions and powerful weapons, as the habitat here is aggressive. Firstly, there will be poor visibility, and you need to navigate at random. Secondly, because of the storm, your character will have a slowing effect, which eliminates the possibility of escape from enemies. Thirdly, wolves and yetis live here, the meeting with which can be unpredictable and deadly.

It looks like warm clothes

Who does he get out of?

We figured out where to farm the Arctic fur, now it remains to specify the mobs that possess it. Earlier, we noted large snow creatures that mainly live near a block of ice. They are not so aggressive and will attack you only if you violate the boundaries of their territory. More dangerous enemies are wolves, which move in groups and immediately attack the character as soon as they see him.

In the first case, you can safely get Arctic fur, tracking lonely yeti. But it’s better to use another option - hunting for wolves. Yes, it’s difficult to fight them, but from almost every “carcass” you will receive Arctic fur. Using this option, you quickly farm the desired resource and you can use it.

Beware of Yeti, they are dangerous

Why is it needed?

Now note why you need Arctic fur. Everything is quite simple - you can make warm clothes out of it. You have probably already met recipes, so all you need to do is to accumulate the necessary resource and start the crafting procedure. By the way, if you create insulated equipment and go with him into the snowy forest, then the Slow debuff will disappear and you will be able to fully move around in snowy terrain. So it will be much easier to hunt and get this resource for yourself. In the future, you may need a lot of Arctic fur, so we recommend that you stock up on time and create large stocks.

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