It happens that Wasteland 2 does not start, it slows down, crashes, freezes. Most of the problems when playing a toy arise due to the lack of separate system files in it. And let the Steam application automatically install all the necessary ingredients, it does not hurt to control the process manually and update all the drivers.
If Wasteland 2 crashes on boot, it is possible that the wrong font is being used. We act like this:
- We make visible files and directories through the "Control Panel" and "Folder Options." In the "View" tab, uncheck the "Hide" line and put it in front of "Display".
- Delete UNCLL.tff in the Fonts section of the C hard drive.
- « », « » «». «» «» .
- , .
, , Wasteland 2 , , . : «» – Wasteland2 – Save Games, TOC.txt. , .
Now we know how to solve the problem if Wasteland 2 crashes on boot, but this is far from the only difficulty that you may have to face. It happens that the Steam overlay is inactive. This is explained by the fact that it is simply disabled. In order to activate it, go to the "Properties". In the line “Object”, behind quotation marks and through a space, we print the inscription -force-d3d9. As a result, it must change. The result looks like this: "Wasteland 2.exe" -force-d3d9.. ( ) - . . , , , . : , . , CNPC, , . « ».