Among the many medical procedures performed by veterinarians in animal clinics, a special place is occupied by blood tests. Thanks to the study of biological material taken, doctors get a complete and reliable picture of the state of the animal’s body. Analyzes also allow you to get an idea of exactly what processes occur in the body of a pet.
Not only for diagnostic purposes, a general blood test is necessary. Decryption in a cat allows you to identify a shortage or overabundance of any substances, for example, to find out if the hormonal balance is normal.
What are these tests
In veterinary medicine, two main types of study of blood taken from animals are practiced:
Of course, this is not all types of research that are used by doctors. However, the other types of tests are specific and are carried out only if there are certain indications, for example, in the presence of any chronic disease.
About the general type
Often called a clinical complete blood count. Decoding in a cat allows doctors to get an idea of the state of the animal’s body as a whole. Thanks to this study, doctors will learn about what processes are currently taking place in the animal’s body, whether there are deviations or hidden pathologies, or whether the balance of substances is normal.
The fundamental basis that serves as the basis for this analysis is the study of the ratios and amounts of blood components. In other words, the formed elements that make up the blood are examined.
A clinical blood test in cats is the only way to detect the presence of parasites in a timely manner. Hemobartonella, as well as dirofilariae, cause specific diseases and become the primary cause for a number of pathologies. Therefore, their timely detection is extremely important for the health and longevity of pets.
About general analysis metrics
The main indicators of blood tests in cats during a general study of biological material are:
- color grade;
- hematocrit;
- hemoglobin and its degree of concentration;
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the abbreviation ESR is often used in the name;
- neutrophils;
- white blood cells;
- lymphocytes;
- red blood cells;
- eosinophils;
- platelets;
- myelocytes;
- monocytes;
- basophils.
Studying the ratio of the above components and their total number allows veterinarians to draw conclusions about whether any pathological process is taking place in the animal’s body or not. A little different from the human general blood test. The decoding for a cat is carried out according to the same indicators as for people, but, of course, the idea of the norm of the ratio and number of components is not similar.
About color assessment in the framework of general analysis and red blood cells
Often, people who are far from medicine believe that this indicator should be understood as the intensity of red blood. This is true, but not quite. The color of the blood is affected by the red blood cells contained in it. These same elements are carriers of antigens and other specific components, for example, they are responsible for the blood group, as well as for the transport of oxygen through the body of the animal.
Accordingly, the definition of a color index also includes the definition of a blood group. Cats currently identified three of them by zoologists:
There is a theory that there is a fourth group, but at the moment there are no practical cases of its detection in veterinary medicine, as in zoology.
The determination of the blood group is an extremely important nuance of the study of biological material, since this indicator must be taken into account in a number of medical procedures. Of course, it has the greatest significance during blood transfusion.
Also, color assessment is directly related to the study of red blood cell counts. When a general blood test is performed, the transcript in the cat contains a line with the abbreviation “RGB”. This is the line where the data about the state of these components is indicated.
A decrease in their level indicates the development of pathologies, such as anemia, and a lack of certain components in the diet, usually iron. Also, according to the reduced level of these elements, doctors often suggest the presence of inflammation and internal bleeding.
About erythrocyte sedimentation rate
This is one of the most important indicators included in the general blood test. An increase in ESR in cats indicates the likelihood of a number of pathological conditions:
- stress;
- state of shock;
- poisoning, both acute and chronic;
- tendency to heart attack;
- growth of malignant tumors.
The concept of a low settling rate, paradoxically, does not exist. However, many practicing veterinarians believe that when abnormalities occur in the opposite direction to acceleration, processes occur that can be described as a decrease in the activity of the nervous system.
About hemoglobin
In the leaflet with the results of the study, information on the hemoglobin index is recorded in the line with the abbreviation "HGB". As a rule, people who are not particularly versed in everything related to medicine, believe that hemoglobin decreases with a lack of iron. This is partly true, but in addition to the lack of any substances, an underestimated level of this indicator may indicate the presence of:
- pathologies of the heart, blood vessels;
- disorders in blood formation;
- anemia
- chronic poisoning.
A high level of this indicator is also bad. It accompanies such conditions:
- violation of the balance of electrolytes;
- development of erythrocytosis.
Hemoglobin is one of the most important components of the blood. At the slightest deviations from the norm, you should be anxious and fully examine your pet.
About hematocrit
A blood test in a cat contains an indicator called hematocrit. In the sheet with the transcript of the results, the line with the abbreviation “NST” corresponds to it. Owners of animals often confuse this indicator with hemoglobin or believe that it indicates criticality. This is not true, the hematocrit is a completely independent element.
A low level of this indicator indicates the presence in the body:
- chronic inflammatory processes;
- growing tumors;
- internal infusion.
A high indicator indicates such pathogenesis:
- diabetes;
- plasmosis;
- dehydration.
As a rule, if the norm of a general blood test in cats is not observed in relation to this indicator, doctors prescribe a number of additional special studies.
About white blood cells
Information on the level of this indicator is in the line with the abbreviation "WBC". The data indicated in it are extremely important because they are the main argument in the diagnosis for many serious diseases.
A low indicator indicates the probability of:
- bone marrow diseases;
- exposure to radioactive effects;
- the development of viral pathogenesis.
High blood levels of these components may indicate the presence of:
- oncological diseases;
- progressive infectious and bacterial pathogenesis;
- inflammatory processes.
Of course, deviations from the norm are observed with the development of leukemia.
About eosinophils, monocytes, neutrophils
Studies of this component allow us to draw conclusions regarding everything that is allergic in nature. In other words, when pet owners take their pets to the clinic for an allergy test, doctors will examine this component in the collected biological material.
Studying the reaction of eosinophils to something reveals not only what foods the animal cannot be fed. Its main value in determining the inadmissibility of the use of specific drugs.
The decrease in the rate of monocytes is evidence of the following:
- steroid medication;
- progressive anemia.
The increased level of this indicator is accompanied by:
- enteritis;
- diseases caused by fungal activity;
- tuberculosis.
An increase in neutrophil count, as a rule, indicates the following conditions:
- purulent infections and inflammations;
- acute poisoning;
- intensive tumor growth.
A reduced level allows doctors to suggest the presence of:
- any lesions or injuries affecting the bone marrow and causing inflammation in it;
- developing fungal infections.
Anaphylactic shock is also accompanied by a significant deviation from the norm towards an increase in the level of this component.
What is this analysis
The way a blood test is taken in cats is no different from this procedure in humans. A general study requires at least a couple of milliliters of venous blood, of course, fresh.
The fence is carried out in stationary conditions, however, if the owner wishes, the availability of technical capabilities or in case of special circumstances, the veterinarian arrives at home.
Special preparations on the eve of the analysis are not required. In the clinic, as a rule, the main points are explained to the owner of the animal - do not give vitamins, drugs, do not transfer to a new kind of feed, etc. It is important not to be nervous, because the cat feels the emotional state of the owner and also begins to experience stress.
The sampling procedure is painless and does not take more than five minutes from the moment you enter the doctor’s office, of course, if carried out by an experienced clinic employee. The fence itself is carried out from a vein located on the front or back legs of the animal. The processing time for biological material is not the same in different hospitals. The waiting time for the results of the tests is affected by the workload of employees and many other factors.
What should be the indicators
The norm of a general blood test in cats is the following indicators:
- hematocrit - 26-48%;
- hemoglobin - 80-160 g / l;
- erythrocyte sedimentation rate - within 13 mm per hour;
- neutrophils - segment 35-75%, stab core 0-3%;
- leukocytes - 5-18 thousand / μl, a deviation of 0.5 thousand / μl is permissible;
- lymphocytes - 25-55%;
- erythrocytes from 5 to 10 million / μl;
- eosinophils - 0-4%;
- platelets - 300-630 million / l;
- myelocytes and basophils - individually, based on other data;
- monocytes - 1-4%.
The level of the color index should be in the range of 0.65-0.95.
About biochemical analysis, its indicators and significance
As a rule, along with the general in veterinary clinics, a biochemical blood test is performed in dogs and cats. This study complements the general and allows you to get more specific results in relation to certain positions. This analysis does not duplicate the general study, but expands it, considering the ratios of certain substances in the blood of the animal.
An extensive blood test in a cat, biochemistry, in other words, examines the ratios and quantitative indicators of substances, the level of which should correspond to such values:
- glucose - 3.2-6.4 mmol / l;
- cholesterol - 1.3-3.7 mmol / l;
- albumin - 23-37 g / l;
- protein - 54-77 g / l;
- bilirubin - 3-12 micromol / l total, 0-5.5 micromol / l direct;
- ALT - 17-79 units / l;
- AST - 9-29 units / l;
- ɤ-glutamyltransferase - 5-50 u / l;
- ɑ-amylase - 780-1720 units / l;
- phosphatase (alkaline) - 39-55 u / l;
- lactate dehydrogenase - 55-155 u / l;
- creatine phosphokinase - 150-798 units / l;
- urea - 2-8 mmol / l;
- creatinine - 70-165 mmol / l;
- calcium - 2-2.7 mmol / l;
- magnesium - 0.72-1.2 mmol / l;
- triglyceride - 0.38-1.1 mmol / l;
- phosphorus (inorganic) - 0.7-1.8 mmol / L.
The electrolyte ratios and their quantity (in mmol / l) are considered separately:
- phosphorus - 1.1-2.3;
- iron - 20-30;
- chlorine 107-123;
- calcium - 2-2.7;
- sodium - 143-165;
- potassium - 3.8-5.4.
A biochemical blood test in a cat is extremely important for the timely detection of certain pathologies. Deciphering it allows doctors to determine the following conditions:
- endocrine disorders;
- liver diseases, including hepatitis and cirrhosis;
- pathology of absorption functions in the stomach and intestines;
- kidney ailments and stuff.
For example, a biochemical study allows timely detection of urolithiasis. Biochemistry does not require a separate blood sampling. When combining detailed and clinical studies, biological material is taken at a time, so the animal does not experience additional stress.
What is panleukopenia
For the correct and timely diagnosis of many dangerous diseases, it is important to conduct blood tests. One of such ailments is panleukopenia. In cats, a general blood test in combination with biochemistry usually allows you to accurately determine the presence of this disease in its early stages.
Panleukopenia is a deadly viral disease that can cause numerous complications. With untimely detection, it affects the bone marrow, heart, and lymphatic system of panleukopenia. In cats, a general blood test can detect the presence of the pathogen in the very early stages and, accordingly, cure the disease before it causes irreparable complications.
Distinctive symptoms of this disease are:
- a significant increase in temperature and fever;
- dysfunction in the work of the stomach and intestines;
- damage to the respiratory system;
- disruptions in cardiac activity;
- severe dehydration;
- signs of general intoxication.
All these manifestations do not occur overnight. After the animal is infected, a specific amount of time passes through the incubation period before specific symptoms occur. At this time period, lasting from two to ten days, it becomes clear to the attentive owners that something is wrong with the animal, although there are no clear signs of the disease. It is imperative to start treatment before the disease develops. And for this you should consult a doctor and take both blood tests. If you suspect panleukopenia, you can not take the animal to the hospital, the infection is extremely contagious. The veterinarian must be called to the house.