Today, many parents try to teach their children almost from the cradle, while choosing different directions. In this regard, in many cities and towns, special centers began to open, using programs for children's development. And this is not surprising. Indeed, where there is demand, supply certainly arises. Such institutions invite babies from 6 months of age to their classes. Parents can only choose the one that offers one of the most suitable child development techniques for their child. What to stop your attention on?
Consider the most famous and popular child development techniques. When choosing the most suitable one, parents should be guided by common sense and love for their baby.
The need for early child development
Perhaps one of the young parents is already familiar with the names of N. Zaitsev, Nikitins, G. Doman, M. Montessori and other psychologists and educators who offer methods that can be used to form a successful and self-confident person out of a small person. But far from everyone decides to do this in practice, because opinions about the early development of children are ambiguous. He is scolded and extolled to the skies, experimented and argued, advertised and earn money on it.
Parents themselves have to figure out a huge stream of information. This will allow you to decide which of the child development methods to choose for your child and whether it is worth using a similar direction.
What do we mean by the term "early development"? This is an intensive formation of all the abilities of children from birth to 3-4 years. Why is this period so important? The fact is that scientists as a result of experiments have come to an unambiguous conclusion. In their opinion, brain cells develop by 70% in babies by 3 years of age, and by 6-7 - by 90%. Such figures clearly indicate that, without educating the child at an early age, we do not use the innate potential of children, simply missing it.
After the birth of the baby in his body there is a rapid development of touch and taste, smell, hearing and vision. Getting information for a small person at such a moment is a vital necessity. At the same time, the baby's brain works hard, learns to compare, and also draw the appropriate conclusions. He has to withstand the strongest loads, which would be great even for adults. The use of child development techniques allows the baby’s brain to cope with such a difficult task.
It is not worth hoping that the child will go to a kindergarten and be taught everything there. Indeed, in a kindergarten, one teacher has from 15 to 20 children. Yes, they give the kid a lot of knowledge here, but he still will have to fix it in his home circle. In addition, the kindergarten does not always take into account the interests of the child, his mood, as well as unwillingness or desire to do something. But such moments are very important for conducting the most effective classes.
Method M. Montessori
Enthusiasts spoke about the need to use techniques for the development of preschool children even before the beginning of the 20th century. They offered their theories and ideas, some of which were successful and others not. The first truly thought-out system for the early development of children was the technique developed by Maria Montessori. This system was not only able to withstand the test of time, but also gained recognition almost all over the world. This is confirmed by institutions in America, Asia and Western Europe, specially created to study the didactic and pedagogical ideas of M. Montessori. In addition, in many countries of the world, schools have been opened and are successfully functioning, where millions of children are taught by this method.
Today, this system of early child development is one of the most common. It covers age periods from 0 to 3 years, as well as from 3 to 6.
The methodology of cognitive development of children is based on observing a baby who is in natural conditions, while accepting him for who he is. The main principle of Montessori pedagogy is the direction of the child to self-development, self-education and self-education. The motto of this method is the phrase "Help me do it myself."
M. Montessori herself pointed out that her pedagogical system provides for the development of the baby in a pre-prepared didactic environment. The author of this theory and methodology for the development of children believed that all children have a need for the development and knowledge of the world around them. And in order for a child to be educated and learn on his own, he does not need to be encouraged or punished. Adults need only in time to create the necessary conditions for him, "throwing a coal into the furnace of the mind."
According to the methodology of child development and Montessori theory, early learning involves the following:
- creation of a developmental environment;
- the implementation of several simple and clear rules with the children;
- the lack of adult intervention in the process without request and necessity, but only his observation of the children.
Montessori pedagogy is based on the points listed above. Adults must establish a certain order in which the child will develop. But he will do it at his own pace and rhythm, based on individual needs.
In order to fully understand the Montessori system, you need to imagine a kindergarten. In a regular preschool institution, the teacher himself will offer the child who is considering toys to pick up one or another of them. The child is deprived of the problem of choice. Teachers working on the Montessori system act differently. They are waiting for the moment when the child chooses for himself what he will do. In this case, teachers can only show the child what to do with this or that subject and how to use the manual or game. From an adult, it is only necessary to maintain the interest of the baby by interfering in the process only at the request of the pupil. Thus, the teacher only explains and shows. This allows the baby to learn himself, learning the world at his own pace.
Judging by the feedback of teachers, the application of this technique is possible only if the necessary developing environment is created around the child, getting into which he can get knowledge on his own.
Methodology of N. Zaitsev
This teacher was engaged in the early development of children at the beginning of the 20th century. He created one of the most effective methods for the development of preschool children, which allows the child to learn to read in a short time using special cubes. What is the secret of this method? Zaitsev’s methodology involves teaching children to read not by letters and syllables, but by warehouses.
The cubes created by the author differ not only in size and color, but also in the sound ringing inside them. This allows the baby to distinguish between consonants and vowels, as well as voiced and soft. Each of the faces of the cube contains one of the warehouses. This allows the child to remember only them, not individual letters. After that, it becomes easy for the baby to add words from these stores. According to Zaitsev, such a reading is given to the child much easier than studying letters first and then syllables. Indeed, with the development of speech, children begin to speak precisely in warehouses, and they also pronounce separate words.
Zaitsev’s methodology is based on the following principles:
- from general to particular and, conversely, from particular to general;
- from figurative and concrete through effective and visual to logical-verbal;
- system supply of the necessary material;
- providing visibility using a variety of perception channels;
- use of the algorithm in training activities;
- child health;
- accounting for physiology in the perception of educational information.
The Zaitsev technique is designed for all ages. You can start teaching on this system of the baby in a year, in two or five years. However, in this case, the result of its application will be different. So, for babies from 1 year old, it can serve as one of the methods of speech development of children. Parents say that the child in this case begins to speak faster, while mastering the basics of reading. At this age, it is recommended to play simple games with the baby, offering to find a small or large cube, then laying them out according to sounds and colors.
Using this development technique in children 3 years old, you can teach your kids to read thanks to a few lessons. In this case, classes can be simulated by yourself, focusing on the manifestation of interest by the child. Indeed, sometimes, judging by the reviews of the parents, the children begin to simply play with the cubes, without using them for their intended purpose.
Methodology G. Doman
With this method of developing children, the teacher is invited to harmoniously combine physical and intellectual stress during class. When using this system, Doman’s cards are used, on which words are written in large letters. And this is its difference from the way of teaching Zaitsev, where separate warehouses are written on the faces of the cubes.
This technique is also used for the mathematical development of preschool children. In this case, the numbers on the Doman cards are not numbers, but sets and red dots.
According to the author of the methodology, children should be trained and educated after they reach 6-7 years of age. But knowledge of a small person should begin already from the moment of his birth. In this regard, the Doman system can be used as a methodology for the development of children up to a year. The author recommends that parents show their cards to their babies from the moment they are born.
In addition, in his method, Doman attaches great importance to the physical development of the child, because the active movement and the implementation of simple gymnastic exercises make it possible to achieve maximum success.
Judging by the feedback of teachers and parents, the use of Doman cards has the following advantages:
- children begin to remember more information;
- with the help of cards, the visual memory is trained, and the implementation of physical exercises allows the kids to improve their health and be in good shape;
- classes using the Doman methodology allow parents to spend more time with their child, which, in turn, allows the child to develop more actively and gain communication skills.
Despite the large number of positive reviews, this technique has its own negative aspects. So, judging by the reviews of teachers and parents, a child learning to read remembers the whole word, not individual letters. In addition, sometimes children involved in this system grow up as “walking encyclopedias”, but at the same time they are not able to use their knowledge in the right direction.
Waldorf Method
Such a system is considered equal opportunity education. It is based on anthroposophy. This is a rather complicated philosophical direction, in which the emphasis is not on the development of intellectual abilities, but on practical and aesthetic skills, as well as knowledge about the world.
The authors of such a system are convinced that children should be in their fabulously figurative world as often as possible. This will allow the baby to develop his creative potential. Learning to write and read, the child must be prepared emotionally. And this will happen, according to the authors of the Waldorf method, after the change of all primary teeth to molars. This is about 12 years old. Up to this point, the authors of the methodology offer to develop a child’s only creative abilities and focus on his spiritual and physical education. All classes in this case should be aimed only at personal development. The teacher, however, should not force children to anything. Education by the Waldorf method is carried out in mini-groups, which include children of different ages. Any of the pupils has the right to refuse to fulfill the tasks proposed by the teacher, and no one will punish him for this.
Judging by the feedback of parents and teachers, this is one of the most effective methods for the development and education of children with a humanitarian mindset. Indeed, in this case, the child is actively developing creative thinking, which in most systems is paid much less attention.
When applying the methodology in question, assessors are not exposed by the teacher. This allows the child not to be afraid to make a mistake and makes all learning quite harmonious. Of the positive aspects of the methodology, parents also note a wide variety of game forms and toys made only from natural materials.
Do not use this technique for the mathematical development of children. For kids with such a mentality, she will be uninteresting. Among the negative aspects of such a technique, one can also highlight the late teaching of children to write and read. This does not allow to prepare the child for school.
It is worth noting that supporters of this technique prohibit children from watching movies, television and listening to the radio. They believe that modern media have a devastating effect on the psyche of a child that has not yet matured.
Nikitins technique
This system is a certain set of sports and developmental tasks, which should gradually become more complicated as the child learns. The basic principle of the Nikitin methodology is to provide children with creative freedom. Classes are held as much as students want. At the same time, the Nikitin system is considered one of the best methods of physical education and development of the child, because when conducting classes, sport is harmoniously combined with other activities. The task of adults is considered to be helping children in their development. Parents and teachers should not put pressure on the baby so that he lives up to their expectations, and also prompt him the optimal solution to the problem. What to do if the baby can not cope with the task? In this case, the Nikitins suggest postponing its implementation until the child grows up.
Children should have an independent interest in everything. They should enjoy sports, eat, etc. Parents play the role of senior comrades who help to satisfy the interests of their child.
The Nikitin system is considered a method of physical development of children. In it, great attention is paid to sports. The authors suggest that parents temper their child from birth and conduct daily exercises with it. Moreover, this is a prerequisite for this technique. Parents will need to equip a place in the house where their baby can always play sports, starting to consider physical activity as part of their life.
The Nikitins methodology is designed for home schooling of children. Parents say that it’s not difficult to master. Another advantage of this system is the emphasis at the same time on the physical and mental development of children, as well as teaching kids to rationally organize their time.
Nevertheless, teachers note that the Nikitins methodology is not designed for an individual approach to each child. At the same time, this technique devotes quite a bit of time to the development of children's speech and their creative potential.
Parents also often pay attention to the methodology for developing children's speech. After all, all fathers and mothers strive to ensure that their child's speech apparatus develops correctly. A real helper for such parents will be the “Letter”. This is a program developed by S. Shishkova. Its author is a candidate of psychological sciences.
When creating her theory and methodology for the development of speech in children, S. Shishkova used the principles of defectology, speech therapy and neuropsychology. Its system is designed for children of preschool age, restless and weakly concentrating on material, as well as on adolescents. The main purpose of using this technique is to increase the attention and memory of the child with the simultaneous adjustment of all types of speech. Similar tasks are solved when conducting exciting activities included in the program. At the same time, carrying out mental work alternates with performing physical exercises and breathing training. Shishkova's program consists of twenty classes, which must be performed regularly.
Judging by the reviews of parents, this technique is quite effective. It allows you to quickly develop a child's speech, memory and attention.
Howard Technique
A similar system also has a second name - "English is my second language." When conducting classes using this methodology, parents or a teacher only speak English with the child. At the same time, no ratings are given to the little student.
In the Howard system, much attention is paid to the formation of the character of the baby. At the same time, his independent work is especially encouraged. The child must fully absorb the material. Only after that he will begin to master new knowledge.
Music of intelligence
The author of this developmental technique is Alisa Samburskaya. She is convinced that music contributes not only to the spiritual, but also to the physical development of the child. At the same time, its sounds regulate muscle tone and blood pressure, stimulate memory and processes of perception, activate creative thinking, etc.
Classes on this technique can be conducted with all children, regardless of their abilities. They consist in the fact that the training is accompanied by specially selected music for them.
Dyenysh Method
This technique involves the development of logical thinking in a child. When conducting classes with its use, children develop mathematical skills, analytical skills and develops combinatorics.
The presented list of early development methods is far from exhaustive. There are quite a large number of them. Parents must decide which one to choose for teaching their baby.